Damn, never thought I'd like an Asiatic Game like this. It's very nice RPG though it has some flaws like the trash story, the gameplay is very well made and the rest of the game is incredible, if it had a decent story it would be a goty. Anyway, must play for all people that likes and RPG and didn't know about this franchise (like me). I've already talked about it so let's go to the next game.

An "interactive movie" game style (like Life is Strange) with a guy that looks very similar to the new

For a person that the only experience with Jets was in the Battlefield series, which was a very good experience, I had some thoughts about how a "jet simulator" would be and all my thoughts were crashed and throw in the trash can with this game. It's simply completely different. Well I know I'm just at the beginning of the game (mission 5) but basically my experience was avoid missiles because the jet can't carry a f*cking flare system and fire missiles on VANTs (UAV in English). No even a little cannon or any dog fight like in Battlefield ;-;. Really disappointed with this game and I'm struggling to finish it due this "bad gameplay". *Sorry boogie*. The game also tells a story to you of a young pilot girl but there are another story of a pilot from the army? And you watch the girl cutscenes but what matter is the other story, what? Not sure about recommending this one.

Masterpiece. That's all I have to say. I do recommend everyone play this game. As always this game proves to be a master piece you don't need to be a triple A, have the most realistic graphics or have the best story, you just need to be good on what you were meant to be. Everything here is just perfect, the simple but BEAUTIFUL story, the gameplay, the levels, everything. 10/10. Must play!!!!! I didn't like how this game ended but still a good end.

Another "Interactive Movie" game but this one is a bit more complex, more like an adventure game. This game is about the Black Death in Europe a long time ago. Very interesting with a brotherhood story and also friendship. I loved it, not a goty but definitively a good play. I do recommend it. The funny part is that the story goes around obtain one item and when they get it....well, play the game and you will know, I don't wanna to spoiler it :v.
Anyway, nice game, nice graphics and a bit longer than Cthulhu but both are the same style.

Since my refund with the TRASH Cod AW I swore never buy a call of duty again...And I did, my friend bought this and since we share accounts on Xbox I had access so basically a free game to me. I was interested only in the campaign. The scenarios and gameplay didn't change a lot but the campaing was less movie and more reality. No slow motions, not absurd scenes, nothing, just anything as a modern war would happen which is good. The story was just ok. About the multiplayer, idk if I lost all my good times of BO1, MW3, BO2 skills or this new MP just sucks but I got wrecked on it and I didn't like, It seems some people were like...cheating? About Warzone I didn't even tested it because I hate BR and I was aware that due Crossplay you are forced to play with PC, where people were cheating a lot (nothing new). I wasn't able to test the COOP because it never finds a match. Also, downloaded like 100 gb the base game and to play any modes you need to download "DLCS" almost 200gb in total. My thoughts that CoD is trash since BO2 remains. Also Price wasn't as badass as he used to be, sorry cod fans.

Legends never dies. That's why I bought the remaster of this game. I still thinking that it's impressive how this game was well made even for the standards of nowadays, after more than 10 years and yet it still a excellent indie platform game. Funny, with a lot of options and excellent phases and soundtrack this game is classic and every human alive should play it. It also has a new and interesting mini game inside the real game that is pretty fun.

That's what I've been playing lately (or played recently) along with, of course, smite. Hope you can play the games recommended here because they are awesome.
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