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Goddess eye colour shock

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Forum » General Discussion » Goddess eye colour shock 11 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Joysie » November 9, 2014 12:54am | Report
Hiya guys & gals,

Just purely out of curiosity... But has anyone ever looked at the eyes of all goddess's?
I just did it about an hour ago, and all but 2 or 3 have blue eyes O_o

Like Aphrodite, but she's the only blonde... I can understand her & Artemis having blue peepers..
But how many brunettes actually have blue eyes compared to blondes & red heads?? >_>

It's very unlikely that Neith & Bastet would have blue eyes either... But they do, Isis is one of the other exceptions, she has greyish eyes.

The only goddess's that have dominant eye colours are: ... non O_o

The following don't have blue eyes..
*Light stance Hel


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Joysie » November 9, 2014 12:55am | Report
Take the time to look for yourselves..
I can't understand why there are no goddess's with *********s.. is there something gross about *********s?

I know heaps of men that prefer brown or amber eyes.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » November 9, 2014 2:15am | Report
I prefer a woman with no eyes.

So sexy, so cute, so I can eat my cereal out of them when I am all out of bowls....

Hey Bae!!!!


I have no bowl for mah cereal... :(

That's okay...

You can use my eyes....

Thanks BAE!!!!

:) Yum Yum, thanks bae, may I use your eye socket as a drink holder? Sure!!!

Thanks bae!!! You da best!! Wuv Yu!!!



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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HolyPudding » November 9, 2014 2:57am | Report
ICEN wrote:

I prefer a woman with no eyes.

So sexy, so cute, so I can eat my cereal out of them when I am all out of bowls....

Hey Bae!!!!


I have no bowl for mah cereal... :(

That's okay...

You can use my eyes....

Thanks BAE!!!!

:) Yum Yum, thanks bae, may I use your eye socket as a drink holder? Sure!!!

Thanks bae!!! You da best!! Wuv Yu!!!


Get back in your kennel ICEN....
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All born to the same forum

Why not live in peace?"


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by festive1 » November 9, 2014 3:13am | Report
ICEN wrote:

I prefer a woman with no eyes.

So sexy, so cute, so I can eat my cereal out of them when I am all out of bowls....

Hey Bae!!!!


I have no bowl for mah cereal... :(

That's okay...

You can use my eyes....

Thanks BAE!!!!

:) Yum Yum, thanks bae, may I use your eye socket as a drink holder? Sure!!!

Thanks bae!!! You da best!! Wuv Yu!!!


I like people with chest cavities that have been ripped open, so I can play hopscotch in them.

Hey Bae, can I play hopscotch in your chest cavity?

Sure Bae!

Ily Bae <3
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Reverend Belial » November 9, 2014 2:03pm | Report
First off, this thread took a disturbing turn.
Second, I know that I for one prefer green eyes over blue (most of the time, some people look better with blue though)

Edit: Also I feel the need to point out the fact that "bae" actually is a Scandinavian (though I don't remember what country, I think it's Danish) work for poop. So when you call somebody that you're actually calling them ****. Just something to think on.
Chaac and Ah baby! Chaac and Ah...

Reverend Belial

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » November 9, 2014 8:52pm | Report

First off, this thread took a disturbing turn.
Second, I know that I for one prefer green eyes over blue (most of the time, some people look better with blue though)

Edit: Also I feel the need to point out the fact that "bae" actually is a Scandinavian (though I don't remember what country, I think it's Danish) work for poop. So when you call somebody that you're actually calling them ****. Just something to think on.
Okay.... BAE


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by festive1 » November 9, 2014 11:37pm | Report

Edit: Also I feel the need to point out the fact that "bae" actually is a Scandinavian (though I don't remember what country, I think it's Danish) work for poop. So when you call somebody that you're actually calling them ****. Just something to think on.

I love to baeth myself with bae.

I'm not joking,
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by PJsutnop » November 12, 2014 3:20am | Report
As an actual answer to the question. :P

I think it might be difficult to give them *********s as it then in the game could look more blackish than brown from afar. Blue or other light eye colors have probably been chosen as they then do not blend in with the main colors of the game, which mostly is red, yellow and green. That way their eyes would stand out more and help in giving the game it's slight cartoonish style.

Tho could be wrong, just an humble guess :)


Posts: 12
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by festive1 » November 12, 2014 3:34am | Report
PJsutnop wrote:

As an actual answer to the question. :P

I think it might be difficult to give them *********s as it then in the game could look more blackish than brown from afar. Blue or other light eye colors have probably been chosen as they then do not blend in with the main colors of the game, which mostly is red, yellow and green. That way their eyes would stand out more and help in giving the game it's slight cartoonish style.

Tho could be wrong, just an humble guess :)

Probably true, or perhaps all base models have blue eyes, then they just don't change that, as they don't view it as important.
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