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SoapSuds's Blog
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January 26, 2015

It's funny...

Views: 2828 SoapSuds
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funny  |  gg  |  indeed  |  jokes
About a half a year ago or so, I would have easily said that SmiteFire is a great place to discuss Smite because the members tend to discuss, and sometimes debate, Smite in a mature fashion.

What a joke that's turned out to be. Turns out, there's maybe only a handful of mature people that have been on this site in the last few months because there are many more that are just absolutely childish and have run this forum nearly into the ground. So many people are quitting/have left, though, some of them have been part of the problem as well. I mean, isn't it sad that the discussions/responses that gain the most attention are the ones that even Reddit users would down vote? And we've had the audacity to talk **** on the Smite sub-Reddit..

Hell, I haven't posted or done anything on this site in weeks because, honestly, I just didn't feel like being here. Can only imagine what potential new users would feel like seeing what gets the most attention around here.

Now, this is not another lea…
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December 06, 2014

A new life long project

Views: 1602 SoapSuds
So I never do a New Year's Resolution because I'm just not a fan of them. I mean, if I want/need to do something, I've never felt the need to wait until the New Year to acknowledge that and get on it. Although, I did promise a friend as one I would try out League again since she's a huge fan of it, so meh.

Anyway, despite this, I came up with an idea that I will start doing on the first of January of next year. I'm going to give each year a theme (maybe more if I need), and every day of that year, I'm going to learn something based off of that theme. I am going to write about it and pack it away in a folder so that by the end of the year, I will have 365/366 entries. I have a few ideas of what I want to do each year, such as one year being all about geography/learning about every country/territory. I spend a lot of time reading and doing research on different things, so that won't change, but I think it would be pretty cool to do this every day and write about it.

For my first year, …
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November 01, 2014

Happy Halloween Peeps!

Views: 1570 SoapSuds
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I know Halloween isn't as celebrated in some countries as it is here in the states, but either way, I wanted to wish everyone a happy Halloween or at least a happy season!

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, and though I didn't go out partying, I had a ton of fun. I was invited by my friend to a party, but it was an 8 hour drive, and I'm not willing to drive 8 hours for a party only to have to drive back the next day. Plus, I'm an assistant coach to a kid's soccer/football team, and tomorrow was the last game and I wasn't going to miss it for some party.

But, that's besides the point. I love Halloween, and I love dressing up, watching horror movies, etc, so I wanted to wish everyone a happy one, or at least a happy day if you don't celebrate Halloween!

This was my costume/the way I spent my night, and I hope you all had a good night/day as well!:

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September 22, 2014

One year anniversary

Views: 2503 SoapSuds
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people  |  stuff  |  wewts
So yeah, today marks my one year anniversary since I registered for these SmiteFire forums. I've been coming here longer than a year to check out guides, but a year ago today is when I decided to join the forums for discussions and shiz.

It's been a pretty fun year. I'm not the most social person here on SmiteFire in terms of having fun stories about playing matches with others around here or anything. I've never written a guide here, and I don't think I ever will. It took me a few months before I felt I was truly a part of this community, but SmiteFire has become a fun place to discuss this game and various other topics, so hopefully I am considered a decent part of this community.

Though, of course, what makes SmiteFire the fun place it is is the people. We may not have a **** ton of active members constantly posting, but those who do really do make this community a fun place to stay. So, might as well give some shout outs in honor of these people that make this community so fun:

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June 18, 2014

Oh snap. First blog post and shiz.

Views: 1867 SoapSuds
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Yeah, I've been here for some time now and never posted a blog or anything mostly because I just don't do much blogging ever, but I figured I might as well throw something up so I can get that cool link under my name (not really, but oh well).

Anyway, I figure getting my first legendary in Smite was grounds enough for some blog post, so here it is

Was a real frustrating day grinding out 103 worshipers to finally master her today (with ****py teams and everything), but I finally got it. Wewt.


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