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Love the game but unbalanced play kills it for me.

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Forum » General Discussion » Love the game but unbalanced play kills it for me. 21 posts - page 3 of 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sirsir94 » October 19, 2013 5:51pm | Report
Ao is annoying as hell and if im a mage Loki is the bane of my existence. But none of them are OP. I never found Anubis op in the least, even in low (-er, im level 21, lol) levels.
If i play a tank and i hear lokis sounds, i go from the front to wherever i get the best coverage with my CC. I have ruined so many lokis with Ymir i laugh when i see one. As a mage... he is an assassin, if he cant instagib me what good is he?
Ao is just... annoying. Good Aos try to slow you with their 1 (almost a stun) before landing their ults or tornados. But all of his abilities have a wind up period, even his 1, so pay attention and you should be fine.
Anubis? Who? If he cant stun you he cant kill you. Hellish in Assault, but keep minions/tanks between you and you should be fine. Also purification beads if that isnt an option.
Quadras: Cupid, Artemis, Loki, Ah Muzen Cab


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