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April 19, 2013

Introducing, Roy!

Views: 4782 Mowen
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It's been too long without making a blog post, and I thought this would be a fun thing to share with you guys.

I'd been interested in aquariums and researching them for a while. One day I stopped by a local fish store just to check it out since I thought it'd be neat. The fish store was awesome! One thing that made me really happy is they had a few bettas (Siamese Fighting Fish) that they actually kept in community tanks with other fish instead of those ****py little cups like you usually see them in. My boyfriend was with me and we spotted a beautiful purple betta in one of the tanks (which by the way is my boyfriend's favorite color). We both fell in love with him and I decided to get a small tank.

2 days and a bunch of car trips later I've gotten my tank set up and bring my new betta (Roy) home from the store along with a couple of plants. I got a 6 gallon cylindrical tank. Unfortunately, this was not the best purchase because apparently the filter that came with the tank kit pull…
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April 18, 2013
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Hey it is rkraz3d, otherwise known as elitee, and i have realized how much Smitefire has grown ever since I have joined. I really think Smitefire has the potential to be really big, and I thought of an idea, that can possibly increase its popularity more, (maybe this idea was already said by someone, so if I rip off somebody, sorry)

So what I thought was that, people, (Not Necessarily Teams) can gather up in 5's and run matches against eachother and compete to be #1. We will have this every week, at some time, and it can be moderated by the owners of Smitefire, Such as Mowen, and possibly casted by our very own Animus Liberus as he takes his steps closer to Smite fame.

I thought this would attract more competitive players, but in a less pressurized atmosphere due to the fact that we all know eachother through smitefire.

Who goes against who can be randomized and final game winners can possibly win gems, which can somehow be provided if it works out.

Maybe it's just a stupid dream o…
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April 18, 2013

Just in case.

Views: 1324 maxshade1
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If anyone has any questions about the builds just message me and I will get back to you ASAP. :)

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April 18, 2013
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Hey, whatsup I really wanna be on a team since this of the teams and competitive started but no one give me the chance to prove that i can be a really good teammate, Im pretty serius about playing SMITE, i can play as a Tank, Carry, Mage, Support, Anything so if u are interested just text me in the game. IGN: Reyigax.

Pd: If u want to know more about how i play check my profile in smite.

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April 16, 2013

Screw Hi Rez

Views: 2973 Rkraz3d
+Rep | Report
I come home from school to go on Smite to play some ranked.

Type in my password, then this comes up:

"You have been banned temporarily for 67 hours and 45 minutes due to match griefing. Thank you for understanding."

WTF, I legit have left two games this WHOLLE month and I receive this. -_-

For those of you who want proof of me like not leaving:

Thats my profile.

Jesus Hi Rez. Wtf

How am I supposed to play Smite now?

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April 16, 2013
+Rep | Report
If you don't like reading, check out the link at the bottom, it gets the most important point across, if not all of it.

Since the dawning of Aeon of Strife, MOBA's have always been puzzling over the issue of balance. At any given time, there are always top tier and bottom tier characters (or in the case of a good MOBA, Gods ;)). Inevitably, this leads to arguments on every forum, every facebook page and patch notes reveal, every live commentary, as to which god's are over- and under-powered. All players have their own opinion on what makes a given God strong, and because most players (I'm assuming) are humans, we carry biases.

For starters, most MOBA players will have a warped view of Gods they are personally very good at, or have invested a large amount of time in. For myself, Ymir has always been the individual I know I can't evaluate objectively. He has been a solid go to God for me since the beginning, and when someone implies that maybe Ymir's stun shouldn't have been buffed to …
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April 15, 2013
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As my first blog post, I thought I'd touch on a topic that I feel like any player, brand new or hardened veteran, can gain something from.

Although this is my first time posting a blog on SmiteFire, I've been playing for little bit over 8 months now, and when it comes to etiquette I've seen the best and the worst of smite players. Obviously, in the beginning, as most people do, I struggled to learn a new MOBA with an entirely different control system on play style. Inevitably, this led to some very poor games on my part. this was absolutely a learning experience for me, not only because I had not played Smite before, but I also wasn't used to the attitudes of some of the upper level players.

And I found out quickly, sometimes they are poor attitudes. Very poor.

Since then I would like to think I've progressed significantly, as most people would with a significant amount of time invested. I watch streams, I design team compositions and builds, I play with specific friends and associa…
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April 12, 2013
+Rep | Report
Hi, I'm back with another post in the search for a team due to unserious teams. Basicly i play all tanks / supports, can also play most carrys if needed. Im looking for a team with good english, good manners and a calm / non-blaming team.
In-game name: xJokern

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April 09, 2013
+Rep | Report
I am currently trying to complete my Bacchus guide and after that I think I would like to do a guide on arean and domination gamemodes. How does that sound to you guys?

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April 09, 2013
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Hi Guys, this is my first ever blog that i made in my whole life!!! :D (except for school project)

Anyway, I was thinking that people are getting rude these days! D: I mean like, players are raging to other player and reporting them if they was killed a lot. I mean, is it possible for someone that play to intentionally feed enemies to lose? (Except a TROLLER, and I think I am mentioning someone here)

I also have a bad experience where I get killed a lot (when i was below level six). I was playing domination for the first time and use a God for the first time. One guy told me to stop dying. I'm okay if he talk in a good way. But, he use rude words (although censored). I'm thinking that a guy like that should be reported instead someone that feed enemy.

Edit : I reread my blog again and feel my third paragraph is too cocky :p My main idea is that, don't report a guy who fed enemies. They might be amateur and might also become greater sometime and will be a great sucessor to our world …
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