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Bark and the Bite Patch Notes

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by dacoqrs » September 29, 2014 1:46pm | Report
Subzero008 wrote:

If they're nerfing all "touch for 0.002351 seconds and lose half your health" skills, then they should have nerfed virtually all the gods in Smite. Now Ao's just going to get a massive slap to his overall damage, considering how most people only get the minimum proc of tornadoes.

In short, it's going to be dealing 40/80/120/160/200 (+60% of your magical power) 90% of the time, and if they're stunned inside the tornado they're dead anyway. In short, this was a terrible ****ing change.

I don't like the high burst damage meta of Smite, and I don't like the "brush with pinky toe = death" thing, but all HiRez did was make one god extremely weak without focusing on the real problems of this game. So that's one god knocked out of viability...and that's pretty much it. One god became less annoying and frustrating, in exchange for making them unviable. You might as well slash Loki's damage or make Nem's ult missable.

Any suggestions on what they can do better this time?
Thanks to Ferrum for making the sig pic! He's beast af people.
IGN: BestJanusNA
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » September 29, 2014 2:34pm | Report
Pertaining to Ao specifically, the most annoying parts of his kit are the aforementioned toe tap tornadoes and the oneshot ultimate. A simple damage reduction to both are needed, but at the same time, something needs to fill the gap lest he become too weak.

His ultimate would be fine with a sharp damage reduction, as its still a snipe, massive AoE damage, a fairly strong CC, and pretty much death to melee gods. Perhaps increase projectile speed to make it easier to snipe people, in exchange for it not literally oneshotting gods. Or I dunno, make it slow people. Something other than damage.

As for Whirlwind (Updated damage numbers, mouse-over to see), let's go over what this change did, exactly.

In-lane, his harass potential is weakened significantly. His waveclear is weakened at early ranks, although once he gets more ranks and magical power, it would hardly make a difference in terms of waveclear.

However, with his damage weakened, his Whirlwind will no longer be as terrifying of a zoning tool. I mean, it'll still chunk you a good amount, but it won't turn you half-dead. Which is good.

The nerf doesn't make much difference if you can get setup on the Whirlwind, as they'll still take massive damage. But, outside of getting setup, which is rare (since mages are generally expected to deal damage alone), his damage got a massive cut.

This is due to the fact that most gods, whether in a teamfight or in a jungle skirmish, or in-lane combat, will only stay in the Whirlwind for a split second at most. This essentially means that Ao's total player damage in an average game is cut by 33-25%.

To fix this, Ao needs more damage (He's no control mage, so it can't be CC or debuffs). However, it cannot be in his Tornadoes, which is a bloated skill. The only other option is Zephyr.

I have three ideas.

1. Simple damage increase.

2. Decrease slow duration, and maybe strength, BUT give it a scaling or shorter cooldown, 7/6/5/4/3 seconds. A 1 second slow with a 3 second cooldown seems fair enough.

3. Increase damage as the projectile goes further, to 1.5x, perhaps reduce base damage slightly. Reinforces role as long-range mage, gives him an interesting source of damage that still has counterplay, and the risk-reward doesn't feel unfair - the player feels good for hitting at max range, the victim doesn't feel awful for getting killed by a cheap move.

Either way, buffing Zephyr should be the way to go.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by dacoqrs » September 29, 2014 3:56pm | Report
Subzero008 wrote:

A 1 second slow on a 3s cooldown seems fair.

Er, you're trolling, right?

He Bo has an ability on a 3 second cooldown WITHOUT a slow and people ***** about it.
Thanks to Ferrum for making the sig pic! He's beast af people.
IGN: BestJanusNA
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » September 29, 2014 4:01pm | Report
About other gods:

He Bo: Waterspout is just one of the best ranged abilities period. It deals a great chunk of damage, has a relatively short cooldown, some of the best CC in the game (tied with Magma Bomb as the highest knockup in the game), and most of all, it takes ZERO SKILL TO LAND. It can even circumvent He Bo's supposed weakness: range, by knocking them toward you.

There needs to be a balance between counterplay potential and effectiveness. Right now, He Bo has a dead easy highly damaging insane knockup AoE ability. It needs to lose either the AoE (impossible, considering its practically minimal radius), lack of counterplay (changing the mechanics of the skill itself}, or the damage/CC (weaken the knockup and/or reduce damage).

His ultimate just needs a damage decrease.

Just do that to every ability in the game. If you can't juke or block it and its too effective, then either make it possible to juke or block, or reduce its damage or CC or area of effect.

The reverse also applies. If its easily countered, has a small area and does practically nothing, make it harder to counter, and/or give it a bigger area and/or make it more effective in terms of CC/debuff/damage.

For example, No Escape is actually one of the best abilities in the game by itself: It's unavoidable, some of the best CC in the game, and even the damage isn't half bad, AND it has enormous range. The reason why Ares is pure garbage is because all of his other abilities are completely awful in comparison.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » September 29, 2014 4:07pm | Report
dacoqrs wrote:

Er, you're trolling, right?

He Bo has an ability on a 3 second cooldown WITHOUT a slow and people ***** about it.

Well, Ashabel from Dawngate also has a slow on a 3 second cooldown, and late game, the CDR she gets makes it around a 2 second cooldown. (Her Q is a huge damage nuke comparable to He Bo, and her passive makes all of her abilities slow people by 25%, decaying over two seconds. And 25% slow decaying over two seconds is the equivalent of a 1 second 12.5% slow.)

Osiris has a 3 second slow on a 5 second cooldown.

Nunu from League also has something similar.

My point is, a 1 second slow on a 3 second cooldown, or something similar, has been proven to be possible to balance. The numbers, like the slow strength and maybe damage and such would need to be adjusted, but I say that the core concept of a tiny 1 sec slow attached to a tiny 3 sec cooldown is, or can be, fair.


People complain about He Bo's Water Cannon because of its sheer effectiveness in pretty much everything. It's overpowered not just from its CD, but every single factor - damage, ability speed, synergy with his other abilities, and yes, cooldown.


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