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Competitive Picks

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Forum » General Discussion » Competitive Picks 7 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » July 2, 2013 9:46pm | Report
I don't keep up to date on what goes on in smite in the competitive scene so someone educate me.

I want to know what gods are top priority's for competitive teams, which gods are almost always seen in competitive play and which gods do teams usually have. Which gods are usually banned because I see isis being banned in ranked when I was playing.

Update me on this

- Which gods are top priority/picked in competitive play
- its 5 v 5 so which 10 gods are almost always seen
- which are the most banned gods

I have a clue on some of the gods but I want to know from some of you who keep to date whats going on in the competitive world. I'm curious because it seems in competitive play people pick gods based on what people classify as competitive instead of gods they actually enjoy and/or good at.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » July 3, 2013 3:25am | Report
Bans like Ymir, Sobek, Isis, Bacchus, Athena, Apollo, Fenrir, Thor, Guan Yu, Agni, He Bo is pretty regular (can't remember more right now). And you also respect bans (banning something you know someone on the enemy team is really really good with).

Mid picks: Isis, He Bo, Agni, Poseidon, Hel, Aphrodite (Ao Kuang)

Jungler: Thor, Fenrir, He Bo, Hun Batz, Arachne, Ne Zha, Bastet (probably some more, can't remember atm).

Solo: Odin, Hercules, Guan Yu, Sobek, Thor

Duo-lane: Pretty much everything, but Anhur, Neith, Yimr, Sobek, Bacchus, Apollo is pretty standard.
IGN: Marki

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » July 3, 2013 9:11am | Report
Why do people ban apollo? I seen someone ban apollo before and I was thinking WTF?
Do they hate his memorize or something.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » July 3, 2013 9:34am | Report
ICEN wrote:

Why do people ban apollo? I seen someone ban apollo before and I was thinking WTF?
Do they hate his memorize or something.

he is THE STRONGEST SPLIT PUSHER IN THE WHOLE GAME!!! i thougt basicly everyone knew that by now.
that and he has great harass earlygame ad a whole bunch of escape tools and your good to go.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheAmazingComicBookGuy » July 3, 2013 9:34am | Report
ICEN wrote:

Why do people ban apollo? I seen someone ban apollo before and I was thinking WTF?
Do they hate his memorize or something.

He has great early damage because of his passive, this also grants him great attack speed without actually buildimg to much of it. Getting a tower at level 8 is kinda strong as well. He can be hard to kill or chase, he also really doesn't have that great of a direct counter. He never misses any action with his ult, can cancel abilities and can 1:1 most carries. His nuke is nothing impressive, but it helps pushing and killing people :P

Ymir and Sobek are a good compedetive tanks
Apollo, Anhur and Neith are the best carries
Fenrir and Thor just beast their ways trough the map
Poseidon and Agni are great mid mages, but I also see Aphrodite and Hel picked up


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Dark Jaw » July 3, 2013 9:48am | Report
All4Games wrote:

he is THE STRONGEST SPLIT PUSHER IN THE WHOLE GAME!!! i thougt basicly everyone knew that by now.
that and he has great harass earlygame ad a whole bunch of escape tools and your good to go.

Pretty much! Just had a match with an Apollo that split-pushed our team to win, while we've been trying to do Teamfights on the Middle lane.

Ahem, back to the topic.

-Mid Laners: Isis, Ao Kuang, Agni, Poseidon and sometimes Hel.
-Tanks: Specially Sobek and Ymir. Sometimes Guan Yu and Odin as well.
-AD Carries: Anhur is the star. Followed by Apollo and Neith.
-Junglers: Fenrir and Thor mainly( New role, so not so much info).

Dark Jaw

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by vatechfan » July 4, 2013 5:58pm | Report
sorry to point it out but Ne Zha is used very often in the jungle and gods like freya are even finding their way into the tournaments and same with anubis :p


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