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Hi-Rez ReModels are a slap in a face to gem skins

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Forum » General Discussion » Hi-Rez ReModels are a slap in a face to gem skins 15 posts - page 2 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Fudger » November 14, 2013 1:32am | Report
I wonder why they remodeled the Jingle Hel skin right away, but are waiting before they remodel other gods' skins.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Nex The Slayer » November 14, 2013 1:35am | Report
Fudger wrote:

I wonder why they remodeled the Jingle Hel skin right away, but are waiting before they remodel other gods' skins.

Probably because Jingle Hel I pretty simple compared to He Bro (just add a Santa hat and add a little jingle when she switches stance)

Nex The Slayer

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » November 14, 2013 3:43am | Report
Ya hebro's skin isn't that bad now that I look at it because he has a body so he looks diff compared to the regular skins.. What I ment was he looks like the old hebo though and the new hebo face is way different...

For example SOBEK GEM SKIN is ****ing great... I get cannons when I ult, a pirate suit, a damn bird that talks ****, guns and flames when cannons shoot out my ult.

****ING GREAT SOBEK GEM SKIN ***** on his regular skins, this is how ALL gem skins should be.

Lets see Anubis skin is ****ing gimp as **** man....
- I barely play with my Anubis skin because #1 his leg bones look gimp as hell when you walk around I can't tell if his legs are bending back or forward. #2 his quality looks gimp as hell #3 his golden and black skin is better and actually his regular skin is starting to make me think it looks better and the gem skin looks boring now, they did tough up Anubis graphics a bit.

Agni - his gem skin is pretty decent if not great, it leaves lava spikes when you walk and that is just badass.

Anhur - is meh now, he has jungle anhur which makes you look darkish and green, he got a graphic tough up WHILE HIS GEM SKIN LOOKS ****ING LESS QUALITY!!!!
Legendary Anhur skin ***** on my gem skin.

Just things like that irritate me.... its like buying a car just to get pissed of the next day and the dealer is laughing.

Its like you ask for the newest car in the car lot, the dealer sells you the car then the next day the dealer remodels all the old cars and makes those cars BETTER than your car you just bought WITHOUT TELLING YOU BEFORE HAND making you WASTE MONEY on a now less quality car.

That is what Hi-Rez did to me.... they made me buy something based on how other things are going to look.. then after you buy something they go ****ing mess around with **** and make you wonder why the F do I own this **** skin I never use anymore... OH THATS RIGHT BECAUSE HI-REZ decided to make the original skins better and leave gem skins less quality!!!

Want Proof?
Here is my test : Go look at ALL of ANHUR'S skins and then look at his gem skin, his base skin has better quality then his ****ing gem skin does... its ******** update my damn anhur gem skin!!!
Why do I say its ********?
Because money is suppose to be better than no money therefor why the F does my PAID ANHUR HAVE LESS QUALITY then FREE ANHUR.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SoapSuds » November 14, 2013 4:44am | Report
Yeah, I never was a big fan of Anhur's gem skin. Just doesn't look as bad *** as the rest of his skins, especially the Jungle King skin. But then, there are plenty of other gods in the same boat, such as Ares, in my opinion. Guess to be fair, though, the gem skins are at least more than just recolorings of the base skins, for the most part, even though it's not always better looking than the recolor skins.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RazeMage » November 14, 2013 5:05am | Report
I believe they just haven't update the skins yet


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