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May 16, 2016
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Well, what is there to say other than hello all! Just started playing SMITE and so far it's a damn great MOBA game. Glad it made it to console. Currently playing on the PS4. I made the move from PC to console when I didn't have enough to upgrade or build my own rig again. The first MOBA was League of Legends. At first it was pretty cool, but the more I progressed the more I did horrible. So never again with LoL. Maybe in the future but not now. Anyways SMITE is one hell of a great game but what would make it better would be other gamers to party with. So far my favorite game mode would be Arena. Slowly getting better at Conquest. Just seeing that it's all Gods makes it that much more awesome. From Guardians to Assassins it makes one killer game to not just chill and relax but also play competitively. Team work is key in any MOBA based game. Communication conquers all. So hopefully team up with some other gamers soon. This will be a bi-weekly blog post. Much more reviews on game play, g…
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May 16, 2016
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Okay, since Susano came out, i've been playing a lot more now, and oh boy.

First of all, i don't know if this happens to you people too, just putting my thoughts out there. I also, currently, have no idea how Smite matchmaking (at least in casual) works. If someone could enlighten me on that, that would be great.

This is a problem i encounter in arena in particular; put simply, people are stupid. It might just be me being selfish, but i'll let you guys be the judge of that.

Very few inbetween matches that there are people actually concerned about team composition. Most games i played, i have people autolocking gods or (maybe) have no idea of team comps, or worst, simply playing on people's consciences in the hopes that they fill.

I'm smitten with how Susano works, and am currently trying to play him as much as possible. Yet as i try to do so, once i pick Susano, another player would pick assassin, and another would pick another phys god. It is very common to end up with 4 player…
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May 16, 2016
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May 15, 2016
+Rep | Report
Well, people seemed to like the first one, so here's another. This one is just a short two-panel, as I didn't have time to make anything longer. The jokes here should be pretty obvious, but I'll explain it if you tell me to.
Still kind of new at this.

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May 15, 2016
+Rep | Report
Hey ye olde **********ers.
The insmiteable hammer is back. But not such a scrub.

Damn, when I look back at my comments on this site, I felt like the scrubbiest scrub to ever walk this earth.
I was such a attention *****, wasn't I?
Anyway, Ducksrock found me wandering the abysses of Smote and declared 'YOU'RE GOING BACK TO SF'
so I'm back.
Also heard Subzero got banned.
I'm slightly happy.

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May 14, 2016

A Cry For Help

Views: 879 Sodsboy
+Rep | Report
Hey guys.
This really sucks, for the past few days that I have been playing I've been trying to gather footage for some form of a video on my channel (As it has just gone down the drain in terms of uploading schedule.)

I tried doing the mythbusters thing but that really didn't work. So I'm in desperate need of assistance.

If you could and I really would appreciate me out. I know it sounds narcissistic of me to say but I just need someone who can help me with recording stuff and just generally record with me as I do love having someone to talk too during my videos.

If you can, my curse name and steam name are still Sodsboy and I wish you all a happy day.

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May 14, 2016
+Rep | Report
After seeing posts about "Most Hated Gods" and about early experiences in conquest, I decided to make a post about both of mine. However, I then thought to myself, what is SmiteFire missing? Memes, of course! Starting now, I will post rage comics more or less every saturday.

Made with

Click for Memes

It's my first time making one myself, so don't judge it too hard.

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May 12, 2016
+Rep | Report
With gameplay video at the bottom!

After a couple of days of avoiding playing Conquest (friends I would team with are usually never on when I play!), I felt brave last night.

Match #1 (ADC Medusa)

Decided to play a solo-queued Conquest match. Finally was able to conquer my fear of solo-queuing (maybe just this once). I tried calling Solo first, but was beaten to the punch, so I was able to get ADC. Chose Medusa...and found myself against an opposing Medusa.

I didn't do my Support any favors...poor Athena...sorry! Was just thoroughly outplayed, so it wasn't about bad god matchups, just my poor play. Though...I did get her just once. If I recall the sequence correctly, there were some Acid Sprays involved, maybe some other abilities, and Petrify being thrown around back to back. I think she activated hers first, and I activated mine. Turned around to avoid hers, then immediately spun and stoned her, and finished her with a couple of quick basics.

Went 1/4/0. Ouch.

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May 11, 2016
+Rep | Report
Howdy Gentlemen and Ladies!
So I was going through my guides and I realised two guides needed updating. Loki and Chiron, so this night I've just managed to get the Loki one finished and done (Hope you enjoy btw) and the Chiron one should hopefully be done tomorrow.

Apart from that I've found my favourite skin for the Trickster. The Last Laugh skin is simply something that I think should've been added ages ago and I'm happy they've managed to get it in the game. It's much better then Joki due to the more bright and vibrant colours it has and also the voice pack for it always has me laughing my pants off.

So yeah, small blog today but I just thought I should update you guys.

Happy Hunting,

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May 11, 2016

Most Hated Gods

Views: 3307 overld1
+Rep | Report
So for being on this site for a bit I see that you see blogs about what is your favorite god in smite and which one kept you going for the all hours you grinded into this game. So i'm just asking that which god in Smite that you hated the most. I'm probably guessing that bunch of people is going to say Loki so I don't mind that because he is a *****. I just wonder what gods you hated throughout your smite career.

My most hated god was Hel but now is Ah Muzen Cab hate that ****ing bee.

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