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nothing but the worst kind of players in most matches. i can usually cope with that but this match ticked it off.

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Forum » General Discussion » nothing but the worst kind of players in most matches. i can usually cope with that but this match ticked it off. 15 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » November 5, 2013 12:20pm | Report
here is why im gonna stop solo queueing



and guess who the **** they blame... THE JUNGLER.

fen wanted to duo lane with apro and got killed in the first minute.

the herc wants me to gank guan yu cause he cant hold his lane against a guan and says no one can. dies the 3rd minute and tells me to gank. i didn't even have and ult yet. he tells me i suck after i ganked his lane and got the kill by tower trowing my 1 after herc died.

okay i can understand it if he doesnt know how to counter guan but he can atleast play passive but no he dashes into him without mana and below half health.

i tell him how that its pretty easy to tango with guan. he blames me for dieing again while im just doing my job and clearing camps and ganking every where i can which isn't a lot of places because every lane is losing but playing agressive as hell.

the herc keeps complaining and i tell him that he needs to stop complainging and just learn how to counter guan which for herc is a goddamm easy thing to do and that i will mute him if he keeps complaining.

HE SAYS AND I QUOTE: "no that is not how it works you should. have you never jungled before." it went on with more complainging, blaming and raging+cursing. but i stopped reading and muted him.

we surrederd at 10 and zhong tells the enemy team to report his team.

now normally i can just move on with my life but really this was the game where i just said no **** you all you suck learn how to play or uninstall. well i didn't say it in game but i defently thought that.

i have had nothing but these games every ****ing time i solo queue and i am so done with it because really i don't care how strong you say you are or that you can just let this slide off because: NO STFU YOU CAN'T AND I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT NO MATTER HOW STRONG YOU MENTALLY ARE THAT IT WILL EVENTUALLY START EATING AT YOU.

sign* sorry for the rage but oh did it feel good.
never forget dawngate and never forgive EA. Freia will hunt them for eternity.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » November 5, 2013 12:44pm | Report
The aphrodite and fenrir should have DUMB as clan tag not DUB for going aphrodite fenrir and then being mad for losing xD

But I've had the same scenario tons of times, it's like they want the jungler to play duo, mid, solo and jungle at the same time.
IGN: Marki

Jungle & Support main.

Casually tryharding ranked now and again.

Make fun of my bad plays on Twitch ;)
Is only pixels, why you haf to be mad?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » November 5, 2013 1:07pm | Report

The aphrodite and fenrir should have DUMB as clan tag not DUB for going aphrodite fenrir and then being mad for losing xD

But I've had the same scenario tons of times, it's like they want the jungler to play duo, mid, solo and jungle at the same time.

in this little chat box i can not discribe how happy i am with your post. thank you.

as for what you wrote. the only thing i can say is that you nailed it.
never forget dawngate and never forgive EA. Freia will hunt them for eternity.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xzarrus » November 5, 2013 1:10pm | Report

I know that sort of players. Happens to me like every game, and Im currently level 26.
Yesterday a Poseidon stole my Red, he didnt even said "Im Sorry". Then he went mid and got killed by Zeus - we we're 2 Minutes in.
His Endscore was 4 - 18. I laughed hard.

But to be honest ;
dont go Bumbas on Thanatos - you dont need it.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sunfall » November 5, 2013 1:12pm | Report
But All4Games, you should know that in the event of team failure, blame priority always goes jungler first!

...Okay, on a more serious note, yeah, it sucks that you had a bad game. I recently had one where someone claimed he called the jungler role first when I had already called jungle Freya many seconds earlier. This guy also happened to be the last one to pick a god, and guess what he does? He autolocks Anubis when our team needs a tanky god.

It didn't stop there. When the game started, the first thing he does is take mid (which our Chronos had called during god selection), forcing him into an unfavorable Anhur+ Chronos duo against Ymir and Cupid. This put me into a situation where I had to basically babysit the duo lane most of the game because they were constantly being pushed, and yet at the same time, I was also doing my best to keep the enemy jungler in check.

Fortunately, the Anubis I mentioned earlier had it easy this entire game. He was up against a bad Poseidon who ended up feeding him. What's wrong with this? He let it get to his head, and insisted that I and everyone else on our team was bad because we were struggling while he had the most kills for the game by far. He just went on tirades about how I was a garbage jungler (I actually ended positive, and tied with the enemy jungler, Ne Zha), how Sun Wukong was a garbage solo (he started snowballing after I helped him gank right and take the tower), and how Anhur and Chronos were a garbage duo (you forced one of them into an uncomfortable role, idiot).

Even after the enemy team surrendered at 14 minutes, he continued to go on about how he carried a bunch of bads, even when our opponents didn't think we were bad and that we just played at a disadvantage. Needless to say, we all ended up reporting our Anubis for ego-tripping the entire game and afterwards.

Really, it all just goes back to egotism. Players who lose just can't accept they did wrong and are quick to find a scapegoat, while those who win insist it was all them, and their team were just witnesses. This goes double for premade groups; if you are landed in as a solo with premade partys, they will never admit that either of them did wrong, and project the blame onto the people that weren't in their party, no matter how badly they themselves fed, all because you weren't part of their "brilliant teamwork".

The aphrodite and fenrir should have DUMB as clan tag not DUB for going aphrodite fenrir and then being mad for losing xD

But I've had the same scenario tons of times, it's like they want the jungler to play duo, mid, solo and jungle at the same time.

This is exactly how I feel when I'm jungling. Players set unrealistically high expectations for the jungler, when the truth is the jungler simply can't be everywhere at once. Laners need to learn to pull their own weight instead of relying solely on jungler ganks to stay ahead, and realize that the jungler also needs to control the mid camps before the opponent gets them first.
Waiting on a good new MOBA, please.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » November 5, 2013 1:13pm | Report
xzarrus wrote:

But to be honest ;
dont go Bumbas on Thanatos - you dont need it.

oh i know that but i do not feel confident enough in my thanatos skills yet to take the mask off of thanato, i am still working on him.
never forget dawngate and never forgive EA. Freia will hunt them for eternity.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » November 5, 2013 1:47pm | Report
Sunfall wrote:

This is exactly how I feel when I'm jungling. Players set unrealistically high expectations for the jungler, when the truth is the jungler simply can't be everywhere at once. Laners need to learn to pull their own weight instead of relying solely on jungler ganks to stay ahead, and realize that the jungler also needs to control the mid camps before the opponent gets them first.


It's just so dumb, no one looks for lets say mid to win the solo lane. But jungle is there to win all the lanes for some reason :P
IGN: Marki

Jungle & Support main.

Casually tryharding ranked now and again.

Make fun of my bad plays on Twitch ;)
Is only pixels, why you haf to be mad?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sirsir94 » November 5, 2013 1:49pm | Report
This is one reason why I don't like jungling in general. They laners expect you to hold their hands and feed them kills even when they are a solid 5 second walk away. The jungler can't be everywhere at once especially if 2 lanes are doing badly. I have a bias: Mid > Bot > Top (in LoL: same thing applies here, Carries and mages come first.) Of course if only top is struggling, help top, but there are far better priorities.
Quadras: Cupid, Artemis, Loki, Ah Muzen Cab


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Talenhiem » November 5, 2013 2:55pm | Report
All4Games wrote:

here is why im gonna stop solo queueing



and guess who the **** they blame... THE JUNGLER.

fen wanted to duo lane with apro and got killed in the first minute.

the herc wants me to gank guan yu cause he cant hold his lane against a guan and says no one can. dies the 3rd minute and tells me to gank. i didn't even have and ult yet. he tells me i suck after i ganked his lane and got the kill by tower trowing my 1 after herc died.

okay i can understand it if he doesnt know how to counter guan but he can atleast play passive but no he dashes into him without mana and below half health.

i tell him how that its pretty easy to tango with guan. he blames me for dieing again while im just doing my job and clearing camps and ganking every where i can which isn't a lot of places because every lane is losing but playing agressive as hell.

the herc keeps complaining and i tell him that he needs to stop complainging and just learn how to counter guan which for herc is a goddamm easy thing to do and that i will mute him if he keeps complaining.

HE SAYS AND I QUOTE: "no that is not how it works you should. have you never jungled before." it went on with more complainging, blaming and raging+cursing. but i stopped reading and muted him.

we surrederd at 10 and zhong tells the enemy team to report his team.

now normally i can just move on with my life but really this was the game where i just said no **** you all you suck learn how to play or uninstall. well i didn't say it in game but i defently thought that.

i have had nothing but these games every ****ing time i solo queue and i am so done with it because really i don't care how strong you say you are or that you can just let this slide off because: NO STFU YOU CAN'T AND I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT NO MATTER HOW STRONG YOU MENTALLY ARE THAT IT WILL EVENTUALLY START EATING AT YOU.

sign* sorry for the rage but oh did it feel good.

I'm dead serious, you should really find and join a competitive team if you have the time. You have the exact opposite of the utter ******** that happened that match, you can mess with the meta, and you'll be playing with friends. Personally, I think that it fits you perfectly.

I also feel for you - I just played a game where it looked like we had a good team, me as Sobek, but 5 seconds before the game autolocks us, they all go assassins and they forced me into midlane. GOD ****ING DAMMIT, I was pissed.

So I built AD, they raged at me, and we SOMEHOW won. Still reported them.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pizzarugi » November 6, 2013 9:05am | Report
I'm good with Loki, but I'm not THAT good. So it's safe to say when my 2 teammates (I play 3v3 joust because I don't like dealing with metagamer ***clowns ruining your day with *****yness) start doing poorly, my own efficiency suffers. The past 4 joust matches in a row were met with defeat after defeat, all of us with a negative KD though mine suffered the least.

I don't understand it. Before those 4 matches, I was doing great! Good KD, rest of the team was keeping up quite well, then next thing you know I'm winding up joining poorly skilled players and getting my *** handed to me.
IGN: Pizzarugi (Add me if you like joust, assault, siege or arena)
Total Diamonds: 9 (Latest: Ymir, Cabrakan, Bellona)
Favorite Gods: Ah Muzen Cab, Bastet, Loki
Favorite Roles: Carry, Assassin
Least Favorite Roles: Tank

Looking to be great at laning as Ah Muzen Cab? Check out this guide! It was the runner up for best hunter guide in the season 2 contest.


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