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Let's Make Patch Notes - The Laning Phase

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Poll Question:

Should the Laning Phase Last Longer?
Not Sure
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » February 14, 2014 1:56pm | Report
Before you vote on the poll, please hear my argument.

I feel that the laning phase in this game is too short. I think this game would be improved if the laning phase was extended.

What is the Laning Phase? I consider the laning phase to be the portion of the match where no one roams, at all. There will be the occasional rotation, but most of the time, the only one in the jungles are the junglers.

Why the Laning Phase is Short: The main problem is that supports usually start roaming the instant they get midas boots. Roaming traditionally has the downside of losing gold and XP, but thanks to midas boots, they don't lose gold, and thanks to the mid camps and other happy ganking adventures, you don't lose much XP. Considering that you would be only draining your carry's farm by staying in lane, roaming is considered to be the best option.

And once the supports start moving all over the map, everyone starts moving all over the map. Small teamfights start, then larger ones, until it is semi-un-officially the late game. The laning phase can be as short as five minutes.

Why Extend the Laning Phase?
To put it simply, the short laning phase screws over a lot of gods.

Hunters like Xbalanque or Artemis who are good on paper, end up poor in practice, as supports leave them alone to face another, more self-sustained hunter like Anhur or Neith, who end up pushing or killing the poor underfarmed dears to death. The laning phase doesn't last long enough for these kind of hunters to become self-sufficient.

Support mages also get shafted in the deal. It's not that sticking in lane with Shoes of Focus and Watcher's Gift doesn't work, it just isn't as strong as a roaming support tank. Support mages, in this game, make poor roamers, and must stick with their niche, the laning phase. But since the laning phase is so short, they get the short straw.

In premades or with good communication, this could be different, but the problem is, most people play solo queue. Most people don't play this game on Skype with all their teammates, and I don't think it should be a requirement to play certain gods efficiently.

Extending the laning phase would not affect competitive play or premades at all, while making it easier to simultaneously balance for solo queue. That's my argument.

How? I think roaming's strength should be reduced. Roaming should still be viable, but it shouldn't completely overshadow staying in lane. There should be room for multiple playstyles.

I propose reducing midas boots' passive to +3 gold per 5, and maybe creating a branch pair of boots: Hunter Boots: Passive +1 gold per 5, and whenever you get an assist during a god kill, you gain gold as if you got the kill, rather than an assist.

What do you think?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Setolino » February 14, 2014 2:02pm | Report
Why you want a longer Lane Phase in the first place ? The reason why let the adc solo farm is that they need the solo farm, not because the support have to roam with Midas Boots. The roaming make the game more interesting for the support. Wanking on the lane and babysitting the adc is boring as hell.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Dark Jaw » February 14, 2014 2:12pm | Report
Setolino wrote:

Why you want a longer Lane Phase in the first place ? The roaming make the game more interesting for the support. Wanking on the lane and babysitting the adc is boring as hell.


Smite is made to be a fast packed, action MOBA. The laning phase already lasts enough, from my point of view.

Not always the Support roams, from what I've seen. Some of them literally baby sits the ADC( which is quite lame). I don't want that to last longer.

Dark Jaw

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » February 14, 2014 2:16pm | Report
Setolino wrote:

Why you want a longer Lane Phase in the first place ? The roaming make the game more interesting for the support. Wanking on the lane and babysitting the adc is boring as hell.

Because it sucks for the previously mentioned hunters, and it prevents any other kinds of supports other than pure tank. And no, duo lane isn't boring as hell. You aren't chained to the ADC, you can still roam and rotate and gank and whatnot, just not 24/7 like you used to.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » February 14, 2014 2:29pm | Report
Dark Jaw wrote:

Smite is made to be a fast packed, action MOBA. The laning phase already lasts enough, from my point of view.

Not always the Support roams, from what I've seen. Some of them literally baby sits the ADC( which is quite lame). I don't want that to last longer.

The duo lane gets boring because nothing happens, because no one is leveled enough to do anything. There is no shift in power, there is no sudden game-changer, you hit roughly level 6-8 and leave.

I still remember when the old 2-1-2 system was there, and the laning phase lasted longer, but no one ever complained about laning being boring, because the dynamics of the duo lane were constantly changing. For example, Cupid is really strong early game, but his power wanes at later levels. Instead of having the laning phase become a constant, but short, hell, a conceivable strategy would be to turtle until Cupid's power level plateaus.

Also, it's a lot easier to design gods when you don't have to make them self-sufficient. I mean, just look at the damage numbers on most of our current tanks. They rival mages. This is very limiting for god design. For example, Ares would become a hell of a lot more viable if the laning phase didn't last ten seconds, since he remains in lane long enough to become a threat, and can take advantage of either rushed beads or incomplete beads without changing anything about him.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Chiulin » February 14, 2014 4:37pm | Report
I agree. People start roaming right when they get their ultimate. It is super annoying when you are trying to farm and 2 minutes into the game have a tank+jungler ganking you. Then they are ganking another lane and all hell breaks loose at level 5... The laning phase should be able to last at least until level ten. o.O Where teamfights would actually be fun and enjoyable. Not just 40 seconds of hitting 30's on eachother until someone runs away...


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Jordenito » February 15, 2014 12:05am | Report
I also agree. As a player who plays no other Hunters but Artemis and Xbalanque, It's pretty tough to handle against others in the lane without the support. Don't get me wrong, they shouldn't babysit their little squishy hunters, they can roam, but I don't like it that I our Ymir is suddenly at the solo lane at level 7... And with the changes we made to Watcher's, Eye of Providence and Hand of the Gods in Let's Make Patch Notes - Eye of Providence / Hand of the Gods it could work and sync together.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » February 18, 2014 12:35am | Report
10 minutes is a good benchmark. I had one match where the laning phase literally lasted >4 minutes. It was ridiculous.


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