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UPLAR's Profile
Guides: 2     Posts: 0     Videos: 0

TITLE: Marksman
REPUTATION: Remarkable (9)
JOINED: November 10, 2018
LAST SEEN: July 02, 2023
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Hello, my name is UPLAR and I'm a casual conquest player on Xbox,(I would play ranked but the queue times are 54 years long), I also occasionally play other game modes such as Assault or Joust if I can't be arsed with a 30+ min conquest match.

I can't really pinpoint the exact time I started playing Smite as I was around 11-13 and didn't care for the state of the game, but I do remember playing when Sol was released as well as Xing Tian.

Despite this, I've just started getting into Smite again as of October 2018 and I'm always looking for new builds, meta changes and changes by Hirez. This I why I joined this site!

Since I'm a college student I can't consistently update my guides, create new ones and reply to comments: so content from me will be quite slow but I'll do my best therefore expect new guides from me every couple of months; I produce quality not quantity.

Speaking of guides, I want to create them for Gods that are underplayed, underpowered and unpopular. This is because I want to cast a light on these Gods and give them a chance at becoming viable in any team composition. This is why my very first guide was Ah Muzen Cab due to him being out of the meta and underplayed.

Finally I would just like to thank any future comments I get on my guides in order for them to be the best they can be and also a big thanks to Branmuffin17 for reviewing my first guide and giving me lots of good feedback on it.

Well.... that was long winded, sorry about that ;)
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