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In Need of Some Help.

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Forum » General Discussion » In Need of Some Help. 2 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ozunasawai4 » March 14, 2020 10:08am | Report
So I recently got back from a two year break of playing Smite, since I played a ton in my early days, when I logged back on I was a relatively high level after the level update. Unfortunately, this means that I have to play with other people who are high leveled, and most of them have not just gotten back from not playing for two years.

I have been having a lot of fun queuing with a party full of my friends and playing solely to have fun rather than to win. However, I still want to win and would love to solo queue a lot like I used to.
I've just been having a very hard time getting back into my groove and playing as well as I used to. I mainly play conquest and know how to play every role, however I despise ADC, and I would rather never have to play ADC in my entire life.

If you're looking to help me out with this, feel free to treat my like a beginner, just any helpful tips or gods that you love to play and/or think are easy enough to learn the game with. Before you start linking me to the overarching conquest guide, I already know the meta and have read over the guide a few times.
Right now I'm taking an interest in the solo lane, support, or jungle, and would love some tips and tricks on these roles and the best way to (re)learn them.

Sorry for the essay and how many times I repeated myself.


Posts: 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » March 14, 2020 1:45pm | Report
Well the nice thing is that you can role call now, and you'll usually get your main or secondary choice. That should mostly keep you away from the ADC role, though if that's your only concern, you probably can ask to switch with anyone else and you'll usually find a taker.

I don't think we need to treat you like a beginner. I think, for the most part, you know a lot of the existing gods. I don't know how varied your choices were, so rather than have us suggest something to you, you might advise on the top couple of gods you like for each role, and we can give some better direction from there.

It might help to understand how familiar you are with current items (new and things that have changed). You might quickly review all items and see what has changed from what you used to know. For example, most of the protection items have mainly stayed the same (at least in general concept, if not balance), but there have been a lot of adjustments to some of the offensive items, along with the addition of new ones.

In particular for existing items:
As for new items over the past 2 years, they include Arondight, Caduceus Shield, Charon's Coin, Contagion, Pridwen, Ring of Hecate, Staff of Myrddin, and Tyrannical Plate Helm. Maybe even Talisman of Energy falls into that category, I don't remember.

And as for Conquest, in Solo you need to worry about the Totem. The Jungle pathing has changed a bit and has the added Jungle Shrine. Things like that.

But yeah, if you can advise on some gods you're most familiar with, we can give some specific feedback on that.

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