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Artemis vs Assassins help

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Forum » General Discussion » Artemis vs Assassins help 26 posts - page 2 of 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bullfrog323 » October 27, 2015 12:14pm | Report
Thanks for that confirmation Prism.

So, in the previous situation, if she pops her ult while he's invisible, the boar will remain next to her.
As soon as Loki attack, the boar will stun him, maybe giving her a chance to survive.
However, if Loki noticed the boar and instead initiates with Assassinate, he will be attacked by the boar, but won't be stunned because of his CC immunity.

So, unless Loki is not full health, ult on CD and wihtout beads, Artemis is screwed.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Diomedes232 » October 27, 2015 2:52pm | Report
The problem is there is no effective counter to stealth in smite right now and there hasn't been ever so in casuals where you can't depend on your team Loki is one of the easiest and cheesiest characters to play netting easy kills and being able to communicate effectively. Loki is a character that can really stuggle in ranked though because he can be counter picked and he gets dominated by Osiris hard. Smite needs an effective purchasable counter to stealth like have enfeebling curse pull characters out of stealth as well. #my dream


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Wolfman5665 » October 27, 2015 4:03pm | Report
Diomedes232 wrote:

The problem is there is no effective counter to stealth in smite right now and there hasn't been ever so in casuals where you can't depend on your team Loki is one of the easiest and cheesiest characters to play netting easy kills and being able to communicate effectively. Loki is a character that can really stuggle in ranked though because he can be counter picked and he gets dominated by Osiris hard. Smite needs an effective purchasable counter to stealth like have enfeebling curse pull characters out of stealth as well. #my dream

Cant sentry wards see Loki while he is stealthed?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GameGeekFan » October 27, 2015 4:11pm | Report
Nope. But Loki is far from being the cheesiest. In fact far from it. Even in casuals Loki can be hit hard just by CC alone. And usually the "noobs" use 1 and 3 to attack, but that leaves you open to the enemies, with no escape. He is the type of god that HAS to wait for an opportunity for a guaranteed kill or risk it. If he is shut down early game, he becomes useless.

And dont forget the stupidly loud sounds his abilities make. And his stealth is not immune to DoTs. He has counterplay, people just choose to ignore it and instead call him OP.

I would call Cupid the cheesiest, maybe. His abilities are not that hard to understand and easy to hit, with an escape to boot. Hell when i started Cupid was the god i won most with.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Diomedes232 » October 27, 2015 4:28pm | Report
But Cupid falls off lategame... Loki only gets better cause he has more power more pen more CDR and more mana on top of having the best counter to neith ult in the game (decoy will block neith ult). Look fact of the matter is Loki can escape almost any situation and can't be chased like most other characters can. Then he can almost instantly eliminate carries and while he would get collapsed on in ranked in casuals people are never in curse and he will almost always escape.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Zilby » October 27, 2015 4:40pm | Report
I would probably agree that Loki is the cheesiest in casuals, but if you play well you still don't have anything to worry about, as per the points brought up by GameGeekFan
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GameGeekFan » October 27, 2015 6:05pm | Report
Diomedes232 wrote:

But Cupid falls off lategame... Loki only gets better cause he has more power more pen more CDR and more mana on top of having the best counter to neith ult in the game (decoy will block neith ult). Look fact of the matter is Loki can escape almost any situation and can't be chased like most other characters can. Then he can almost instantly eliminate carries and while he would get collapsed on in ranked in casuals people are never in curse and he will almost always escape.

Cupid really doesnt, he has stuns with his one and is better at teamfights because of his AoE ult. He might rely on his basics, but what hunter doesnt? He still deals tons of damage, and has CC in his kit. He isnt supposed to rely on his abilities anyway.

Loki of course gets better over time, what did you expect out of him? And no he cant escape any situation, what a very subjective thing to say. His teamfighting is minimal, and can be easily taken down with one stun. His ganks are deadly, but Ward nears the fg or gf, and boom now u know. In solo just get Mystical Mail and it will be impossible for him to get you. Aegis Pendant can neglect his ultimate completely, leaving him wide open. Really all you have to do is listen and pay attention, and take him down in the early game.

You are not really giving any reasons why he can escape so quickly or take down carries. If you are just saying "stealth", then no. I just gave you a bunch of counterplay options. He is not OP.

You dont need curse to pay attention to your surroundings. Just be smart.
(You also need PERFECT timing to block the neith ult. Also there is also bodyblocking.)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Diomedes232 » October 27, 2015 10:24pm | Report
To be clear In Ranked as I said he is no problem to deal with... you invade him and he will never catch back up but the fact that he has a long range instant teleport, instant clear and stealth allow him to sit around a lane for a very long split pushing with some of the best tower pressure in the game. This combined with the fact that in casuals most carries are idiots and just walk off on there own lategame and get destroyed by him. Also I am not talking about him early game as that is no worry but to my knowledge you can only place 2 wards down at a time and in casuals most people wont ward so unless you spend lategame in lane your ward strategy falls apart.
As for cupid put him in a boxing match lategame against a Hou yi, a Rama, an Artemis, a Xbalanque, a Freya, an Apollo, an Ullr or an Ah Muzen Cab and he will get destroyed considering 2 equal skill level players with the same ping. He has to use his escape as a steroid to come close to the same Basic attack damage as those listed above and that leaves him vulnerable. Hou Yi has a better escape better clear better poke better late game and a devastating steroid that allows him to blow up tanks along with a passive that makes him unboxable to other hunters lategame. That and he can't box freya at all after she gets boots and fatalis online and wont for the rest of the game and her ult completley negates his as do a lot of hunter ultimates (Rama, Arteimis, Anhur, Medusa and Freya.).


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » October 28, 2015 10:00am | Report
GameGeekFan wrote:


Smite officially has the most ******** sentry wards in any moba.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GameGeekFan » October 28, 2015 3:36pm | Report
Devampi wrote:

Smite officially has the most ******** sentry wards in any moba.

All the sentry wards ever do is wards the enemy wards, which still doesnt help because they still see you take down the wards. Its sortve like a spy, but a lot more useless.

Also i was using Cupid as a comparison to Loki, still a better teamfight potential, and you seem to forget that there are teammates, rarely would ANY hunter go 1v1 (except maybe Hou Yi). And you still havent mentioned his cc. Besides his steroid is only useful for an escape, not an actual steroid.

Also I disagree on his tower pressure a bit. IF he clears the wave before you then yea, if not then its just a draw until next wave. Who said you cant clear the waves while he does? Nu Wa has her minions with her 1 for clear and her 3 for damage. And dont forget that you cant escape her cause of 4. She gets ganked easily though, so there's that.
His split push potential doesnt really come online until mid to late game, when he can actually do the damage to take the tower or phoenix down by himself.

I am not including "idiots" as you call them, im just including you. Their mistakes does not have to be your downfall anyway. Ive killed plenty of fed Lokis. Is it harder? Sure. But not completely impossible.

His "instant range teleport" is also his ultimate, if he uses it for an escape he just wasted an easy way to take someone down quickly.


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