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No More Hi-Rez Smite Forum!

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Forum » General Discussion » No More Hi-Rez Smite Forum! 26 posts - page 1 of 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » August 6, 2013 11:03am | Report
Has Hi-Rez lost their mind?

I went to log into the forum today and they shut it down and no longer have a forum for smite their own freaking game!

What the hell are the doing?

They say people don't use the forum? What are the smoking? There are a decent amount of post and threads on there.

More like Hi-Rez can't deal with issues people probably post up so they decided to just ignore everyone and shut the forums down. Hell I bet they secretly closed down the support as well.

Hi-Rez officially ******ed as hell for closing their own forum down.

They probably seen all the threads saying "Hi-Rez WTF are you doing"
To gods, to bugs, to problems, to balancing, to everything.

They probably just got tired and no ignore all of us.

Thanks Hi-Rez for disconnection a good portion of the serious players!

Hi-Rez says people go to facebook more???

Ya maybe the noob ***es who don't even play smite as much as the hardcore fans of smite. Nobody goes to facebook to make threads about smite like a forum can.

Hi-Rez screw you. I'll still play your game though but still Hi-Rez = ******ed


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kintastic » August 6, 2013 11:25am | Report
tl;dr Hi-Rez sucks, I'm still going to play your game.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » August 6, 2013 12:27pm | Report
Kintastic wrote:

tl;dr Hi-Rez sucks, I'm still going to play your game.

ea sucks but people still play their game if the get a good one though its rare.
a company can go full ****** but i doupt their games won't be played unless the f*** up very royaly.

Hirez all ways goes full ****** when ever their games get big. i just hope they dont go to far with smite.
never forget dawngate and never forgive EA. Freia will hunt them for eternity.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » August 6, 2013 1:41pm | Report
Yes I wills still play smite because its fun but that doesn't mean they ain't full ******ed as you said.

Sometimes I wonder how people can be so stupid.

Hey I made a video game people like!

Yo lets take down the forum!!!

Why should we do that?

Oh ummm I don't know but lets just do it anyways because its obviously not a benefit to our game!

People don't like to use the forum anyways!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Dark Jaw » August 6, 2013 3:03pm | Report
I don't know why the official forums were take down. Some people there are jerks, but seriously, every good game and good company has an official forum. Better HiRez hurry up if Smite becomes as big as LoL, or if they want Smite to become so.

Dark Jaw

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » August 6, 2013 3:59pm | Report
Dark Jaw wrote:

I don't know why the official forums were take down. Some people there are jerks, but seriously, every good game and good company has an official forum. Better HiRez hurry up if Smite becomes as big as LoL, or if they want Smite to become so.

Well I guess it's not terrible I mean hirez did almost nothing with the forums and they always got patch notes last. Hirez rarely responded to any tread and when they did it was very short
Or just a defencive comment without any real good argument. They get most of their feedback from reddit anyway so I guess very little changes overall.
never forget dawngate and never forgive EA. Freia will hunt them for eternity.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Dark Jaw » August 6, 2013 4:20pm | Report
All4Games wrote:

Well I guess it's not terrible I mean hirez did almost nothing with the forums and they always got patch notes last. Hirez rarely responded to any tread and when they did it was very short
Or just a defencive comment without any real good argument. They get most of their feedback from reddit anyway so I guess very little changes overall.

The problem is Reddit isn't organized. Ok, I don't hate Reddit, I actually use it a lot. It's easier to use and such, but not organized.

Dark Jaw

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RazeMage » August 6, 2013 6:04pm | Report
They said their post are gonna be on reddit?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TormentedTurnip » August 6, 2013 10:42pm | Report
Fortunately the core posters have created two new forums for us to migrate to. I'm not going to link them here simply because I would rather ICEN not be a part of it (no offense), but a twenty-hour notice with hardly any effort put into spreading the message really pissed me off. Some other posters and I had a lot of fun with bumping the god feedback threads to the top, though, so some good came out of it. Unfortunately I was not able to keep Hel at the top past 3 a.m. :/

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » August 7, 2013 6:12am | Report

Fortunately the core posters have created two new forums for us to migrate to. I'm not going to link them here simply because I would rather ICEN not be a part of it (no offense), but a twenty-hour notice with hardly any effort put into spreading the message really pissed me off. Some other posters and I had a lot of fun with bumping the god feedback threads to the top, though, so some good came out of it. Unfortunately I was not able to keep Hel at the top past 3 a.m. :/
To bad I already had accounts on other forums that deal with smite if those are the ones you are talking about. If you mean literally new as in new new fresh today no but if you mean kind of recent then I am probably on their with a different account name. Like Tiermonster and all those other forums I been on those with multiple account names.

Ya mad brah? I be on all them forums

You said NO OFFENSE....... ??? really now......

I wasn't even going to type this part but I just thought of why I should!

No offense my buttcrack.

WHy else would you bother to type out
"I would post the links but I don't want ICEN to be apart of the forum"

Then you say no offense???

Basically you just said that to be a smart *** and I don't feel like using the word butt this time.

I don't take offense but I know why you said what you said it was to be a smart *** and you fulfilled your role did you get your giggles? I got my giggles once you read this post because why else would you type that ******ed statement with my name in it then say

NO OFFENSE? To me that means your saying "Don't be mad bro"

When people say NO OFFENSE that means they really want to say "I HOPE YOU GET OFFENDED"

Ewwww I wish I can say certain things :) Oh I wish.


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