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Bringer of the End Times Needs a Nerf...

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Forum » General Discussion » Bringer of the End Times Needs a Nerf... 33 posts - page 1 of 4
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by JakeCWolf » August 31, 2013 8:40pm | Report
Well I'm sure I'm probably the one thousandth person to make a thread related to this, and I can only assume the pantheon of noob... *cough* "pro" players are readying such replies as "STFU NOOB" and "CRY SOME MORE LOLOLOL LOKI PWNS" and unlike about 80% of other players bringing up this topic I'm not going to rage senselessly on the forums or get Omega-Level butthurt over the issue and vent, but rather open up for the discussion what can/should be done to nerf loki, so he's a fair and balancedsneaky assassin type god, not UP not OP, balanced, more or less anyway.

I really don't think there is a single valid argument of Loki not being at least a little OP, if not outright OP, the reasons why he is and how he can be fairly balanced is another story all together, one filled with to many plot holes, capital letters, profanity and spelling mistakes to really comprehend.

In my honest opinion from fighting against Loki in many matches, (not just one, or a few MANY matches), it occurred to me that Loki is just to resilient, and not squishy enough considering his role as a stealth assassin. Previous attempts to balance him nerfed him in the wrong areas, his stealth skills, which seem fair in terms of how they work, but coupled with his high damage and critical rate his ability to withstand FAR to much damage makes if unfairly OP.

What about Loki's resilience needs to be nerfed would need to be tested, be it his HP, HP regen, Physical resistance or Magical resistance or a combination of some or all of the above.

The face remains Loki NEEDS to be nerfed in the area of his resilience, that, in my opinion as a gamer of over 15+ years is the only thing that will bring him down to an acceptable balance with the other gods of Smite.

I'm just getting tired of playing against Loki, just to have him carry his entire team to bloody victory by dint of numerous cheap kills (cheap as in he's resilient to kill 1 v 1 or even 2 v 1) that end up both forcing our team to longer and longer respawns and feeding his team huge gobs of exp for, honestly, not doing much of anything.

I'm open to suggestions, counter arguments and valid points and look forward to discussing this with my fellow Smite players, and (all) gods willing, maybe with Hi-Rez too. Anyone looking to troll or otherwise make a nuisance of yourself and not add anything productive to this thread, I ask to simply go away.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by VultokoFredrik » September 1, 2013 12:40am | Report
All hail the words of wisdom!

You are completely right, I find Loki OP as well. When playing against him, I run away by just seeing him stealth or a decoy appears right next to me. Most of the times I survive, but it is not fun that you have to flee from one person in order not to die.

I have never played a lot of Loki, but I played some games as him some time ago, I wanted to see if I could learn a little bit more about him, weaknesses, strengths and so on. I got first blood + double kill after 3 minutes (as a jungler). Got a couple of more kills in that lane, as well as in mid. After about 8 minutes I died for the first time, but only because of the opposite Loki's DoT-effect after I got a tripple kill.
About 17 minutes in the enemy team surrendered. My stats were 18-1-2. And it was one of my first games as him. I barely didn't know anything about him, but he is so easy to learn and play that you cannot be bad as him unless you get a bad start. And it wasn't even fun to play as him, even when I was domination the other team, it was just boring and easy playstyle that you don't need any skill for. I think Hi-Rez should make his playstyle a bit more challenging to master and play (like for example Chronos), and instead make it rewarding to master.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HiFromBuddha » September 1, 2013 2:57am | Report
He does have a lack of counterplay. If he jumps on you, there's nothing else you can really do but say your prayers.

Also, moving this to GD.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HollowsEdge » September 1, 2013 3:13am | Report
I think he is fine. I rarely get killed buy a loki unless he is fed.
The only time I think he is op is in the game modes arena and domination. He is unstoppable in those modes.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » September 1, 2013 3:30am | Report
loki is a god i do find to strong. especially if you build Blood Forge on him as well as Frostbound Hamer and maybe Qin's Blades BUT Hirez will ALMOST NEVER nerf him. Why because a lot of people play him then suck with him because he is a high skill god making him look like he is underproferming and then Hirez Buffs him.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RazeMage » September 1, 2013 4:20am | Report
Hmmm, Loki, ohw Loki, ahh Loki

Wait, i have never seen him being played for a long time (unless hoarder or cup runneth over)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by MadDanny » September 1, 2013 4:59am | Report
A lot of gods with an aoe skill can beat him. Ao for example. See a loki after you? Do your three right after he stealth and his a sitting duck as log as you spin circles around ur tornado. Same goes for Ra. Agni also. And Isis, Just plot ur 3 down as he comes up and his slowed. If you can, ravage him with ur 1 and he'll run. But of course if you see a fed loki do not engage. Even if you follow what i said. He'll kill you before could escape or kill him.

But his ulti is really annoying that I know. Instead of a stun maybe a slow at least?
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by JakeCWolf » September 1, 2013 6:38pm | Report
MadDanny wrote:
But his ulti is really annoying that I know. Instead of a stun maybe a slow at least?

That would be a good choice. But to your other comment not every God has an AoE ability, and Loki's agility and stealth abilities means its easy for him to either get close enough that you don't have time to aim them before he's on top of you, or just avoid their area of effect altogether after they are cast.

Now I'm no fool, I know that not EVERY god can have something as a hard counter for Loki, and invariably some gods will do poorly against him by dint of how they play, but the fact of the matter is Loki is impossible to DPS down unless he's outnumbered at least 3 to 1 or is up against an enemy Loki.

His apparent natural resilience means people who play him also usually skip resistance and hp items altogether, focusing fully on physical damage, attack/move speed and physical penetration items, which causes him to have an unholy single target damage output, he's an assassin, he's meant to be hurty, I get it, but not THAT hurty and THAT resilient, it's an unfair paradox.

Now, if his resistances are nerfed and/or his hitpoints, players will have to moderate their gold between attack speed/power items and hitpoint/resistance items, or risk being killed before getting close enough to get a kill, a player COULD still build Loki as people do now, with nothing but DPS related items, but would end up being VERY squishy and vulnerable to being killed or driven off should he fail to overwhelm his opponent, though hunting down other solo gods will always be Loki's thing.

The above, in my mind at least, is the best course of action to balancing Loki, though extensive testing will have to be done to see if/how much said area's need to be nerfed, I feel confident being a veteran gamers that this is the best course of action.

(Also thank you to HiFromBuddha for moving this thread, I wasn't 100% sure I posted it in the right place, but I couldn't find any place better, didn't think General Discussion wasn't the best place honeslty.)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Blissey1 » September 1, 2013 10:00pm | Report
JakeCWolf wrote:

but the fact of the matter is Loki is impossible to DPS down unless he's outnumbered at least 3 to 1 or is up against an enemy Loki.

what? natural resilience? he's not any more resilient than any other squishy assassin/carry/mage with an escape button. He has his cloak, and his ult teleports, but if he uses either of those to engage, then he isn't going to have them to run.

maybe it's because I only play arena where it's rare to not have at least one other player with you, but I really don't fear Loki all that much.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » September 2, 2013 12:31am | Report
I really don't get the hype about Loki nerf...
He is a noob stomper for sure, but when it comes to countering him its really not a problem at all.

He is squishe as heck, you can stun/silence his stealth which is his only escape (except ulty) without a problem, his skills are loud (so just be ready with a stun when you hear him), he will always go for the carries (because that is his job) so protect them and that is basically how you counte him.

If you lack stuns in you lane or you are the carry you just have to be god with your positioning! A carry out of position is a free kill for Loki, so just don't push by yourself (unless you are Apollo and then you should just ult whenever you can here him coming). That way Loki won't get fed and a Loki that is behind is just not scary (but never go out of position even if he is behind).

And for the love of god don't turn your back to him!!
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