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My Jungle Hercules Is Too Stronk

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Forum » General Discussion » My Jungle Hercules Is Too Stronk 62 posts - page 2 of 7
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by MadDanny » September 20, 2013 4:47am | Report
Oh wow! Which skill is that? IS that a new passive for herc!?
"Macho Man Death Stare" :D
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Misbelief » September 21, 2013 5:33pm | Report
Slacktivist wrote:

Haha buddha. I would rather like to see stats over kd ratio screen says way more.

I looked it up

average per game with Hercules


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » September 21, 2013 7:39pm | Report
Misbelief wrote:

I looked it up

average per game with Hercules
You are kidding yourself if you believe everyones stats represents how good they are lol. My hercules stats ARE MUCH HIGHER THAN THAT. That may reflect my OLD stats but not my CURRENT STATS. Look at the picture while reading this. Also my stats are even higher than in the photo but it hasn't updated because I haven't logged into that website in a while for it to update. Just saying, if you were to assume that my hercules goes negative you would be dead wrong because If you were to hop into a match right now and play conquest with me I wouldn't go negative in 90% of my matches.

Is that suppose to be mine? LOL, if so I hope you know that literally means nothing and I will prove why. Because If you are saying that is my stats I can ensure you 100% thats not true anymore because I RARELY lose with hercules. Here is a picture to prove my point.

I will explain while you look at the photo of my RECENT STATS.

#1 - When I first played smite I was using a BAD LAPTOP and SUCKED because I WAS NEW.
- it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that if you play a **** load of games when your new and sucky it effects your overall stats no matter how well you do in the future.

#2 - Like everyone knows, I spent about #150 on smite, I have the god pack, a **** load of gem skins and a few voice packs along with golden skins. I say this because I ALLOW MY FRIENDS/BROTHERS to play on my account for this reason. I play a majority of my games but they get on mine once in a while.

#3 - Past stats simply out weight future stats, I was a fiend on smite, I played all day 24/7 I simply put MORE HOURS IN WHEN I SUCKED and I am putting LESS HOURS IN that I am very good. This simply means in order to get very good stats I have to make up all those hours and deaths and go SUPER POSITIVE EVERY GAME.

Proof in the pudding = common sense. (this is the reason people make smurf accounts)
This photo shows ALL OF THE GAMES I PLAYED WITH HERCULES ever since I was on that website data. It shows all my data and wins/loses with hercules.

As you can tell I AM POSITIVE NOT NEGATIVE in my stats with hercules lol.
Like I said, those old stats mean nothing because I simply rarely do bad with hercules.

This is the reason people make SMURF accounts, its because when you are NEW to SMITE people assume your overall stats reflect how you play CURRENTLY.

Lets just say if you think my hercules goes negative every match based on old stats you are kidding yourself because I wreck faces with hercules.


If I wanted to I could make a smurf account myself so I have a high *** K/d but why would I do that when I spent so much on this account? I can careless about the stats really but if you assume EVERYONE STATS ON SMITE = their true skill you are kidding yourself, most of us did very bad when we first played smite and played it for a long time, it simply messes up your stats. Which is why people make SMURF ACCOUNTS to look better.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » September 21, 2013 8:01pm | Report

MY logic = 4.31 Kills / 2.96 Deaths
Your Logic = 3.15 kills / 4.14 deaths.

If you can't tell your stats are judging old stats from MONTHS AGO when I had a very ****ty laptop and sucked at smite. (who doesn't suck as smite when they first start)

My stats are based of of current stats and my current stats are much better.

Actually those stats are lower as well because my stats didn't update yet so those games where I went 16-0 didn't even update on that yet.

Actually my stats would even be better than that if I never let my friends/brothers play on my account. The only reason my hercules isn't low is because thankfully for me nobody that comes over my house likes to play hercules much.

I don't care, I'm just telling you that when you look at peoples stats you should not judge past stats on how good they are currently.

Have you ever played the games Gears of War or Armored Core?
Well when I started both games I was very bad, in gears of war I was in the top 100 and would face the number 1 teams.

In Armored Core I was literally FAMOUS, I was literally in the best clan IN THE WOLRD and I actually do have video proof of that.

So please... just incase you don't hurt others feelings and make them feel bad, just know that peoples stats don't reflect their skill.

Oh and don't take this as it hurt my feelings I'm just saying others get very butthurt over this, I just posted this up to show you the proof of how you can't judge people based on old stats.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Misbelief » September 21, 2013 8:42pm | Report
ICEN wrote:

You are kidding yourself if you believe everyones stats represents how good they are lol. My hercules stats ARE MUCH HIGHER THAN THAT. That may reflect my OLD stats but not my CURRENT STATS. Look at the picture while reading this. Also my stats are even higher than in the photo but it hasn't updated because I haven't logged into that website in a while for it to update. Just saying, if you were to assume that my hercules goes negative you would be dead wrong because If you were to hop into a match right now and play conquest with me I wouldn't go negative in 90% of my matches.

Is that suppose to be mine? LOL, if so I hope you know that literally means nothing and I will prove why. Because If you are saying that is my stats I can ensure you 100% thats not true anymore because I RARELY lose with hercules. Here is a picture to prove my point.

I will explain while you look at the photo of my RECENT STATS.

#1 - When I first played smite I was using a BAD LAPTOP and SUCKED because I WAS NEW.
- it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that if you play a **** load of games when your new and sucky it effects your overall stats no matter how well you do in the future.

#2 - Like everyone knows, I spent about #150 on smite, I have the god pack, a **** load of gem skins and a few voice packs along with golden skins. I say this because I ALLOW MY FRIENDS/BROTHERS to play on my account for this reason. I play a majority of my games but they get on mine once in a while.

#3 - Past stats simply out weight future stats, I was a fiend on smite, I played all day 24/7 I simply put MORE HOURS IN WHEN I SUCKED and I am putting LESS HOURS IN that I am very good. This simply means in order to get very good stats I have to make up all those hours and deaths and go SUPER POSITIVE EVERY GAME.

Proof in the pudding = common sense. (this is the reason people make smurf accounts)
This photo shows ALL OF THE GAMES I PLAYED WITH HERCULES ever since I was on that website data. It shows all my data and wins/loses with hercules.

As you can tell I AM POSITIVE NOT NEGATIVE in my stats with hercules lol.
Like I said, those old stats mean nothing because I simply rarely do bad with hercules.

This is the reason people make SMURF accounts, its because when you are NEW to SMITE people assume your overall stats reflect how you play CURRENTLY.

Lets just say if you think my hercules goes negative every match based on old stats you are kidding yourself because I wreck faces with hercules.


If I wanted to I could make a smurf account myself so I have a high *** K/d but why would I do that when I spent so much on this account? I can careless about the stats really but if you assume EVERYONE STATS ON SMITE = their true skill you are kidding yourself, most of us did very bad when we first played smite and played it for a long time, it simply messes up your stats. Which is why people make SMURF ACCOUNTS to look better.

I was just posting your overall conquest KD. I understand that an overall KD doesn't represent current abilities but it does look bad when you brag about your abilities and do have a negative kd. Everyone has these kind of games where they do ridiculously well, even with odd gods, for instance I went 15-0 with vamana one game, my kd with vamana is still 1/1 illustrating that 1 game is an even worse representative of your abilities than an overall kd.

How do I know those are your stats? Unless I'm missing something your name isn't anywhere on that image. Even then, because of the amount of games played I can only assume it's a smurf account...which means nothing. I have a 13/2 kd on Kali, I have a 10/1 kd on ymir on my smurf accounts. People make smurf accounts because you get to play new people and absolutely **** stomp them. For anyone that hasn't made a smurf account, make one and you'll see what I'm talking about, you're basically playing kids with cerebral palsy. Like...If I made a smurf account and played exclusively with my main god I'd have a 200-0 kd by level 10.

When I look up ICEN, I see you went negative several games after your 16 kill 0 death game(Meaning you go negative alot more than 10% of the time like you claim). You were still positive overall in your last 8 conquest matches(It only shows that far) on that account...but because of that lucky freak game. looks like you do go negative, which isn't a bad, everyone goes negative once in a while but for some reason you want everyone to have an inaccurate view of your abilities. You say that you rarely lose anymore but in that picture your win loss ratio is 39 wins to 32 losses...I'm sorry but that's not "rarely" lose often(if that's really you, there's no name on the image).

Btw, that picture doesn't give what your conquest KD is.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Misbelief » September 21, 2013 8:53pm | Report
ICEN wrote:


MY logic = 4.31 Kills / 2.96 Deaths
Your Logic = 3.15 kills / 4.14 deaths.

If you can't tell your stats are judging old stats from MONTHS AGO when I had a very ****ty laptop and sucked at smite. (who doesn't suck as smite when they first start)

My stats are based of of current stats and my current stats are much better.

Actually those stats are lower as well because my stats didn't update yet so those games where I went 16-0 didn't even update on that yet.

Actually my stats would even be better than that if I never let my friends/brothers play on my account. The only reason my hercules isn't low is because thankfully for me nobody that comes over my house likes to play hercules much.

I don't care, I'm just telling you that when you look at peoples stats you should not judge past stats on how good they are currently.

Have you ever played the games Gears of War or Armored Core?
Well when I started both games I was very bad, in gears of war I was in the top 100 and would face the number 1 teams.

In Armored Core I was literally FAMOUS, I was literally in the best clan IN THE WOLRD and I actually do have video proof of that.

So please... just incase you don't hurt others feelings and make them feel bad, just know that peoples stats don't reflect their skill.

Oh and don't take this as it hurt my feelings I'm just saying others get very butthurt over this, I just posted this up to show you the proof of how you can't judge people based on old stats.

You don't know what logic is or means, I would suggest that you refrain from using the word.

It is not my logic that your overall conquest KD is 3.15/4.14 on your main account, it simply is your overall conquest KD on your main account.

It is not your logic that your KD is whatever you claim it is, it just simply is that amount within the specific sample of games that are calculated.

I don't know what that picture is showing, can you please explain and give me the name of that account so that I can view it for myself?

I don't care how good you were at Gears of War(The only shooter I've ever loved, only the first one, the other two blew ****s) or armored core(Played nexus on ps2 but not online or competitively).

My point wasn't that stats are an accurate representation of how good someone is, my point is that you're bragging about your abilities and are using stats from 1 game to support it while your overall stats are bad. I'm demonstrating that you're misleading us about your abilities.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » September 21, 2013 9:56pm | Report
Thats where you make no sense. You just said yourself stats don't show how good you are but then you said my stats are bad which means I'm bad?

Um no that is not a smurf account, that is my ICEN account. That is the account I been played on, why would I make a new account when I have $150 worth of money into smite on that account?

I just explained to you why those stats are like that and why overall stats mean nothing.

I'll explain it again.

The photo I showed you are my current aka recent stats of that god, meaning those are not my PAST STATS from when I was ****ty. This IS STILL THE ICEN ACCOUNT. Its not a smurf account and if you really want me to I can re-print the photo to show you its my account under "ICEN"

Again what that website does is take ALL of you matches EVER SINCE YOU JOINED THEIR SITE and it acts as if you are new sort of.

Basically lets say you joined that website yesterday. Well it would take ALL YOUR DATA from YESTERDAY and there on out as CURRENT DATA.

Thats why I said its PROOF STATS MEAN NOTHING.

And it is proof, if you don't get what I'm saying then understand it harder.

The stats you brough up are all stats meaning stats based on half a year if not more back.
That means that the stats you claim give indication on your skill is WRONG because its calculating STATS from when you were new to smite as being part of your overall stats.

Now you are going to say, well ICEN if your overall stats are your past, current and future stats its still a low stat so doesn't that mean its correct of your skill???


I will explain this to you as well.

Lets say you started to play smite 6 months ago.
Lets say that when you sucked at smite you played 1,000 games, got 2 kills and died 5,000 times.

Now lets say 6 months later you no longer suck at smite
Lets say that now since you are good you played 500 matches, got 3,500 kills and died 1,000 times


Do you seriously not understand this?

What I just showed you would be like a 3,498% increase in skill yet that 3,498% increase in skill was not enough to make up for your 6 months of playing smite and doing bad EVEN THOUGH YOU ARE 3,498% better at smite.

And for gods sake I will explain this again.

I have brothers, friends and my brothers friends that come over my house daily. I have 3 laptops in my house. I use the best laptop, the second laptop is decent and the 3rd laptop is unable to play smite very good. WHEN I GET OFF MY LAPTOP OR AM NOT PLAYING SMITE THEY PLAY ON IT.

So if you want to truely get an idea of someones skill you would probably want to look at their current progress not 6 months ago because I already proved its almost impossible to make up for 6 months of doing bad no matter how good you are.


Thats why if you see my hercules he has a high K/d, if you see my hebo he has a high k/d but I rarely play him so thats why he does, I also think hebo is OP thats why his kd is higher.

Anyways my point is, I have gods that have high k/d and others that have low k/d.
Most the ones with low k/d are the gods MY FRIENDS PLAY ON.

Everyone on this forum knows how I like to pick.
Hercules, Anhur used to be my main but not no more, I play HunBatz sometimes, ect.

Gods I don't play are gods like Ares, Aphro, ect I don't play, my friends play those gods.
Thats also why I only have skins on gods that I have higer K/d on, none of my gods that I have skins for have low k/d if you are judging my current stats and I would say thats pretty good being I let mofos play on my account sense I am generous.

Either way, I even told you that if you want I will LITERALLY play 5 Conquest games in a ROW with hercules WITH YOU and you can SEE that I won't go negative with him.

Does this explain it or do you need more explaining?
If you want to I can post up 40 photos, I have no problems with posting photos up I do it all the time, I CROPPED that picture so the picture IS BIGGER TO SEE. Why would I uncropp all the extra space of the photo?

You are new to smitefire so you don't know me I can tell, I AM ICEN, I post photos all the time, I rage sometimes and I don't have to tell lies, I will play a game with ANYONE.

By the way, if you want me to really prove my point I will literally for the sake of this post go make a smurf account right now and prove to you that I can get a easy *** high K/d because its not hard.

Again here is the common sense.

6 months of playing smite, you get 100 kills and you get 1,000 deaths (when your bad)
2 months of playing smite when you are good, you get 300 kills and 4 deaths.

As you can tell NO MATTER HOW GOOD YOU ARE, your stats will remain ****ty why? Because you simply played ALOT OF GAMES.

Thats what I did, when I was new to smite I played it 24/7 non stop so it will be impossible for me to make up for that no matter if I was to go 16-0 for 8 games in a row.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » September 21, 2013 10:05pm | Report
Example : with thanatos I have DOUBLE THE kills then my deaths.
That is even with overall because he is new. My k/d with thanatos is already double my deaths.
Why? Because hes a new god and I didn't play 6 months of him when I was ****ty or new at smite.

Other gods simply get ruined because when you play them for lets say 2 months non stop when you are new to smite YOU RUIN THE STATS of that god.

Thats why THanatos has a high k/d already because now that I am better ITS IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME TO RUIN HIS STATS because hes new and he hasn't had 6 months of damage done to him.

please tell me you understand this for gods sake :(


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by cowboydan840 » September 21, 2013 10:28pm | Report
This is really sad, but I can't look away.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » September 21, 2013 10:45pm | Report
Uh, I think ICEN is trying to say that a bunch of early screwups, like what happens to beginners in SMITE, can really screw over a god's stats*.

I mean, I still think ICEN is being a pompous braggart right now, but he does have a point. If he kicks *** with Herc, good for him, now can we please bury this thread?

*Several pages of text condensed into a single sentence.(•_•)
( •_•)>⌐■-■


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