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How am I meant to be a good support if there are no temmates in my lane?

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Forum » General Discussion » How am I meant to be a good support if there are no temmates in my lane? 22 posts - page 1 of 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Einherjar the rock » October 29, 2018 12:08pm | Report
I play as Ymir right. At the start of the game I usually follow a warrior or assassin to the right or left lane. It goes well at the start I freeze the enemies put up the wall and my teammate kills them usual stuff.

The problem comes when that warrior/assassin goes to another lane and leaves me alone for the rest of the game! How am I meant to be a good support if I am alone in a lane against two people? I can't just leave then the tower would get smashed to bits. So I decide to stay but when I stay I always get killed by the enemy team. I know Ymir can do decent damage but not against two people at the same time and especially not against an assassin that deals 1000 damage with one ability and is twice as fast as me.

So I am left there with 10 deaths 0 kills and those 3 assists I got from the start of the game. I want to be a helpful player and support my team but that isn't possible if I got no team to support. What am I meant to do in this sitution? Thanks.

Einherjar the rock

Posts: 14
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » October 29, 2018 12:17pm | Report
Hello man,

You probably are new at the game.
You can check this guide made by the Bran.

There you will find what each lane is, what each role does, where you should go, how you should play and a lot of other tips to conquest.

And remember that if you are new at the game (low level account), you probably will get some brainless people sometimes and will have horrible matches. But these teammates stop being pared with you when you get a higher level and understand the game and "play it right".


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Einherjar the rock » October 29, 2018 1:12pm | Report
xmysterionz wrote:

Hello man,

You probably are new at the game.
You can check this guide made by the Bran.

There you will find what each lane is, what each role does, where you should go, how you should play and a lot of other tips to conquest.

And remember that if you are new at the game (low level account), you probably will get some brainless people sometimes and will have horrible matches. But these teammates stop being pared with you when you get a higher level and understand the game and "play it right".

Thanks. I think I know the basics for the conquest mode and how I should play (for the most part). I am very new though, I've been playing for a week level 18. But I will check the guide out and see how I can improve.

Einherjar the rock

Posts: 14
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » October 29, 2018 1:22pm | Report
Analyzing your description looks like more like a bad match you had with stupid teammates than something wrong you were doing.

You should be left alone in Duo and as a support you cannot hold very well the lane. When this things happen, try to farm as safe as possible and don't get too far from your tower since you is as slow as a turtle.

When you feel/see the tower is going down, fall back. Better a tower down than a teammate and a tower. Wards could help you see through the jungle and when enemies are coming for you so you can start to think what do before do.

And last but not least, where was your ADC? The guy that should be with you in the Duo lane (usually a hunter)?

Based on your descriptions these are my tips, I hope I've helped you.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » October 29, 2018 1:31pm | Report
Yeah, to clarify one say you go to lane with the Warrior or Assassin. The Warrior, if they're playing Solo, should be in the solo lane alone. The Assassin doesn't start in lane at all. So based on what you're saying, things are already starting out incorrectly.

Understand that if you're Support, you should be going with the ADC to the Duo lane. You don't just arbitrarily pick a side. Check the map below.

Duo has the longer distance between opposing towers, and that's where you should be...with the ADC (typically a hunter, but can be Chronos, Sol, or Freya situationally).

And the thing is, if anyone stays in that lane, it would be the ADC, so they can keep farming, while YOU start roaming in the jungle and between lanes after a certain amount of time.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » October 29, 2018 1:48pm | Report
What Bran said. It sounds like your teammates are assuming you're going to handle the solo lane so they leave to handle other lanes/areas. Support and the ADC always start either in the duo lane or near it(some will start by the purple buff depending on the matchup). As you've discovered, solo is a different beast than duo. Ymir can perform well in solo, but he needs to be built differently because the standard support aura items, like sov and Thebes, aren't as useful for him in that lane.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Einherjar the rock » October 29, 2018 2:05pm | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

Yeah, to clarify one say you go to lane with the Warrior or Assassin. The Warrior, if they're playing Solo, should be in the solo lane alone. The Assassin doesn't start in lane at all. So based on what you're saying, things are already starting out incorrectly.

Understand that if you're Support, you should be going with the ADC to the Duo lane. You don't just arbitrarily pick a side. Check the map below.

Duo has the longer distance between opposing towers, and that's where you should be...with the ADC (typically a hunter, but can be Chronos, Sol, or Freya situationally).

And the thing is, if anyone stays in that lane, it would be the ADC, so they can keep farming, while YOU start roaming in the jungle and between lanes after a certain amount of time.

Well the thing is usually I can only go with a warrior or assassin. I usually get two mages another support, a warrior and an assassin in my team. If two people go to the left lane I follow the guy who's going right cause he's alone. Cause from what I have seen/heard the guy going middle is meant to be solo. But I will gladly start and stick to going left lane.

Einherjar the rock

Posts: 14
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Einherjar the rock » October 29, 2018 2:07pm | Report
xmysterionz wrote:

Analyzing your description looks like more like a bad match you had with stupid teammates than something wrong you were doing.

You should be left alone in Duo and as a support you cannot hold very well the lane. When this things happen, try to farm as safe as possible and don't get too far from your tower since you is as slow as a turtle.

When you feel/see the tower is going down, fall back. Better a tower down than a teammate and a tower. Wards could help you see through the jungle and when enemies are coming for you so you can start to think what do before do.

And last but not least, where was your ADC? The guy that should be with you in the Duo lane (usually a hunter)?

Based on your descriptions these are my tips, I hope I've helped you.

My ADC was in the middle lane with 2 others while me and another player tried our best to protect the right and left tower. But fyi I don't remember the match perfectly. This is just a general thing that happens to me a lot that I'm describing.

Einherjar the rock

Posts: 14
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » October 29, 2018 2:27pm | Report
You don't want to always go left. IF you start at the "top" of that map, the Duo lane will be on your right. So you just need to look at the map at the start, and determine which lane is which. ADC + Support go Duo, Solo goes Solo (duh, haha), and Mid goes Mid (also duh). Assassin starts at the yellow speed buff (usually Mid will get one ability off to help clear time before heading to their lane).

But what you're describing is low level chaos. You unfortunately won't be able to fix some of that due to the level of competition. When you're saying 3 people are going mid, then yeah, your best bet might in fact be to cover a lane by yourself.

When you find yourself having to do that, you might consider a few things.

Ymir is in a unique position as a Guardian, in that he can actually do well in multiple roles. As a guardian with a lot of CC, he definitely fits the Support role. However, he's got great wave clear, and can do well in the Solo lane (Solomir). Since his wall is wide enough to block an entire path in the jungle, and also due to his damage output and CC, he is also sometimes played in the Jungle (Junglemir). He's least played in Mid, but could probably fit there in an awkward pinch. And I won't talk about ADCmir.

So, if you find yourself having to go solo in one thing to do is consider changing your build up. I won't talk here about builds, but the idea is to get items that counter any lane opponents...but that does take some familiarity with the enemy gods, as well as with item builds.

And if you're facing 2 in lane against just yourself, you change your gameplay up. Instead of fighting in the middle, you let the wave come close to your tower. The tower will give you a measure of safety and control, and force the enemy to extend much further from their tower. That can set your team up for a gank attempt, if they can spot that...though I wouldn't expect them to.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Einherjar the rock » October 29, 2018 2:44pm | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

You don't want to always go left. IF you start at the "top" of that map, the Duo lane will be on your right. So you just need to look at the map at the start, and determine which lane is which. ADC + Support go Duo, Solo goes Solo (duh, haha), and Mid goes Mid (also duh). Assassin starts at the yellow speed buff (usually Mid will get one ability off to help clear time before heading to their lane).

But what you're describing is low level chaos. You unfortunately won't be able to fix some of that due to the level of competition. When you're saying 3 people are going mid, then yeah, your best bet might in fact be to cover a lane by yourself.

When you find yourself having to do that, you might consider a few things.

Ymir is in a unique position as a Guardian, in that he can actually do well in multiple roles. As a guardian with a lot of CC, he definitely fits the Support role. However, he's got great wave clear, and can do well in the Solo lane (Solomir). Since his wall is wide enough to block an entire path in the jungle, and also due to his damage output and CC, he is also sometimes played in the Jungle (Junglemir). He's least played in Mid, but could probably fit there in an awkward pinch. And I won't talk about ADCmir.

So, if you find yourself having to go solo in one thing to do is consider changing your build up. I won't talk here about builds, but the idea is to get items that counter any lane opponents...but that does take some familiarity with the enemy gods, as well as with item builds.

And if you're facing 2 in lane against just yourself, you change your gameplay up. Instead of fighting in the middle, you let the wave come close to your tower. The tower will give you a measure of safety and control, and force the enemy to extend much further from their tower. That can set your team up for a gank attempt, if they can spot that...though I wouldn't expect them to.

Thank you. I appreciate all the advice you and all the other people have given me.

Einherjar the rock

Posts: 14

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