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Is Thanatos Too Strong?

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Forum » General Discussion » Is Thanatos Too Strong? 29 posts - page 1 of 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » August 13, 2014 12:53am | Report
What is the main outlook on Thanatos? From most people I hear that you basically have to dominate early on for him to be effective and other than that he is not that great.

But just looking at him as a god, do any of you think he is kind of, um how do I say it, mega hax strong kill your face if you dare even come close to him? There is no point trying to 1v1 him, when you see him just run away and put a bag on your head.

I have been playing him in Solo lane lately and have noticed that he is a bit strong, and when I say strong I want to say OP in terms of how strong he is, I am not calling him OP but rather I say he is OP to make a point that he is so strong you might as well just jokingly type OP every time you kill with him.

Isn't Thanatos suppose to take skill to play? I assume yes because of his skill shots, but I am saying, do people under look or over look him? If people under look him is it because they are not great with Thanatos and people that over look him is it because they think he is too easy? I see mixed feelings, some people say hes hard to play while others say he is easy.

My thing is this - Do any of you recall a time when Thanatos first came out and Hi-Rez said that his ult would either kill or get him killed? Well I beg to differ, his ult only KILLS. It simply does not get himself killed ever unless you dive into a team fight.

The most shockingly scary part about Thanatos which makes him almost OP IMO.
- Most players simply do not even know he can do this, which is why I catch them off guard.

Thanatos's ult does NOT even need to be used on a LOW HP god to get a kill. Seriously his damn ult + 1 combo is insane!!! I just played against a Ra solo lane, guess what I did? I tricked him into pushing his lane up. When he pushed up I used my ult and he was on FULL HEALTH I REPEAT FULL HEALTH!!! I used my ult to stun him, then I used the 1 which takes a **** ton of his health away, use the 3 for a silence to stop him from doing anything, pop the 2 for some pen and do one basic attack for the kill!!!

His ult +1 combo is freaking insane it can basically two shot someone, you might as well call it a one shot because they cannot really avoid the 1 since the ult stuns them.

So where is this talk about Thanatos's ult being high risk high reward? All I see is high reward!!! If they are low on hp they automatically die!!! If they have full hp its okay because you can just use your 1 after you ult and they will die anyways!!!

Its literally as if his ult auto kills anyone even if they are on full hp as long as they are not tanky as hell they will pretty much die to his combo.

* We are not even done yet.

He gets slow immune? That is freaking insane!!! On top the fact that he gains massive speed on people who are low on hp? That literally means if by some way they survive Thanatos's combo that popping your 2 will just out speed them so they can NEVER escape, hell even with sprint they may not get away from you and you can always throw your 1 again while chasing them.

He has a freaking built in heal!!! That is another crazy part...

Oh did I mention his damn 1 heals for SO MUCH!!!!
Low on health? That's fine just use your 1 on a minion and gain almost half of your hp back!!!

IMO Thanatos is boarder line OP.
He does require skill shots but seriously, nobody can pretty much 1v1 him strait up besides MAYBE a select amount of gods.

Basically if you miss all the skill shots he may not seem that strong, but if you are landing the 1 all day long and see half of their hp drop it pretty much forces them to leave.

Thanny is a ****ing problem.

I am not even sure if I want to say OP all I know is he is super damn strong.
He can solo other mages.
His 1 hits like a damn cannon.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » August 13, 2014 1:24am | Report
I agree that his early game is OP. Late game, not so much. And yeah, his dueling potential is nuts. I'd say he's very underrated.

Seriously, I once saw a Thanatos nuke 75% of someone's health with his one. Probably because he leveled it first, but still.

I'd say that his main weakness is his lack of mobility...except for his ultimate. So, I personally think he's very strong.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sasquatch180 » August 13, 2014 1:35am | Report
IMHO the biggest issue with Thanatos is his Death Scythe.

Right now its far too rewarding on a hit, and far too forgiving on a miss, and one of these needs to change.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Greenevers » August 13, 2014 1:36am | Report
Okay this is my view of a god like Thanatos.

Thanatos is an early game hyped up assassin. While he may fall off late game, it's evident that he can still contribute to his team. His big hitbox for the silence give him great control. He will be able to take most gods in a 1v1 yes, but not really in any other situation.

Best thing for him is to reduce his teamfight contribution lategame and make him stay an early game candidate like Bastet.

Make his Soul Reap a smaller hitbox or harder to hit and make his healing from Death Scythe from 75 to 50 percent. Why is "Upon killing an enemy god all of Thanatos active abilities have there cool down decreased." this part of his passive when he already has two ****ing passives. Take that out or the healing percentage from his ult.

He's not that bad and js, gods aren't made based on their 1v1 capability. Some gods can't do et and some gods can. Just how it werks.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » August 13, 2014 1:37am | Report
What really gets me is how Hi Rez said on release that Thanatos ult would basically kill him if he missed, but in reality if you miss.... you well... just miss lololol.

Also its kind of crazy how he can pretty much 1v1 a lot of mages, that is until you miss your 1 then of course you have to run for your life :D

The thing with Thanatos is, he is one of those gods who I underestimate in terms of damage.
Sometimes I will see a Thanatos ganking me and I will assume I can 1v1 him only to watch him totally wreck my face and force me to die within 3 seconds.

Every Thanatos I have ever tried to fight face to face pretty much always wins, if I ever see him I just run once he gets close to me.

Also holy hell his mana cost has to be low or something because last game I played with him I noticed I had pretty much full mana and still had 2 blue mana pots which I bought early game. I literally didn't even waste a pot and was spamming abilities.

The thing I like about him is the fact his 1 heals off minions, that's cheap :D


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » August 13, 2014 1:39am | Report
Sasquatch180 wrote:

IMHO the biggest issue with Thanatos is his Death Scythe.

Right now its far too rewarding on a hit, and far too forgiving on a miss, and one of these needs to change.
I think it could take a bit more HP away if you miss to be honest. Maybe I wasn't paying to much attention, but last game when I missed a few of his 1's I don't recall losing that much HP, it only took a tiny bit actually from what I remember. Basically its nothing dramatic to where if I miss the ability I have to run for my life.

That does massive damage though and healing, it probably should take a bit more hp away if you miss.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » August 13, 2014 1:40am | Report
Greenevers wrote:

Okay this is my view of a god like Thanatos.

Thanatos is an early game hyped up assassin. While he may fall off late game, it's evident that he can still contribute to his team. His big hitbox for the silence give him great control. He will be able to take most gods in a 1v1 yes, but not really in any other situation.

Best thing for him is to reduce his teamfight contribution lategame and make him stay an early game candidate like Bastet.

Make his Death Scythe a smaller hitbox or harder to hit and make his ultimate able to kill himself if he's too low. I think that would be perfect.
Or maybe if you miss his ult make it root him to the ground for a second or two.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sasquatch180 » August 13, 2014 1:43am | Report
IF I remember correctly Death Scythe used to actually take 10% of his HP.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Greenevers » August 13, 2014 1:47am | Report
Edited my initial post cause I messed up lol

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » August 13, 2014 1:51am | Report
His health costs were drastically reduced. IMO, HiRez needs to stop being babies and remove his mana bar, and make him actually spend health.


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