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need list of ranged gods who are more mobile

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Forum » General Discussion » need list of ranged gods who are more mobile 6 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Nocturne_Saint » October 17, 2016 4:11pm | Report
I used to main anubis and kukulzan (sorry for spelling)
I was talking to someone i know and they said that anubis is usualy a bad ranged pick because he has to remain still while casting some of his abilities.

They told me of some better choices of ranged gods that are more mobile, but the list was so long i could not remember much.

So I ask the community what ranged gods you suggest in the current meta that are more mobile while casting or executing skills and skillshots.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » October 17, 2016 4:26pm | Report
Hey Nocturne,

Okay, so are you asking just about mages? Going to assume so, because of the two gods you mentioned, and also because many of the other classes are more mobile (not all). Also won't mention Ao Kuang as I'm guessing you're thinking more Mid-Lane or teamfight modes, rather than Junglers.

Here are some suggestions...keep in mind, mobility won't necessarily mean leaps or teleports. Many mages are high burst, so they need to have some weaknesses. So I'll be including those that have enhanced move speed, but I'll clarify further within.
  • Agni: has his dash and a way to CC when comboing his other abilities with Noxious Fumes.
  • Chronos: has a good, long duration speed boost in Accelerate, plus a get out of jail free with his ult. Considered hyper-carry late game, so is a pretty strong pick.
  • Eset: Think she's pretty meta right now. Sure, she doesn't really have great mobility, but she can continue doing damage while backpedaling using Wing Gust.
  • Janus: King of magical mobility.
  • Raijin: Definitely in the meta right now. Nice teleport.
  • Scylla: More strongly in the meta due to her recent buff. Like Raijin, nice teleport.
  • Sol: Disapparate increases her movement speed, while also making her invulnerable for a even if you don't get away, you get some time with no additional damage.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bullfrog323 » October 18, 2016 6:31am | Report
He Bo also has some mobility, with his 2 and ult.

Also, Chronos, Eset, Sol and He Bo mobility relies on a skill that increases movement speed only.
While it is considered mobility, I think Nocturne has more an "escape ability" in mind, because Kukulkan also has such mobility (and a good one though).

So, if we restrict only for mid-lane mages, that leaves
Hades (I don't know the meta, is he a midlaner ?)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sodsboy » October 19, 2016 4:40am | Report
Bullfrog323 wrote:

So, if we restrict only for mid-lane mages, that leaves
Hades (I don't know the meta, is he a midlaner ?)

Hades is more solo laner but he can do mid pretty effectively. Do note that probably the most mobile mid laner is Janus since of his practically global presence. If you don't feel like taking mages into mid lane then check out Nieth or Chiron. If you want to take assassin's into mid lane (It's possible.) Loki, Thor, Fenrir and some others just to name a few.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Nocturne_Saint » November 3, 2016 8:23pm | Report
I don't mind playing physical ranged. I should have said this from the start. thank you for the list of ranged mages though. Its probably going to be easier to go through them if they are separated from physical ranged.

I don't need high mobility every time, I just want atleast one escape and no skills that keep you in one place when using them. but thank you guys so far for your help.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by IceColdPappsi » November 3, 2016 9:49pm | Report
I am going to be completely honest with you: play who you are good with. You started the post by saying: "I main Anubis and Kukulkan." If you main them, you like their kit, what they can do, and accept their flaws and can work around them well. Disregarding what your friend said, go on and play Anubis. I'm not saying your friend's dumb or wrong, but SMITE and MOBAs in general are about playing characters that fit your playstyle. I mean, I main Skadi, and she's seen as "No escapes, weak, out of meta." Sometimes, **** THE META the meta is unreasonable.

Sorry for the rant. The commenters down there are good in their suggestions. But overall, it is up to you to try to learn a whole new god and their mechanics over a long period of time, or sticking to what your good with.

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