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June 07, 2017
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I'm such a good Veteran that I lost my password and couldn't reset it for some reason. Therefore I couldn't access my account till I saw there was a "Social Media Login" so I used my G+ Account. yay.

So what have I been up to ? Studying, studying, and studying. Lsat time I booted up a game AND ACTUALLY PLAYED IT was like a month ago. So many tests and essays to hand in. I also am LOVING LOVING LOVING AND LOVING Halsey's Hopeless Fountain Kingdom. HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT.

Looking foward to Witness, out on friday.


PS: I have a so if anyone of ya'll use it, I make really bad ones so you can laught at my face and find some joy in your life for a few seconds. @leolara99 <3

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June 04, 2017


Views: 1727 Deermouse
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Holy **** guys so I have had a hard time finding a warrior that I like enough to even try to play more then one game with I love herc but I am so bad with him its a little sad :3.

BUT then last night a holy light shined down by the way of a miss pick I ran to the bathroom waiting for my follow teammates to pick there gods just had to do a #1 no big deal so I ran back to my tv with ten seconds left on the clock so I quickly scan down to R named gods and grab my boy RAtataskor....only when the loading screen came up it was Ravana. Needless to say I was sad o great a god I have never played time to look like a total a#$hat. so we ran up to grab damage buff in joust and of course had a conflict are Ra dead there Da ja and Rama jumped him like he owed them money me and yamir held them off for a bit then he died so now its me against three gods about half HP I grabed the damage buff yamir died to secure for me and holy **** ravana went APE S$%T my one dropped there GEB then Da ja teleported…
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June 02, 2017

Poor Rama

Views: 1168 Yuna_Senmisu
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Hello Everyone!

So last night I played SMITE for the first time in a few months, and in one game, the opposing team like abandoned this one player who was playing as Rama....I felt so bad for the guy....there he is all alone against five of us...I have to say though, he kept up pretty well. I give him a lot of credit. He played a good game!

I am also excited to save up gems for Da Ji and Season Split Pass...i'm poor what can I say? *laughs*

Anyway, that's it for me for now!

See you all in game,

Yuna ^^

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June 01, 2017

1 year here

Views: 2799 newbiemj
+Rep | Report
So looking at my profile and it says I joined here on June 1st which is today oddly enough. So I guess happy 1 year to me. Wouldn't normally share this kind of stuff, but I was bored and thought why not.

I met some pretty cool people here. Play with Bran and Gotz on the weekend if online, which helps since for about 9 months I played solo queue which can make things difficult. Participating on here is fun, and over time I have gotten better at making guides....or so I think (wouldn't know by votes haha). Hopefully next year I will be posting happy 2nd year to me.

Other than that.... yeah I got nothing else.

So I guess good luck and have fun.

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May 28, 2017
+Rep | Report
Hello guys, I want your feed back with this build. I think it's pretty solid and it does a lot amount of damage. I also want to apologize that this build of mine is a bit empty because I don't have the time to update every single build. If you find this useful please consider leaving a rating on the build. Thank you and please try it out!

Guide to the link.

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May 24, 2017
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Hola gente, whoopsgames es un canal de Youtube, os invitamos a todos a pasaros y a opinar sobre el canal.

Buscamos gente para jugar, y si llegamos a un número de suscriptores decente, podremos hacer torneos y regalar gemas!!!

Así que unete a nuestra comunidad y gana premios

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May 22, 2017

Miss Me?

Views: 2776 Yuna_Senmisu
+Rep | Report
Hello Everyone!

Sorry for being away for so long! Did you miss me? No? That's okay! *laughs*

There has been a lot of personal stuff going on so I have not been able to be on the gaming scene...but I see there are new Gods! YAY! I cannot wait to try them out!

After three years, I have FINALLY updated my music library! Man was that exhausting! It is sad to see that bands and groups like 4Minute, SPEED, 2NE1, The Kiddie, ViViD, and M4M have Disbanded...and others that I cannot remember from the top of my head...I wish all members the very best in their future en-devours of course! I also found a few groups that have great potential: MONSTA X, 24K, and BlackPink.

Well, I shall leave all you lovely people to get back to your SMITE-ing and stuff.

See You All In Game,

Yuna ^^

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May 18, 2017
+Rep | Report
I don't play smite anymore. Why?

-The smite team doesn't put out patches that are good, fair, or even remotely ballanced
-The smite community is so toxic it makes me question my sadism levels.
-Competitively the game is focused on like, three or four players that nobody can beat. (Incon, BaRRA, Zapman)
-I hate winning over and over again, i just wanna go back to playing for fun and not needing to care about winning or maintaining my WR.
-I don't want to donate time for this game anymore.
-SoloQ is broken and you can't 5 man for comp.
-They abandoned the concept of rituals*
-I can't learn anything anymore besides item/hero changes.
-I'm not playing with the pros anymore.

*while I agree that combat blink was broken, i would have though that they would've added dust and smoke like in DOTA, which is a beautiful mechanic that they failed to implement and I was very sad 'bout that.

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May 16, 2017
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Just a quick little blog I have here today just discussing the old joust back in the day. I absolutely loved old joust. That was the map and game mode that got me into SMITE. I can't tell how much fond memories I have playing on old joust. I got my first Triple Kill on that map. My first godlike was on that map. And of course my first mastered god was on that map and is probably obvious who it was. I just want to here from the veterans of SMITE that lived through S2 and late S1 playing on that joust map.

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May 10, 2017
+Rep | Report
So I was brainstorming last night and I was thinking of something. On Mobafire they have a threat level to place champions to see which champions are easy to fight and hard to fight. So I was thinking that this site should have this feature as well. It helps guide creators to easily to put gods on that scale and put simple explanations why they're placed there then explain the full reason why later in the guide. This could help a lot for new players to helps understand who should they be careful when they're going to play that god. This was a idea and suggestion that would be nice for the future of this site.

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