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Loki is Broken

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Forum » General Discussion » Loki is Broken 24 posts - page 1 of 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Estidien » April 19, 2018 3:39pm | Report


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » April 19, 2018 3:41pm | Report
Hmmm, sooo...what are the grounds? Conquest-specific? All modes in general? I'm down for this conversation, just want to know the guidelines =P

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Estidien » April 19, 2018 3:43pm | Report
Lets go with all Gamemodes. Come up with your best arguments for/against!

Edit: The argument of "Sounds like you've been getting **** on by loki players" isn't gonna work. I have a loki match history here including a penta in the last 2 days.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » April 19, 2018 4:11pm | Report

(basically, I'm in agreement, he's definitely issues and *** kicked...super broken)

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » April 19, 2018 4:22pm | Report
Okay, so...

If Loki is able to get a penta, it means that 1) he definitely didn't do all the work himself, and 2) the enemy didn't know how to counter him or had too little awareness, didn't keep track of him, and got surprised...and he didn't 100-0 all of them, so still needed teammates to help him get those kills, even if most of the damage wasn't them (but were at least distractions and offered CC).

Not saying he's not able to get kills and doesn't deserve them, but his ability to 100-0 an enemy relies at least partly on his ult being up (as it's a big part of his burst). It also relies on enemies not building protections.

Current meta, at least in Conquest, sees many mages going Warlock's Staff unless they've got enough mobility and survivability to skip it by going Thoth or straight into Bancroft or whatever. Combine that with a late-game Mantle of Discord (if for example that Loki is focusing them), and that burst ability is greatly hindered.

5.7's patch nerfs one of the generally better items for him, The Crusher. Not a huge thing, but helps.

And against most comps, even when he's smart, he's still going to need Purification Beads, maybe Magi's Cloak, etc., because there are a ton of CC abilities. By the way, Magi's also got a minor nerf.

Hunters are probably a bit more screwed, since they usually build 0 protections or health.

The best thing in his favor is that people won't usually build against him in particular. If anything, they'll get Aegis Amulet but that's not just against him, and they might build protections...but he won't see backlash like hunters would from people building Hide of the Nemean Lion.

So...that's my take at least...but you've got a trick up your sleeve...what am I missing?

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » April 19, 2018 8:30pm | Report
Green, this is absolutely your territory. Needs your response!!!

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by boogiebass » April 19, 2018 9:36pm | Report
hp counters pen better than protections, wouldn't you say so bran?

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » April 19, 2018 11:29pm | Report
Well in my example above, I was talking about a combined HP/prot boost via Warlock's + Mantle, which sort of gives mages the best of both worlds.

If you're talking about an enemy having low flat pen, then prots will generally be very effective. If the enemy has high flat pen, enough prots will still be very effective.

If the enemy has % pen, then depending on your protections, added health will likely do you more good.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Estidien » April 20, 2018 4:40pm | Report
Okay Bran. My counterargument. Firstly, Loki does not even in the slightest need his ult up to 100-0 someone. A standard Loki build especially once he hits item 4-5 is going to one shot anyone not building any significant protections/health WITHOUT the ult. That's just with a 1,3 combo with simple cancelling. In fact lategame. His 3 alone does around 900-1100 damage base late with Hydra's. The build meta right now doesn't mean there's not something fundamentally wrong with the kit design. As even with the current burst vs counter burst meta he can still simply power through most squish protection

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » April 20, 2018 6:15pm | Report
I can agree with that overall, but would also say that he is also squishy... Gotta consider the defensive side. He's highly prone to taking high damage since he doesnt build prots himself, and cc can shut him down. He has very little strength in a team fight with all but Decoy being single target, being forced to circle the perimeter and look to pick off someone a bit separated from the pack. If he dives in, he can get caught with said cc, or errant aoe abilities.

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