April 25, 2020

Games, games and more games

Views: 1810 xmysterionz
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Hello, another update of my life. Covid caos arrived hard in my city and since I work on a school I was suspended of my work for 2 months. I still receiving my payment but I stay home doing nothing because the school company is handling the classes in their HQ. So, what else may I do locked at home? Yes, you are right, play videogames. I played a lot games and I want to share my experience with some of them with you reader.

Monster Hunter World

Call of Cthulhu


Ori and the will of the Wisps

A plague tail: Innocence

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (Warzone)

Castle Crashers Remaster

That's what I've been playing lately (or played recently) along with, of course, smite. Hope you can play the games recommended here because they are awesome.