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Nice guys and douches.

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Forum » General Discussion » Nice guys and douches. 32 posts - page 1 of 4
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Shavul » April 22, 2014 4:40pm | Report
Well, you see. I was playing support, maybe Athena or something. I believe I was athena.

In my lane I had Xbalanque, pretty chill guy (Or maybe it was artemis. In fact, I believe it was artemis). Mid Agni, jungle Tyr, solo Neith. They were doing good.

Point is, enemy team's adc was laggind out nonstop. Poor Neith (theirs) getting disconnected and reconnected. Their jungler was having the same problems (or was it mid or solo? can't remember)

So, I pmed the enemy Geb (their supporter) telling him to farm safely, we would clear the lane after him and no hard feelings there. Xbalanque agreed with me and he played pretty safely.

Then, Geb went somewhere as Neith (theirs) came back. So, I told her to farm safely too. That player thanked me. ****ing Tyr went in and ganked the **** out of her.

Well, neith went on and off, and we ended up 3v5 since Geb left the game. So, laggy neith and two more players against us five.

Quite often my teammates (Neith and Tyr) told us to attack. They were telling me to kill Neith (theirs) on the spot, but I refused to do so. Then I remembered something I read here some time ago.

Some user around here recovered his faith on the community when his team surrendered in the same situation. So, I told my team to surrender too.
That the fight was unfair and I get no pleasure at all stomping three dudes. Agni agreed with me. Xbalanque (or was it artemis?) was even pumped about the idea of trying to surrender before they did.

Neith and Tyr didn't surrender with us, so they ended up surrendering anyway. Then I got reported for trying to surrender. And Artemis(Xbalanque or whatever, one of the two) got reported too. And probably Agni.

So, I got kind of warmhearted when I saw that my two teammates wanted to be nice guys and end it. And I got sad when I saw that douchy Tyr and stupid Neith didn't want too surrender because zomg killing iz zo much fun. I don't even. I don't ****ing even.

By the way, the bold text is there to highlight that I got the idea from this site.

Well, little story for y'all. And I have a question too.

Would you have surrendered with me, or just play the game and beat the **** out of them until they do out of boredom?.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by MadDanny » April 22, 2014 5:03pm | Report
Keep making posts like these. It will catch on and we shall make smite the most non-toxic, friendly moba eva! :D
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by alphacar » April 22, 2014 5:11pm | Report
I would surrender with you. Seems disrespectful to the other team if I didn't. I would also report the Tyr and Neith for BM.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Firraria » April 22, 2014 5:14pm | Report
On one hand, it would be totally unfair to beat the **** out of the enemies, but on the other hand, it's not my fault, so do I really deserve a loss because they had issues (but at the same time, do I deserve the win)? There's really no right or wrong answer there.

Honestly, I would've went ahead and won. I don't see the point in giving them a free win and then taking a loss for myself just because they had some issues.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Shavul » April 22, 2014 5:26pm | Report
Firraria wrote:

On one hand, it would be totally unfair to beat the **** out of the enemies, but on the other hand, it's not my fault, so do I really deserve a loss because they had issues (but at the same time, do I deserve the win)? There's really no right or wrong answer there.

Honestly, I would've went ahead and won. I don't see the point in giving them a free win and then taking a loss for myself just because they had some issues.

The thing is, it's not about winning or losing. It never is. Sure, winning feels great and losing kinda frustrating.

The thing is, playing is all about fun. I do not find enjoyment in that kind of unfair fight. I do not find enjoyment when I have some lag problems and I get picked un just because I'm an easy underleveled guy.

Surrendering there was not about winning or losing. It was about being respectful to the enemy team. Was about not feeling bad while destroying them. It was about turning something frustrating and stupid into some kind of beautiful thing.

There's another thread that has "How to make the community nicer" or something around those lines in the title. Well, here's your answer. This is the way to do it. Hold the line when adversity comes up, cheer up your teammates when you're losing, help each other improve, and respect your foes.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Firraria » April 22, 2014 8:04pm | Report
Shavul wrote:

The thing is, it's not about winning or losing. It never is. Sure, winning feels great and losing kinda frustrating.

The thing is, playing is all about fun. I do not find enjoyment in that kind of unfair fight. I do not find enjoyment when I have some lag problems and I get picked un just because I'm an easy underleveled guy.

Surrendering there was not about winning or losing. It was about being respectful to the enemy team. Was about not feeling bad while destroying them. It was about turning something frustrating and stupid into some kind of beautiful thing.

There's another thread that has "How to make the community nicer" or something around those lines in the title. Well, here's your answer. This is the way to do it. Hold the line when adversity comes up, cheer up your teammates when you're losing, help each other improve, and respect your foes.

I do all of those things and more, but that doesn't negate the fact that if I want to win I shouldn't be labeled as a "douche". It's more fun for me to destroy a team with ease than to surrender, so really it's just a personal preference for fun. No, if someone had connection issues and is very underleveled I wont BM them or target them exclusively just because it's easy, but I'm not going to lose just because they got the rough end of the stick. Winning just feels good, and losing doesn't, even if my losing is making the enemy team happy, because as I said, it's not my problem.
The surrendering might not be about winning or losing for you, but it is for me. It's not because I'm over-competitive, it's more because I'm simply not playing to create "moments". For me, being the winning just feels good, even if it's a totally superficial and invalid win.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Shavul » April 23, 2014 4:18am | Report
I just cannot get how do you have fun winning something so unfair. And "I care about winning, even if the victory is Shallow" is over-competitive and don't sell me bul****. That's the exact definition of being over-competitive.

But whatever you feel like. I still see my allies and the enemy as people, and my objective is to have fun fighting a good fight. The harder the battle, the sweeter the victory. And if I do lose, no biggie. I had FUN.

And I'm sorry if I label you as a douche. But, if you were in the game I played, ganking a guy 8 levels behind you, even though I said NOT to attack her, and then reported me for trying to be a nice guy, of course I'd label you as a douche.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by WatchfulShadow » April 23, 2014 4:46am | Report
I have to agree with Firraria. It is an awkward situation, but I feel like I shouldn't have to lose because the other team's internet/game is having problems, would they do the same? I only play 3v3, and if an enemy DC's, I'll say in the lobby afterwards 'GG' 'Sorry about the DC'. So I'm not the 'we gotta win, I don't care if the other team has problems, F them' kinda guy.

You mentioned it's about 'fun', but I wouldn't get any more fun from surrendering than I would winning, so that point is irrelevant for me.

If it was a league or tournament game, would you do the same?

I respect the thought of what you did/tried to do though.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Shavul » April 23, 2014 4:50am | Report
League or tournament? No. That is indeed about winning. Casual? Of course I would surrender, two million times.

And, since when the point on doing something good is "Would they do the same or not". If I give money to someone poor, go pick up a drunk friend far away from home, or whatever, I'm not thinking about if they'd do the same, but about how good being good with others feel.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by nightmare1985 » May 3, 2014 7:16pm | Report
Why I remember my first win ever with Arachne? I remember it because some poor Cupid got 2 of his disconected and 2 got rage quit. And belive it or not my dear piggies he was left all alone :(
I felt pretty bad but didnt had an idea what to do (but the least i could do is not to kill him). Anyway maybe some one would offer surrender but in those days the surrender vote could be started on min 20 and guess what we stomped him b4 that. and feeling that bad I added him and played some duos with him and won.

Recalling on that event my answer is YES Shavul I would probably click F6 now cuz to be honest people are fcking selfish nowdays they would do anything to win even take an advantage on 3 v 5 situations among other things. btw gj for sportsmanship spirit


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