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festive1's Profile
Guides: 1     Posts: 3     Videos: 0

REPUTATION: Memorable (14)
JOINED: March 28, 2014
LAST SEEN: March 19, 2016
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festive1's Bio

Player Festive1 has joined the game.
Festive1 has joined the RED team.
(RED) Gallade94: god dammit, it's this guy again.
*DEAD* (RED) Totally Not Star: wait, who?
*DEAD* (BLU) RockGod1: You haven't heard of him?
*DEAD* (BLU) RockGod1: This is going to be fun.
Do you know we have the largest forum for this game? come check us out on SKIAL
(RED) Totally Not Star: Well, if he hasn't been banned yet, how bad could it be?
(RED) Totally Not Star: is he always like this?
*DEAD* (RED) Gallade94:...pretty much. He's actually a very nice guy - the best guy to compare him to is Benito Hoover. You need to get used to him, though.
Teams have been balanced!
(BLU) Gallade94:...god dammit, Festive. Making the game autobalance. -_-
RockGod1 is DOMINATING Totally Not Star!!!
(BLU) RockGod1: what I don't get is how I can dominate Scouts, yet never get a shot on a Heavy...
(RED) Festive1: It's because you're bad at sniper, Rock. :P
*DEAD* (BLU) RockGod1: True... hey!
*DEAD* (RED) Totally Not Star: That's what you get...
(RED) Festive1: Well. Have any of you heard of a site named Smitefire? it's a forum for that Smite game I've been talking about. Well, I'm thinking of joining it.
(BLU) Gallade94: Go ahead! At the very least, I don't think that they'd HATE you.
(TEAM) Gallade94: you can't spam Pootis is a forum, either...
Want exclusive deals? then sign up at SKIAL today!
(RED) Festive1: Alright then, I'm off to it right now. See you guys.
(RED) Totally Not Star: Later.
Festive1 has left the game (Disconnect by User)
*DEAD* (RED) Totally Not Star: Well... actually, you MIGHT be able to spam Pootis in a forum... but don't tell him that.

My Bio was made by Talenheim, and he is awesome for making. :)
Published Guides - Smite 1
latest September 5, 2014


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