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Another "how does league work?" thread

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Forum » General Discussion » Another "how does league work?" thread 17 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ghraf » December 20, 2013 8:36pm | Report
I just played my first couple of league games, won both of them with the enemy surrendering within the first ~15 minutes. According to the stats page, I have a 4/.5 k/d ratio, 3 assists, and 1091 "rating".

From what I understand, in order to be placed within league, you have to complete a total of 10 matches, win or lose. So, as of now, I have no real standing within the leaderboards.

Once I complete 10 matches, will I be placed onto the leaderboards in the right place as appropriate with my rating? Or do I need to raise my rating to the point where I'll show on the leaderboards (possibly playing less than 10 matches) rather than complete a set number of games?

Also, are the people who show up on the official leaderboards only the top 20%? Considering, as of now, there are only 499 people on the bronze league leaderboard, but I assume there are far more people people actually playing in bronze. If so, does that mean I won't be able to figure out my position on the boards until I reach the top 20%?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TormentedTurnip » December 20, 2013 8:52pm | Report
It depends on the size of the league whether or not only the top 20% show up on the boards. For example, bronze Conquest league probably has several thousand members, meaning that the top 100 will all be in the top 20%, and even many unlisted will be moving up. However, gold Arena league only has forty-two members, meaning that even the bottom 20% will be listed on the leaderboards.

Your rating is the sum of your 10 "best" games, which are the games with the highest amount of points. You will accrue one more point for your next victory if you win a game, and you will accrue one less point for your next victory if you lose a game. For example, let's say that your next win will net you 132 points. If you win that game, your next game will award you 133 points for victory. However, if you lose that game, your next game will award you only 131 points for victory.

So let's say your recent games look something like this:

133, 134, 135, 135, 136, 133, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 134 (ouch), 135, 136, 137.

Then the ten highest scores will be counted towards your rating (139, 138, 137, 137, 136, 136, 136, 135, 135, 135).

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Phil725 » December 20, 2013 9:18pm | Report
1091 is your elo/matchmaking rating. That's what determines what games you get put in and where you are on the pick order. It doesn't have anything to do with league standings outside of that though.

There's a page on the league tab that tells you what the cutoff is for advancing to the next level, so you should be shooting for that. Right now, 1696 people are advancing, and you need 1176 points to do so. The leaderboard is just for bragging rights really.

You really don't need to worry about advancing out of bronze to be honest though. For some reason, HiRez thought it was a good idea to count everyone who has played one game towards the 20% advancement thing. That massively inflates the number, making a huge amount of people advance. I think you needed to win 10 games with an average point value of 123 points to advance last month, and you only need 118 per win (over 10 wins,) to advance right now. Basically you don't even have to win half of your games.

If you alternate wins and losses over 20 games, you'll end up with 1250 points (125 each,) and you'll advance for sure.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ghraf » December 20, 2013 9:51pm | Report
Phil725 wrote:

There's a page on the league tab that tells you what the cutoff is for advancing to the next level, so you should be shooting for that. Right now, 1696 people are advancing, and you need 1176 points to do so. The leaderboard is just for bragging rights really.

This basically answered all of my questions, when I read "league tab". I looked in-game and noticed it for the first time, lol. Thanks!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » December 20, 2013 10:39pm | Report
Don't you have to be in the top 20%? If there are 3000 players in bronze, that means you need to be in 600th place or higher, right?

Or is it determined by max/min points?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » December 20, 2013 10:47pm | Report
What are your points based off of? Is it just wins?
Does K/d have to do with the points or just pure win/loses?

I actually need to know this because I played a few games where I didn't know if I should be worried about k/d or winning more. There were some games were I said well I won't worry about k/d as much if I need to win the game and I am a tank ect someone who doesn't need kills as much as my team mates.

But then I started thinking wait if it goes by K/d too then thats F'd up because what if your the tank and have to die in order to save carries maybe someone with heartseeker over yourself.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TormentedTurnip » December 20, 2013 11:22pm | Report
@ICEN read my first post. I have explained the only determining factor of your rating; KDR and anything else have no effect on your rating.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » December 21, 2013 12:11am | Report

@ICEN read my first post. I have explained the only determining factor of your rating; KDR and anything else have no effect on your rating.
well you really didn't say that was the "only" thing.... you just said what you said leaving me wonder about many things... things like does seeing ares exploit the cheating aegis ult cancel make your points go up :D

They did fix that in the hot fix I hope right???


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TormentedTurnip » December 21, 2013 12:21am | Report
I may not have explicitly stated so, but the content of my post should have made it obvious. Regardless, consecutive wins, as well as many games played is the key to victory, not anything that occurs in-game. I don't know if the hotfix removed the exploit, though. Was pretty funny to watch.xD

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ghraf » December 21, 2013 10:44am | Report
I just got out of a match where our team was completely dominating, we were ahead in kills by three times as many, nearly 10k ahead in gold, and then our Agni left and completely threw the entire game.

According to the league tab, my league points for the past three games had been 126, 127, and 128. The score for the game that douchebag Agni lost us is 64. WHAT. THE. ****.

So, if you lose a game, you lose half your league point gain? That is some ********.

Also, I keep getting the top spot in match lobby for some reason (not sure if it's usual to get it a lot in a row), where I get to pick the bans and trades. What's the point in trading exactly? I know what it does, but why would someone want to do that? Does it force the enemy to trade too, or what?


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