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Bullying in guide discussion

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Forum » General Discussion » Bullying in guide discussion 18 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by LumielGR » March 24, 2019 10:00pm | Report
Hi, I'm reading the rules of


While SmiteFire prides ourselves in letting you be you, there is always a line you can't cross. Excessive aggression, constant harassment, stalking or any other type of bullying behavior is not allowed. Speak your mind, but lets talk how we do in person, when someone can reach over the table and grab you by the collar :)

We will carefully review each situation individually, but if we determine that the sum of your behavior is having a negative impact within the community, you may quickly find yourself on the outside of it, at SmiteFire's discretion.

Can a mod delete the unnecessary comments / personal attacks from my guide?

I don't understand what they add to the discussion. If you don't like it don't use it and downvote it, I don't see anything in the rules that prohibits a guide for an unusual build, and I don't understand why I have to be bullied to change my guide and use something I don't like. I've been threatend to be reported for posting it, and harassed for "being hostile". If there is a rule I'm not aware of tell me and I will delete the whole guide myself.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by boogiebass » March 24, 2019 10:21pm | Report
Wait, whose bullying you? Vini_sds was completely constructive in his comments. I didn't see a single personal attack from him?

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ThePerfectPrism » March 24, 2019 10:43pm | Report
I sense an overreaction in that guide thread due to a coms misunderstanding. Lumiel, while you asked for his "experience", you come off as rude, which makes Vini, and most people, assume a more "responsive" stance, which you've interpreted as bullying

as far as Aphrodite and which way to build her in support:

Having mained aphro support in S0, S1 and S2, building full dmg is something I agree with, HOWEVER, building more tanky can also have advantages. Building full dmg, imho, is good if you have a tanky warrior/guardian jg (something like Odin, Athena), while having SOME defenses (Let's say Celestial Legion Helm, Void Stone/ Stone of Fal, etc) can also prove useful and quite helpful in a lot of situations

Also, I recommend Winged Blade 7th item on her, y'all can thank me later
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by LumielGR » March 24, 2019 10:54pm | Report
boogiebass wrote:

Wait, whose bullying you? Vini_sds was completely constructive in his comments. I didn't see a single personal attack from him?

1) Kriega
I feel sorry for your teammates that have to put up with a squishy support. It's already bad enough that Aphrodite isn't a good support, yet you build her like this...

2) Vini_sds

Wow, all of this and you still don’t know how to make a support build? What a shame.

If you come here and list a full damage build and claims that this is a support build, I can’t do anything besides asking the mods to archive it, because this is clearly a troll build.

I can only feel sorry for you. Attack me all you want, this is still a terrible support build and nothing will change that.

3) boogiebass

Vini_sds has been more than patient with you in answering your questions and trying to understand your thought process for building a full damage support. Any reason you're being hostile to him? What's with you downvoting his comments and throwing in personal attacks?

Just because you agree with him it doesn't make it right. Is it against the rules to downvote the comments for not being constructive?

I'm waiting to discuss a power based build and I get spammed with suggestions to change it to a guide that already exists, and it's irrelevant with my guide. I'm accused of being hostile when I'm only stating facts (obviously frustrated for obvious reasons). You say his comments are constructive when he is suggesting I'm posting a troll build and I should be reported for it.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by LumielGR » March 24, 2019 10:58pm | Report

I sense an overreaction in that guide thread due to a coms misunderstanding. Lumiel, while you asked for his "experience", you come off as rude, which makes Vini, and most people, assume a more "responsive" stance, which you've interpreted as bullying

I never asked for someones experience in this thread with a defensive build. I also volunteered to try vinis build and give my opinion, as an experienced Aphrodite player. It's frustrating to be spammed with "your opinion is wrong but we are right" posts in my guide. I don't have anything against anyone, I just hope all the pointless comments can be deleted so someone can post something constructive about a power based build.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by boogiebass » March 24, 2019 11:11pm | Report
Lumiel, I apoligize. I may have been a bit blunt in my response. But I only did so because I thought you were being vindictive to vini_sds, who I do consider a friend. So my bluntness was to defend a friend who I thought was being harassed.

This is all just a big misunderstanding... if you need to contact an admin, please see branmuffin17.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » March 24, 2019 11:44pm | Report
So. I just came back from my hockey vacation. Thanks for this, everyone.

In many ways, I'll have to partially agree with Lumiel. He/she has a right to post a build they use. This is an open site, and people are free to share. I also looked at their stats (if their user name is the same as their ign), and they're okay. Not great, as they have a lifetime KDA around 2.05, but it's against average competition in conquest and its their most played God. And the build they presented isn't their only one. I saw one game in a quick review where they did in fact build sov for example.

If you don't agree with the build, it's... Mostly like they say. You can down vote it and don't use it.

But... Lumiel, and I know the first comment from Kriega was already negative, but you immediately responded a bit negative yourself. Not bad... Just... Not innocent.
LumielGR wrote:
Thanks for your comment. This is how I like to play Aphrodite (as a single target healer) so it won't change. I don't feel sorry for my teammates. Btw you linked a build with a million items, I don't even understand what he is trying to build.

That last part... It's because you either put in almost no effort to actually read/check the guide, or you were specifically looking to respond in kind.

Vini didn't immediately respond negatively himself until you tried pulling his stats (inaccurately though that might be smite guru's fault). If you don't think that can be considered subjectively as a bit of an attack, then I don't know what to tell you. Based on at least some inaccurate stats (games played for one), you reasonably wonder about their knowledge... But at the same time, I'm not sure you can justifiably argue the general accuracy of vini's statements about supports, which I also feel are generally accurate (especially aphro as support likely making the team as a whole lack enough Frontline presence and cc unless you end up with a pretty tanky warrior jungler or something to balance).

In any case, this could be borderline bullying, and I will say I'm a bit disappointed with some of our regular members, but at the same time, if taken constructively, many of these points (all of which Lumiel seems to feel are non-constructive) are in fact valid discussion topics. A new player looking to learn supporting with this God may come across this build and wonder why they're getting focused and dying so quickly, etc. It's because the build is VERY aggressive for a support, and is more suited to non conquest modes as a utility "support," at least IMO. Having the ability to read comments and differing opinions on a build is also a right on this site, and if you're not ready for criticism, then you shouldn't post a build. At the same time, the level of negativity itself is non-constructive from both sides. I will re-review the comments, and may delete some, but will not delete all, as again I feel some of these are valid to discuss.

In any case, I typed all this out on my phone, which was a huge pain in the ***, so I hope you can all calm the F down, make your points in a respectable manner from now on, and not give me extra work because I don't get paid for this.

Lumiel, at least from my side, I am sorry the initial comment was negative and likely got your hackles up. We should be able to make our points and opinions known without having to be quite like this. I will ask that you also try to discuss things respectably, even if others don't.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by LumielGR » March 25, 2019 4:42am | Report
Thanks @Branmuffin17 and @boogiebass. Sorry for responding late, but I'm in Europe and it was already too late when I made the post. There is no hard feelings from my side. I will try to be more receptive and polite when posting from now on.

p.s Hockey vacation sounds fun :)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Vini_sds » March 25, 2019 4:46am | Report

Since this thread addresses me directly, I feel the need to reply.

I wasn't being aggressive at all, until the build author went to check my profile stats to try and discredit me. I really think that was VERY inappropriate and didin't add anything good to the discussion. But even when I entered a more "responsive" instance, I never personally attacked the build author, but instead I said that their build is bad for the support role (and it is, nothing will change that). The comments are deleted/eddited now, but I never offended the author personally, a kindness they didn't repay.

I may not have a lot of playtime with Aphrodite, but I spent A LOT of time in jungle practice and searching youtubers/streamers to come up with a build that I consider adequate for the support role. Playing Aphro as a support was the reason I started playing Smite, so you can see how much effort I put into studying, searching and testing stuff. So, I'm sorry, but if a person I don't know comes here and say "you don't have playtime with Aphro, so your opinion is irrelevant" I WILL take that as a personal offense, and will reply accordingly.

Branmuffin17 wrote:

In any case, this could be borderline bullying, and I will say I'm a bit disappointed with some of our regular members, but at the same time, if taken constructively, many of these points (all of which Lumiel seems to feel are non-constructive) are in fact valid discussion topics. A new player looking to learn supporting with this God may come across this build and wonder why they're getting focused and dying so quickly, etc. It's because the build is VERY aggressive for a support, and is more suited to non conquest modes as a utility "support," at least IMO. Having the ability to read comments and differing opinions on a build is also a right on this site, and if you're not ready for criticism, then you shouldn't post a build. At the same time, the level of negativity itself is non-constructive from both sides. I will re-review the comments, and may delete some, but will not delete all, as again I feel some of these are valid to discuss.

Let's take my Neith solo build as an example.

All the comments questioned the quality and unsefulness of the build, just like the ones in Lumiel's build.

But how did I react? Did I personally attack someone? Did I check your or Kriega's Neith stats in SmiteGuru to try an discredit you both? No, I didn't. Instead, I thought about the concept, and decided to archive it until I can work on it again.

Feedback is an important part of this site, and so are the usefulness of the builds. I can't expect to post a questionable build and not find adverse comments, just as I can't post an ADC build with tank items or a support build with full damage items and receive compliments and upvotes.

I hope this is enough to settle the matter.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by LumielGR » March 25, 2019 5:14am | Report
> So, I'm sorry, but if a person I don't know comes here and say "you don't have playtime with Aphro, so your opinion is irrelevant"

I never said that, and it was never my intention to say that your build is wrong. The only current text of my guide is that this guide is based on my playstyle and you might not like it. I also had to repeat myself over and over that I'm not interested in a tanky playstyle with Aphrodite, but you kept mentioning that this is the only way to play her because you say it. I only asked that you respect other peoples opinions in their own guides.

Being harassed about playing power support is something that happens daily in my games, even when I carry the team, so it's very frustrating to find it again in a website I love. (I might not be very active, but I'm a member for 3+ years).

I didn't post the stats to discredit you, I posted just to show you that other people can have their own experiences and they can have an opinion too. Like you, I've put an good amount of effort to improve my gameplay with Aphrodite, and I want to share my ideas with other people.

I've reached Platinum II as Aphrodite in S5, even have some wins against popular people, I had people reach me out to reddit to give them ideas about playing Aphrodite. So I just want to be able to post my ideas without being harassed. That's all.

I hope we can lock this thread now and go on with our lives :)


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