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dmbrandons Tier List

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Forum » General Discussion » dmbrandons Tier List 29 posts - page 1 of 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by _angrytoast » January 4, 2015 2:10pm | Report


S+ Crew:
These five gods are in current fp/fb stage. The entire ban phase is dictated by Second Pick forcing a Serqet ban, or losing a god who can control every stage of the game.

Serqet: OP. Ban her, don't **** around.

Sylvanas/Geb: As of now, Sylv is SLIGHTLY better than Geb, but honestly, they should both be banned. If you allow one through as second pick, and the other isn't open, you're gonna feel the hurt. Sylvanas controls the early game more than any character aside from Thanatos, but Geb is king of all things end game team fight. <3

Janus: remains top 5 as a result of insane damage spikes, instant kill capability, amazing defensive prowess for himself and teammates with portal escapes, and the dropship is just absolutely nonsense.

Apollo: Not only does he gain inherent defense against his opponents, but has two tools that are incredibly powerful: built in attack speed, and global presence. Making his split push the most dangerous tool in the game at certain points, he can force a team spread like no one else in the game with his absurd amount of safety!

A Few Others:
Nox: She suffers from a few glaring issues. One, she gets camped something fierce by any jungler with channeled abilities or dots. Notably, Thor, Kali, Bastet. As they're all fairly common picks, it's hard for Nox to be in S+, given that you generally can not safely pick her into a top jungler whose godpool extends past Serqet. Otherwise, she's completely nonsense. She's a safe version of He Bo! Her strength lies in her ability to repeatedly poke someone until they're forced to return to the base, or over commit into certain death. She's kind of a jerk.

Thor: Global Presence, absurd early game, and enough movement and CC to make him a viable mid liner in the end game. No mage fears a jungler like the presence that creeps through the jungle like Anvil of Dawn.

Nemesis: A strange god indeed, because she can be generally useless in a lot of situations. But one step out of position from a medium-protections character, and that mofo is OUTTA THERE. She turns fights hard body in a heartbeat. Also a direct counter to Herc, Zhong, Vamana, and is the closest thing to a counter to Geb!

Tournament Banned: Awilix: Early Game is ABSURDLY good, but suffers in lategame because her movement isn't quick enough to mount and jump to escape instant death scenarios. She maintains an A ranking though, because team comps turn her into a monster. Characters like Geb, He Bo and Vulcan who have ranged knockups can provide a catalyst for her ult, which if lands, usually results in a free pick.


SS: This tier comprised "god" tiered characters which have the innate ability to be placed onto any team, with any comp, and carry alone. Only a handful of gods have ever reached SS including Release Guan Yu, Rework Bastet, Release Tyr and Release Nemesis. Expect this to empty a lot!
S+: Your quintessential top tiers, which will generally dictate meta stylings and composition. These gods are generally seen as first pick / first ban material, and should rarely make it through the first picking phase.
S: Slightly above the point balance, this pool of gods should comprise the team compositions for most competitive games. The ebb and flow of meta swing and flavors of the month might sway this slightly in favor of certain players’ abilities and strengths.
A: The absolute focal point of balance. These gods should see no changes, given their current abilities in competitive high level play. New players should flock to this pool, as their time invested will likely not be wasted due to random nerfs, buffs or changes to the playstyle.
B: Still somewhat strong, but not competitively viable in all situations. Are generally a bit more difficult to place on a team than A or S tiered gods. High player skill with individuals in this pool is likely to still sway a match up in your favor, but there are generally better picks.
C: Weak, overall. The team composition generally will need to be built around a character in this pool to make them work properly. Unlikely to be found in competitive environments, unless the player is considered a master of a god.
D: Very low pick rate and or competitively non-viable even in the hands of masters. Unlikely to be found doing well, even in lower level games.
E: This tier will likely be empty as its SS brethren, as almost no god in Smite has ever been this low. This space is reserved for the worst of the worst, and hopefully, will never contain a god. If it does, don’t pick it. It’s not a joke. Light it on fire and run.

This is a tierlist created by Smite personality dmbrandon.

Original Link:

I am not the creator of this list.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Romanians » January 4, 2015 2:37pm | Report
Hel is B tier and Tyr is C tier while Arachne is A tier. Must be a joke.

Who is this guy? Oh, it's the same guy that got wrecked in less than 2 minutes by CoG and was raging in the lobby. How can I take this tier list seriously? .He's doing tier lists now.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by dacoqrs » January 4, 2015 3:07pm | Report
Mercury is only in A tier? Wow.
Thanks to Ferrum for making the sig pic! He's beast af people.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by _angrytoast » January 4, 2015 3:12pm | Report
Romanians wrote:
Who is this guy? Oh, it's the same guy that got wrecked in less than 2 minutes by CoG and was raging in the lobby. How can I take this tier list seriously? .He's doing tier lists now.

I'm a little confused at you comment...


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Romanians » January 4, 2015 3:14pm | Report
_angrytoast wrote:

I'm a little confused at you comment...

What's there to be confusing, I'm questioning this guy's choices. I can't really take that seriously.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by _angrytoast » January 4, 2015 3:26pm | Report
I wasn't aware that dmbrandon did that, I was just lacking context for your comment.

Also, dmbrandon's antics aside, this tier list isn't that bad.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Romanians » January 4, 2015 3:45pm | Report
_angrytoast wrote:

I wasn't aware that dmbrandon did that, I was just lacking context for your comment.

Also, dmbrandon's antics aside, this tier list isn't that bad.

Sorry man, it was just too funny when I saw "This is a tierlist created by Smite personality dmbrandon." It wasn't meant to you or anything.

I can see several stupid placements (from my point of view of course) in his tier list.

Scylla is too high in my opinion. She's not bad by any means, but her combo can be way too easily countered by aegis. I bet that's the same reason Poseidon is A.

Poseidon is worse than Vulcan and Zhong? Seriously, his whirpool is just so good it should be higher just because of that.

Agni is not S tier. Just because he's not that played doesn't mean he's not good anymore. He's still the same mage that dominated the mid lane for years, he still ruins teamfights and escapes unharmed.

I really like Nemesis, she's one of my favourite gods, but Hun batz is relevant on all stages of the game unlike her.

Zhong is great, but Chang'e, Poseidon and Isis surpass him in every way.

Arachne is A? Seriously? Do I even need to say more?

Hel is B. How... I don't understand... a farmed Hel is just unstoppable. Passive or aggressive, she's a great asset to any teamfight.

Tyr can control teamfights just as good or even better than Hercules, sure, he doesn't have his survivability but packs a lot of damage and CC.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by _angrytoast » January 4, 2015 4:30pm | Report
Romanians wrote:
Scylla is too high in my opinion. She's not bad by any means, but her combo can be way too easily countered by aegis. I bet that's the same reason Poseidon is A.

I'd say the reason they put her in S tier is because even though I'm a Monster can be avoided be avoided via Aegis Amulet, Crush still has massive damage potential. Also, even though Whirlpool and Crush both do a lot of damage, Crush is instant, rather then a tick damage ability. Combine that ( Crush) with Soul Reaver and your day is ruined.

Poseidon on the other hand lacks a root and an escape ( Changing Tides + Sprint doesn't count) (in comparison to Scylla), so if he and Scylla were in the hands of two master players (who in this case are fighting), I would be willing to put my money on Scylla.

Romanians wrote:
Poseidon is worse than Vulcan and Zhong? Seriously, his whirpool is just so good it should be higher just because of that.

Yeah he is, but that doesn't mean he is a bad god.

Vulcan has a knockup and better burst, where as Poseiden only has Release The Kraken! and a cripple from Whirlpool.

Zhong Kui in my opinion has a better team fight presence because of his ult, tankiness, stun, and ridiculous heals.

Welp, the whirlpool is great, but it won't 1 shot anyone (Although the cripple and the possible slow from Gem of Isolation is good).

Romanians wrote:
Agni is not S tier. Just because he's not that played doesn't mean he's not good anymore. He's still the same mage that dominated the mid lane for years, he still ruins teamfights and escapes unharmed.

I'd have to disagree with you here. Agni in my opinion is a good pick (a bit better then A tier making him a contender for S tier) but has no where near the amount of damage that Janus has (who is a fair S+ pick). I mean, sure Agni can suicide bomb himself at the slightest sign of danger and zip away, but he can't burst people down (in an instant) like Janus can.

Romanians wrote:
Zhong is great, but Chang'e, Poseidon and Isis surpass him in every way.

Isis: She's about level (maybe a tad below) with him, although her ult is a little... touchy feely.

Change: Definitely not. Zhong Kui eats Change for breakfast early game and his temafight presence is more viable (unless every member of the enemy team lines up in a perfect line she will never land a 5 man stun).

Poseidon: I already talked about him ^.

Romanians wrote:
Arachne is A? Seriously? Do I even need to say more?

Might be true, although I never play Arachne (Although Greenevers does) so I can't agree or disagree.

Romanians wrote:
Tyr can control teamfights just as good or even better than Hercules, sure, he doesn't have his survivability but packs a lot of damage and CC.

Tyr is good up until the moment his Fearless chain goes on cool down. After that he is an accessorie. Hercules literally zones everyone all the time, even when his cooldowns are on.

I hope this should stimulate more debate... this is fun.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Romanians » January 4, 2015 4:41pm | Report
_angrytoast wrote:

Fair enough, it's nice seeing other opinions.

I still think CHang'e has more presence with her healing debuff and her ult, she can weight much more than Zhong and decide the teamfight. But it is all situational. Funny how she went from top tier to bottom tier in the players' view in the past months. Perhaps no one knows how to play her anymore.

Not saying Agni > Janus, but that he belongs next to Janus. In terms of damage and aoe, Agni surpasses janus. What's Janus' damage without his Unstable Vortex. Agni has his Flame Wave, dash flames and bombs.

Really depends on the Chang'e player level of skill if she was to fight a Zhong.

I also wanted to know others' opinion on ***bha and why is he so forgotten. I haven't seen a ***bha for ages. Seeems like a good opportunity to discuss him.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheGenocideLord » January 4, 2015 8:45pm | Report
I find it very hard to take serious when he says, by role standards, that Ullr is a worse adc than Bacchus is a tank and Chronos a mage. Also Anubis is worse at being a mage than Cupid is at being adc. I lost literally all hope I had for dmbrandon.
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