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Banned for reason unaware of

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Forum » General Discussion » Banned for reason unaware of 29 posts - page 2 of 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Zourn » April 10, 2013 1:54pm | Report
They should get their facts right in that case, I got banned for 3 days for completely no reason. I did nothing wrong, didn't feed, didn't leave, didn't harass or say any bad things in any way that could offend any person. Just because I was behaving perfectly I guess in Hi-Rez perspective I was doing too well and needed to get shut down for 3 days, though I don't see the logic behind that.


Posts: 4
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by smurfness » April 11, 2013 2:04am | Report
yeah ppl reporting others annoy me some times especially when you can tell a person is new and you get idiots that abuse them all game then report them at the end instead of helping them out with builds and game play I think the ppl that do this should be the 1's getting the ban not the new players plus at lvl 11 you get ppl with smurf account building to 30 so of course your gunna get owned


Posts: 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by highvolts » April 11, 2013 5:58am | Report
I'm glad to see that Hi-Rez is dropping the ban-hammer. I report each and every leaver involved in games I'm in. Doesn't matter if they were on my team or the other. I also urge other players involved to do the same and take the time to explain how to do it as well. Be a Leaver at your peril I would say.


Posts: 18
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by thetmalex » April 12, 2013 7:43am | Report
so you think that if someone is bad and dies alot that he could be banned for the cuz some people believe he might have been a troll i dont really see a good thing in that.


Posts: 5
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » April 12, 2013 1:52pm | Report
Man I just got banned from the forum today and honestly it pissed me off big time to the point where If I met the person who banned me I would want to show him how to I perform Sun Wukongs over head smash in smite.

I hope they didn't stoop so low to ban me from the game when the game has nothing to do with the forum but seriously they abuse their power, if you disagree with a moderator they send you warnings and bs stuff. They said I am harassing people yet other people are allowed to do it to me and not get in trouble because they are on the moderators point of views?

Some of you already know I have boughten things from Hi-Rez and seriously that ban makes me not want to buy any thing more until I get unbanned. I was already complaning how I fear I am going to get banned by people in game because they report over everything.


I said I find it hard to believe hi-rez can view all those reports I have a funny feeling if you get enough reports you will get banned regaurdless if you were right or wrong.

Well looks like I'm right since others are getting banned over non sense too.
I would go back on the forum and talk about this but they would just bann you because they don't like it when you bring up stuff like this for everyone to know about.

Apparently only Hi-Rez is allowed to be right and speak.
They need better employees who don't trip and go insane over simple things that arn't that serious. Hell if you call someone a LOSER you they might go ape **** and bann you forever.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by MissBuilds » July 23, 2013 1:02pm | Report
I just got a suspension for "match griefing" I didn't mean to leave a game, but smite had crashed and I couldn't get back in to the game! Any way to request for the suspension to be lifted?
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kintastic » July 23, 2013 1:48pm | Report
You would have to send a ticket to Smite's tech support. Best way to do that is through the official support forum. Though they don't ban for the rare occasion of the game crashing, it has to happen often enough to warrant the ban. You should also try running the Hi Rez diagnostic tool to make sure there's no corrupt files if the game crashes often for you.


Posts: 19
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Piederman » July 23, 2013 4:02pm | Report
Everyone gets a warning before they are banned, unless you leave the game and don't show up before the end of the game I assume. The warning will put your good will to 0%. After that you might be given another good will loss as a second warning, or they will from there on put a short ban timer on your account. I do not think that they would lift any ban what ever the reason might have been, this is how it is for any other MOBA game and I hardly doubt that Smite would be any different when it comes to this. You're just going to have to wait, I'm sorry for those of you who are innocent.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by NahoHF » December 21, 2013 3:44am | Report
Piederman wrote:

Everyone gets a warning before they are banned, unless you leave the game and don't show up before the end of the game I assume. The warning will put your good will to 0%. After that you might be given another good will loss as a second warning, or they will from there on put a short ban timer on your account. I do not think that they would lift any ban what ever the reason might have been, this is how it is for any other MOBA game and I hardly doubt that Smite would be any different when it comes to this. You're just going to have to wait, I'm sorry for those of you who are innocent.

Now I don't understand all of it. You're saying that goodwill effects your bans? I think that is WRONG. I've had my goodwill on 0% several times because i needed to do something important, but I've never been banned or given a warning too before. I think this is confusing and should be written on their website so other people could ATLEAST understand their ban reasons.


Posts: 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Dark Jaw » December 21, 2013 4:05am | Report
Huge Necro here. Don't necro pls.

Dark Jaw

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