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Current tier list

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Forum » General Discussion » Current tier list 23 posts - page 1 of 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by sniegoman » January 1, 2014 5:54am | Report
Hi there. I have started playing smite not a long time ago and am wondering if there is any god tier list for smite. Was wondering cuz everytime i see same champions, some of them seem like pubstompers but not really strong champs.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriwych » January 1, 2014 6:00am | Report
In all honesty, any God played by the right player can be a pubstomper. On the counter, any "top" God played by the wrong player can also feed.


Posts: 40
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by sniegoman » January 1, 2014 6:21am | Report
IKR. Played 2 years LoL and 3 years DOTA and like 1 year DOTA2. Just wondering about that 'true top' gods picked in tournaments/high rank games and typical pubstompers. Up now i believe hades, anubis and zeus are typical pubstompers.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » January 1, 2014 6:31am | Report
Solo is good for Guan, Tyr, Chang'E (Still), and Chaac
ADC is Neith, Apollo, and Anhur, with some AMC
Mid is Poseidon, Agni, Zeus (surprisingly..), and Ra. Others fit in with some teamcomps well
Jungler doesn't really have many limits. Most bruisers (Fenrir, Thor, Tyr, Chaac) and all assassins (Esp. Loki, Thanatos, Ne Zha, Mercucry) will do well. Mostly based on preference (E.G. Shing likes Thor and Fenrir, Lassiz likes Ne Zha and Loki, etc)
Support Tank is mostly the main 4 - Ymir, Bacchus, Sobek, Athena.

Hades is barely a pubstomper at all - his base numbers suck and he's a subpar tank with a total 1 CC outside an ult. Zeus does fairly well despite having no escape or decent waveclear with how bursty he is, near unavoidably. Long live Kennen 2.0. Anubis will massacre anyone who sucks at dodging or buying beads.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by sniegoman » January 1, 2014 6:43am | Report
Thanks for your post Raventhor.
Have just 2 or 3 more questions.
1. I like Zhong Kui kit how he is fitting teamcomps and how is his lane phase? I want to buy him because I enjoy playing him anyway, but want to know if he is at least decent.
2. About mages overall - What is making in smite good mage. In LoL/dota i mained mids and here i just cant find my place in middle lane, but surprisingly like assasins which i hated in other mobas. And quite connected: why Agni is considered so good? Ok, his CC is great and has good escape but other mages do the same+have much much bigger dmg. Or I'm just doing Agni wrong?
3. Like also Aphrodite's kit but is she any useful in game? I can see why use her in dominion but in conquest? Is it possible to make her actual mage or just support


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » January 1, 2014 7:01am | Report
raven you mean art instead of amc right? i mean. AMC is garboder.
never forget dawngate and never forgive EA. Freia will hunt them for eternity.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sunfall » January 1, 2014 10:39am | Report
All4Games wrote:

raven you mean art instead of amc right? i mean. AMC is garboder.

Ah Muzen Cab is good at shrugging off poke damage early game if he takes Death's Toll and puts a few points into Hive. He also gets a constant movespeed bonus for being within the vicinity of his hives, and can place damaging Honey trails to prevent his opponents from getting too aggressive.
Waiting on a good new MOBA, please.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by theshitbringer » January 1, 2014 11:23am | Report
Lol stop the ********
Current top tier
Mages - Zeus(always banned)Agni,Ao
Assasins Merc,Kali (situational Thanatos/Thor)
Tanks - Sobek,Athena
ADC - Anhur,Arte (Neith for defensive lane/global)
Bruiser/Solo - Guan,SW,Tyr


Posts: 11
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Vaeldyn » January 1, 2014 12:04pm | Report

Lol stop the ********
Current top tier
Mages - Zeus(always banned)Agni,Ao
Assasins Merc,Kali (situational Thanatos/Thor)
Tanks - Sobek,Athena
ADC - Anhur,Arte (Neith for defensive lane/global)
Bruiser/Solo - Guan,SW,Tyr

You forgot Chaac most definitley.

Till his 100% sure nerf, he's top tier.

And I thought Bacchus was TT too? (Ymir is just too slow and Hades is not a tank..)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by theshitbringer » January 1, 2014 12:14pm | Report
Vaeldyn wrote:

You forgot Chaac most definitley.

Till his 100% sure nerf, he's top tier.

And I thought Bacchus was TT too? (Ymir is just too slow and Hades is not a tank..)

Chaac autobanned as he is a new hero.As he will probably get nerfed we can't be sure if he will be top tier.
Bacchus is a usable tank yes, but he has severe mana problems in early/mid game and requires a certain setup so I don't think he can be classified as top tier.


Posts: 11

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