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Patch 6.9, WhateverTF it's called Persephone Patch - Bran's Non-Thoughts

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Forum » General Discussion » Patch 6.9, WhateverTF it's called Persephone Patch - Bran's Non-Thoughts 9 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » August 7, 2019 12:39am | Report
So...I went from being pretty chill at work to being "Imbasicallyslammedfortheforeseeablefuture." What this means is that I don't think I'll have time to easily write up my standard "Bran's Thoughts."

Depending on interest, I could maybe do a quick video/chat review of the patch notes tomorrow night sometime (possibly), and upload to YouTube. But I don't know if anyone actually cares (and I won't be offended if no one does...I'm pretty stupid). I dunno, maybe I could pull someone in on Discord chat to contribute to it if they're still awake, but it would be fairly late at night (I have to put the kids to bed, which means probably 10pm Pacific).

Anyway, yeah...I've been working on my Medusa guide update (mainly build update with Fail-Not), but I haven't even been able to get that thing done. Also I hurt my wrist and elbow in a stupid roller-blading fall (Avada Kedavra is a real thing, my kid cast it on me right before the fall) and I don't know why the top of the base of my thumb is bruised when 1) I don't bruise easily, and 2) as I fell, I hit my palm, not the top of my hand.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by CafPow » August 7, 2019 2:18am | Report
so you just lack Time cause your Kid is in Askaban now and the Visits take Time huh?

get well soon ^^


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by silentshell » August 7, 2019 2:19am | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

So...I went from being pretty chill at work to being "Imbasicallyslammedfortheforeseeablefuture." What this means is that I don't think I'll have time to easily write up my standard "Bran's Thoughts."

Depending on interest, I could maybe do a quick video/chat review of the patch notes tomorrow night sometime (possibly), and upload to YouTube. But I don't know if anyone actually cares (and I won't be offended if no one does...I'm pretty stupid). I dunno, maybe I could pull someone in on Discord chat to contribute to it if they're still awake, but it would be fairly late at night (I have to put the kids to bed, which means probably 10pm Pacific).

Anyway, yeah...I've been working on my Medusa guide update (mainly build update with Fail-Not), but I haven't even been able to get that thing done. Also I hurt my wrist and elbow in a stupid roller-blading fall (Avada Kedavra is a real thing, my kid cast it on me right before the fall) and I don't know why the top of the base of my thumb is bruised when 1) I don't bruise easily, and 2) as I fell, I hit my palm, not the top of my hand.

You are in the beginning stages of old fart now, so anything that needs an excuse to hurt will hurt even if you don't think that it is related to something else you hurt.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » August 7, 2019 6:58am | Report
Well, The patch is as 4:00 p.m here, when I'm working, so I can't make a "myst thoughts" too because I have to watch from Cellphone and as you all know, format bb code from cellphone isn't the greatest thing to do.

So I may talk about the patch on discord while they broadcast it, but, to put my thoughts I would have to publish tomorrow, when I get online on a PC.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SkyPirateShini » August 7, 2019 7:18am | Report
I'm in the same boat as Myst. I'll just be going to work once the patch notes start so I can't do anything. I probably won't even be able to see it until later tonight.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ThePerfectPrism » August 7, 2019 8:24am | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:
(Avada Kedavra is a real thing, my kid cast it on me right before the fall)


If you want to bran, I can post my thoughts (since I'm free and pretty chill) to replace yours for this patch. Would you care?
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Wayne3100 » August 7, 2019 10:49am | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:
But I don't know if anyone actually cares
In case you hadn't noticed already, your "Bran's Thoughts" threads tend to do quite well in terms of activity/views. Sure, there is a (slight) chance that no one actually cares about your opinion and they all just want to share their own thoughts on the newest patch, but does it really matter?

Thanks to Janitsu for the signature!

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » August 7, 2019 1:03pm | Report
@Wayne, I actually have no clue how popular the activity of those posts are...sometimes I get a decent # of comments, and sometimes not very many.

@Pris, absolutely go and post. Then once you've taken the time to write everything out in lovely BBCode or whatever, I'll edit it and make it my own. XD Joking. But yeah, go for it.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » August 12, 2019 3:39am | Report
Well bran they gather in a lot of cases around 1.5K views


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