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BB coding help pls

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Forum » General Discussion » BB coding help pls 9 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by UPLAR » April 3, 2020 8:03am | Report
Right, due to the UK lockdown and the fact my A level exams have been cancelled, mean I've got a ton of time to update and create guides - although my laptop is broke atm, so hopefully I can sort that out urgently.

This is relevant as part of the update process I wanna improve the readability of my guides, as both my published guides contain a 'gameplay' section, detailing how each build works at each stage of the game.

The problem is currently it's just a wall of text hidden under a spoiler and I'm looking to simplify this by putting various spoilers under just 3 spoilers.

For example: say if you wanted to look at 'Build 5 late game' you click a spoiler saying 'late game' then 6 spoilers appear saying 'Build 1' / 'Build 2' etc and you click the one saying 'Build 5' and all the relevant information appears.

However when I try and BB code this it creates some very awkward end results and makes the text unreadable, so I'm looking for help on how to hide multiple spoilers underneath just one spoiler.

I hope this ramble makes sense if not I'll clarify.

Thanks - UPLAR.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » April 3, 2020 10:22am | Report

Unfortunately, any spoilers within spoilers will, by default, not be hidden in their respective spoilers. Rather than just put the entire gameplay section in spoilers, you could consider a different config.

I'm using your AMC guide as reference.

Now, altogether, I don't think it takes too much space to take spoilers out completely. But with how it sounds like you're reworking it, I can see it containing a lot more info.

So firstly, I'd start by not putting anything in spoilers. See how that comes out first, and we can provide feedback on how you might further organize.

Does that work for you?

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » April 3, 2020 10:50am | Report
another way would be just to give each build their own chapter so if you use build 1 (the most) you can fully read build one and not need to open 18 spoilers (if it is even possible to do it) only to look at build 1 info.

(so you actually sort it by the builds and can just add 1 spoiler under (not in) the one explaining the build)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by UPLAR » April 3, 2020 1:18pm | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:


Unfortunately, any spoilers within spoilers will, by default, not be hidden in their respective spoilers. Rather than just put the entire gameplay section in spoilers, you could consider a different config.

I'm using your AMC guide as reference.

Now, altogether, I don't think it takes too much space to take spoilers out completely. But with how it sounds like you're reworking it, I can see it containing a lot more info.

So firstly, I'd start by not putting anything in spoilers. See how that comes out first, and we can provide feedback on how you might further organize.

Does that work for you?

That's ashame, it would a be nice feature, and well I don't like putting all my text bare as spoilers make a guide more readable and straight to the point, which is what I want as I like small, consise guides.

I'm willing to change though as I need ideas on how to organise information effectively, so I'm an open book.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » April 3, 2020 1:22pm | Report
My suggestion is to check out some of the other guides out there and see how they organize. Maybe you'll like their presentation. I get wanting things to be clean and concise, and I used to try to put as much in spoilers as possible as well, but there's also something about having it out in the open (as long as it's not 20 scrolling pages long or one huge block of grey. Some people when they're reading will also miss spoilers here and there.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by UPLAR » April 3, 2020 1:33pm | Report
Devampi wrote:

another way would be just to give each build their own chapter so if you use build 1 (the most) you can fully read build one and not need to open 18 spoilers (if it is even possible to do it) only to look at build 1 info.

(so you actually sort it by the builds and can just add 1 spoiler under (not in) the one explaining the build)

That sounds like a really good idea, I'll try and adapt this to streamline it, thanks :)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » April 3, 2020 2:09pm | Report
You may also look some guides around the site. Everyone has its own style you can use other guides to create your own style. I like a more colorful guide with a lot of art in it, and I dislike put numbers unless I feel they are really necessary, that's my style you can create your own.

I also have more detailed guides, which I call "complete guides" and not so detailed guides called "quick guides", but again, my style.

If you find something interesting in my guides I can share with you if needed, just PM me ;)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by UPLAR » April 3, 2020 5:40pm | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

My suggestion is to check out some of the other guides out there and see how they organize. Maybe you'll like their presentation. I get wanting things to be clean and concise, and I used to try to put as much in spoilers as possible as well, but there's also something about having it out in the open (as long as it's not 20 scrolling pages long or one huge block of grey. Some people when they're reading will also miss spoilers here and there.

I'll have a look around for some inspiration, and I'll take your advice onboard by firstly removing the spoiler for the skills section of my guides, thus all 4 abilties+passive are visible at all times, as its quite easy to miss that entire section lol.

I'll experiment a bit more and hopefully find what I like best, cheers Bran :)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by UPLAR » April 3, 2020 5:41pm | Report
xmysterionz wrote:

You may also look some guides around the site. Everyone has its own style you can use other guides to create your own style. I like a more colorful guide with a lot of art in it, and I dislike put numbers unless I feel they are really necessary, that's my style you can create your own.

I also have more detailed guides, which I call "complete guides" and not so detailed guides called "quick guides", but again, my style.

If you find something interesting in my guides I can share with you if needed, just PM me ;)

Cheers mate, I'll have a look around and send you a few messages if need be.


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