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Matchmaking plz..

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Forum » General Discussion » Matchmaking plz.. 17 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BubyM » July 27, 2016 1:56am | Report
Hey Guys, Lately I have been doing HORRIBLY, I blame that on me, my team and match making.
So I am a fairly decent player, getting about 12-20 kills per game. But lately I have been doing horrible and I mainly blame it on match making, almost always, it matches me with a 'bad' team and the other team is normally great. when I say 'bad' I mean half the players are russian and that makes it impossible to communicate and some players just dont know how to play (like they are a few days new), for E.G they NEVER call for jungle buff, I call for it (getting no response) so I thought that is was okay by my team, But then when i am going to collect the buff some guy comes in a takes it, dieing almost instantly. I am getting matched with these new people because i keep continuously loosing, lowering elo etc. Matchmaking for me has been so bad that now my alt account has a higher elo than my main.. Yea I know..
alt ELO: 1542
main ELO: 1150
This is EXTREMELY annoying because I keep getting matched with this type of team and not with a good, communicating team. And don't come at me saying "Why dont you just carry your team". Trust me, I try but most of the team I try to go in, my team just stays back while I get stunned and killed.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DucksRock » July 27, 2016 3:19am | Report
BubyM wrote:

Hey Guys, Lately I have been doing HORRIBLY, I blame that on me, my team and match making.
So I am a fairly decent player, getting about 12-20 kills per game. But lately I have been doing horrible and I mainly blame it on match making, almost always, it matches me with a 'bad' team and the other team is normally great. when I say 'bad' I mean half the players are russian and that makes it impossible to communicate and some players just dont know how to play (like they are a few days new), for E.G they NEVER call for jungle buff, I call for it (getting no response) so I thought that is was okay by my team, But then when i am going to collect the buff some guy comes in a takes it, dieing almost instantly. I am getting matched with these new people because i keep continuously loosing, lowering elo etc. Matchmaking for me has been so bad that now my alt account has a higher elo than my main.. Yea I know..
alt ELO: 1542
main ELO: 1150
This is EXTREMELY annoying because I keep getting matched with this type of team and not with a good, communicating team. And don't come at me saying "Why dont you just carry your team". Trust me, I try but most of the team I try to go in, my team just stays back while I get stunned and killed.

Rank up in conquest. only way you could possibly increase your elo.

I'm DucksRock, But you can call me Ducks.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Hoogie » July 27, 2016 3:37am | Report
Is the elo the inidicator for matchmaking? What elo from which player? I know your problems but how should the game solve this? It can´t fit every time. In conquest it´s everything about teamplay and communication. The smallest information like "out of mana" "enemy ult incomin" etc. can help and is important. The language should not be the problem with the in game communication. I always blame it on me or the team. And because of that I play less conquest when I am alone and without my teammates. Especially because most of the time i am the hunter and have to rely on a support i don´t know. Did you try to play ranked matches? In my opinion communication is better there and you are messing with opponents that are ranked the same. Or try to find some guys to play with? I meet new people who are willing to play in a team almost everyday when i am playing. Or guys who helped me getting better via messages after our matchups.

I always check the stats of the players im with an from my opponents. Most of the time we are all about the same when it comes to the W/L Ratio. Always thought that was an indicator for matchmaking. But yeah, sometimes it´s weird. The best example from last sunday. We had a new guy with us who barely played conquest. It was his third qonquest match I think. He plays mid with freya. And his opponent in mid lane was Mohawk from the Papis (Xbox). Off course he had no chance. But should the matchmaking match up with players who are just beginning because of one player in our team? That would be bad for the enemy team. So whatever or whoever plays in your team, I think matchmaking can´t work this specific all the time. So it´s always up to the players. Maybe it sounds dumb what I am writing but I recognized this in every multiplayer i am playing or have played. It is all about teamwork and communication. Two factors that have to work. If not, I dont play these games, or when just for fun and dont care about losing.
Xbox GT: Hoogie141


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BubyM » July 27, 2016 7:01am | Report
Yes, You are completely right, but with communication the "v" chat system is not always the best in conveying exactly what you want. Teamwork is another thing you brought up, in these lower elo games there is close to no teamwork. I always just see people autolocking, watching fights and not jumping in and not helping in general. this may not seem like much but it is a big factor and when I play i do not see these qualities


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bullfrog323 » July 27, 2016 7:11am | Report
How can you know your ELO ?
This info in hidden by HiRez, unless they show it for XBox, but I doubt so.

Also, Matchmaking will never be perfect, or even near perfect.
Because they are trying to quantify something that can't be quantified (player ranking).
It can be based on as many parameters you can name (account level, nb games played, avg W/L, avg KDA, etc), it can't take into consideration the most important factors from the human perspective.

A player will not play always at the same "level" we all have better days than others.
We all had our games where we were just an unstoppable force.
We all had our games where we seemed like worse than bots.

Also, a player cannot be good at all the roles, even though they played thousands of games.
A player will always be better at a preferred role, a preferred god.
However, since we can't know in advance which role we are going to play, Matchmaking cannot take this into consideration.

Matchmaking tries to create balanced teams, not having 10 people with the same ranking, that would be too inaccurate.
So, if you have a new player in your team facing an experienced one. Chances are that their team have a new player (or a player with a low ranking) to compensate.

Your goal is not to have all your team mates doing good, your goal is to win the game.
Smite is like any competitive sport, instead of focusing on your team weakness, try to look more carefully on the opponent team weakness and focus on these.

The winner is not always the team with smallest weakness, but rather the one that made more profit from the enemy team weakness.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » July 27, 2016 9:14am | Report
Hey Bullfrog, he may be talking about the proprietary Elo that Smite Guru provides if you look at your account. When I was only playing Assault and Arena my Elo got as high as around 2300. Now I think I'm in the 1800s, lol.

You can find the number on the "casual" tab (and assuming also on competitive, though of course I don't do that). Scroll to the bottom of that, and you have an option to see "Smite GuruScore Change," and you can even adjust timeframe to see how it's changed over a set period of time.

My peak apparently was in January. I'm not quite at my all-time low, but it's also not great.

For example, GGF has a current score of 2367, despite all of his complaining =P

And YOU, you bastard, are at 2584. My god.

*edit* "Elo" corrected to avoid the wrath of Devampi.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GameGeekFan » July 27, 2016 11:22am | Report
HEY. I complained BACK THEN, now I dont really care too much. (a bit)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » July 27, 2016 11:28am | Report
Oh, sorry GGF, I didn't know 4 days ago is like soooo last year or whatever. XD

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bullfrog323 » July 27, 2016 11:30am | Report
Yes I know that Smite Guru shows a score (SGS stands for Smite Guru Score)
But this is not ELO, and it also has different calculations.

So, Smite MatchMaking is obviously not using this.
While it can be used somewhat as a reference, it is also misleading.
You are right, I have a SGS of 2584 (it was 2668 3 days ago thanks to a good win streak), but it's for all modes (including MOTD) combined.
If I was playing Conquest and was matched using this ELO, I would be ****ed up, as most of my wins are from Arena and Assault.

If you want another example on how flawed this SGS is :
My girlfriend only plays with me, sometimes I play alone, but she never solo queue.
She was upset that her score was lowering because of all the lost we had, so she hid her profile.
When she did so, she had 1786 SGS, while I was over 2200.
Now, I'm more near 2600, but she is still 1786.
So, for when Smite Guru is calculating the team score globally, our team seems "weaker", and thus a win would give us a better score, and a loss would remove us less.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Zilby » July 27, 2016 1:37pm | Report
Biggest advice for getting out of "Elo hell" is to play only the gods you're best at in each role until you've "escaped". If you're good at a couple of gods in a role, pick the one that best fits your team composition. This guarantees that the game is always seeing you playing at your peak performance, giving you a better chance of getting to a rank that fits your level of skill.
Smite Account: Zilby__________Steam Account: Zilby
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