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Mid/Solo start

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Vaeldyn » September 8, 2014 10:21am | Report
Hey guys!

I was flamed last match for starting with Lost Artifact on my sololane Ra. He "said" I should start with Tiny Trinket instead.

Well I always start with Vampiric Shroud into Lost Artifact 1 Mana pot and a ward.
I usually play only sustain mages like Ra, Noobis, Aphro etc. Is the missing lifesteal and the 5 MP less worth the 5 MP5?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Greenevers » September 8, 2014 1:09pm | Report
You don't need to. The most starts I know are:

Vampiric Shroud + Shoes - Safest and most common. Gives you some ground speed.

Vampiric Shroud + Tiny Trinket = Lifesteal and sustain so you need less health pots. Useful for rushing Polynomicon or Bancroft's Talon.

Vampiric Shroud + Lost Artifact - Useful for rushing Doom Orb and rarely Rod of Tahuti.

Vampiric Shroud + soul reliquary - Rushing Book of Thoth for stacks (Kukulkan).

Vampiric Shroud + uncommon sash - Rushing warlock's sash (Ra, Isis, etc.).

Vampiric Shroud + Magic Focus - Rushing pen if needed.

I personally have used 4/6 of these starts, it honestly depends on the god you go as. Some have special passives or will benefit from a particular stat more than other gods will or you need to get a lot of stacks up early. I don't recommend a Lost Artifact start since it does become risky but it's alright. The first two starts I listed are the most common.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Vaeldyn » September 9, 2014 4:27am | Report
Well I like the Lost Artifcat Because it gives me the chance to rush Doom Orb when the enemy is not that good, or keep it to go for Rod as a third item (First do Shoes and maybe Valor/Sash).

I mostly play Ra Solo and Pos/Ao/Isis mid, so I think I'll try some starts and look what's best on those gods.

Your list helped me a lot, thank you sir! (+rep)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gnashy » September 9, 2014 9:47am | Report
I play Ao/Kuk on mid quite a bit. This is the start I usually use:

Soul Reliquary (level 1) + first level boots, 3 mana pots and 3 health pots. I go back between 1950 and 2300 gold and finish Book of Thoth, get wards and continue from there with my build (Magi boots, Spear, Poly, etc).

I prefer the pots over shroud for the first part of laning. It's cheaper, you have more control over when you refill your mana and health, and it happens faster. This can be crucial after you have been ganked and need to stay in lane. After I have Book, sustain is much less of an issue.

Also, a lot of people have poo-pooed Med as a starting Mage item. I used to be in that camp, but I have started to reconsider. If you are in a match where it looks like you have flexibility with your actives, consider taking Med for Mid. It really can make a difference.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » September 9, 2014 11:06am | Report
Greenevers wrote:

You don't need to. The most starts I know are:

Vampiric Shroud + Shoes - Safest and most common. Gives you some ground speed.

Vampiric Shroud + Tiny Trinket = Lifesteal and sustain so you need less health pots. Useful for rushing Polynomicon or Bancroft's Talon.

Vampiric Shroud + Lost Artifact - Useful for rushing Doom Orb and rarely Rod of Tahuti.

Vampiric Shroud + soul reliquary - Rushing Book of Thoth for stacks (Kukulkan).

Vampiric Shroud + uncommon sash - Rushing warlock's sash (Ra, Isis, etc.).

Vampiric Shroud + Magic Focus - Rushing pen if needed.

I personally have used 4/6 of these starts, it honestly depends on the god you go as. Some have special passives or will benefit from a particular stat more than other gods will or you need to get a lot of stacks up early. I don't recommend a Lost Artifact start since it does become risky but it's alright. The first two starts I listed are the most common.

Vampiric Shroud + Shoes - Safest and most common. Gives you some ground speed.

That is such a bad start IMO, why would you want 6% movement speed? It's pretty much useless, I can not remember the last time I saw that starter build :P

The most common once are the 2nd (for a safe lane, good vs Agni) and 4th (aggressive build with a ton of damage) you mentioned, then the 5th one (mostly in solo lane, but also on stuff like Ao and Ra in mid).

And less common once are 3rd and Vampiric Shroud + Potion of Magical Might + Healing Potion or Ward (pretty much only on Eset)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gnashy » September 9, 2014 11:47am | Report
That is such a bad start IMO, why would you want 6% movement speed? It's pretty much useless, I can not remember the last time I saw that starter build :P

Why is that useless? It adds 6 percent to speed, which could be the difference between living or dying when getting ganked early game.

I'm not sure if movement speed bonuses from boots applies after the movement speed increase from an ability or its the other way around, but that's 24% + 6 % for Chronos early game using first level of Accelerate, or 20% + 6% for Ao if using first level of Slither or 20% + 6% for He Bo using first level Yellow River. For any mid mage depending on a speed buff ability for an escape, it can be an important element to consider in the beginning of the lane phase.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Greenevers » September 9, 2014 12:28pm | Report

Vampiric Shroud + Shoes - Safest and most common. Gives you some ground speed.

That is such a bad start IMO, why would you want 6% movement speed? It's pretty much useless, I can not remember the last time I saw that starter build :P

I tend to use that start a little less than half of the time. It honestly depends on a couple things:

1. Your mid lane matchup.
2. The enemy jungle matchup.
3. Your team's jungle.

Usually if they have an Arachne or Bastet, some early game terror, I might get Boots. Or if I'm against a He Bo, I might do the same to get out of his reach of his Waterspout faster. Sacrifices early game poke and waveclear for evasion and survivability. It's a pretty standard start and even some pros use it from time to time.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » September 10, 2014 10:31am | Report
I make normally make a really weird start when using vampiric. mostly I spend money on wards and pot after vampiric and a lot of time a t1 active (e.g. aegis for Poseidon's ult etc.


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