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Build for Medusa, give me your thoughts

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Forum » Build & Guide Discussion » Build for Medusa, give me your thoughts 5 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by caboose1311 » August 8, 2015 12:37pm | Report
I usually go by this build with Medusa. What do you guys think of it? Open to feedback or possible changes in the build.
Hastened Fatalis

Tell me your thoughts :D


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » August 9, 2015 3:53am | Report
it's a decent build only it lacks Pen. Asi doesn't give enough pen for the late game. So my advise would be to swap Malice for Titan's Bane or The Executioner.

Also should you considering building Asi before Deathbringer as most adc have their lifesteal item as 1st (with the Devourer's Gauntlet build) or 3rd (with the normal Transcendence build) making you weaker in duels.

And also should you consider buying Transcendence before Hastened Fatalis (an item which I don't recommend that much but if you like it you can sure fit it in. I prefer boots though for the movement speed) to start stacking sooner.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by caboose1311 » August 9, 2015 7:20am | Report
I like using Hastened Fatalis with Medusa because her passive. Since fatalis allows you to shoot without penalty on top of her passive can make pretty mobile while attacking. Ok I'll try switching out Malice and see how it goes.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » August 9, 2015 12:12pm | Report
As I said fatalis isn't my thing still you shouldn't build it before your stacking item though (normally when I build fatalis it's on the standard dev build and then swapping out ichiaval for it still I like sprint better XD)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » August 12, 2015 7:37am | Report
Decent build IMO, just switching around the order like Devampi said (depending on what game mode you are playing ofc).

Ill just touch on what I would do for conquest:

Trans first item 100% for the extra mana sustain (she is ****ing hungry).
Asi second for sustain in lane
Fatalis third for mobility
Rage forth for DPS
Titans/Executioner as fifth item for penetration (Executioner preferably)
And DB as your sixth item

If you are doing a lot of 1v1 vs the enemy hunter or another physical god you could go Ichaival as your third/forth item and sell it late game for Executioner (after finishing DB and maybe pots).
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