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Quick casting

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Forum » General Discussion » Quick casting 15 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Strikerjacob » April 6, 2014 4:39pm | Report
I was just wondering if it is bad that I use quick casting for smite on all abilitys, so I hold the button down for the ability and when I release it it does the ability, and also if anyone else uses it.
I just put it there for some reason when I started and I got used to it and it works fine for me.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Firraria » April 6, 2014 5:21pm | Report
Whatever you're comfortable with is probably what you should go with. I personally use normal casting, cause I have a habit of getting my skills up and ready long before I need them.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Shavul » April 6, 2014 6:05pm | Report
I plan my skills. For example, with chang'e I have 1,2 and 3 on instant casting and my 4 on normal casting.

With Wukong, I have my 2 on instant and 1,3 and 4 on normal.

With athena, I have 2 on quick, 3 on instant and 1 and 4 on normal.

So, you see. It's about improving your performance. I keep normal casting if it's a skillshot or teleport or whatever, quick if I need to know the area I'm hitting and instant if I know where I'm hitting every time.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by WatchfulShadow » April 6, 2014 8:20pm | Report
I think the only skill I set to instant was Neith's Backflip, there's probably other abilities for other God's that I should set to instant too, but I don't feel it's necessary right now.

But yeah, like the other guy said, whatever you're comfortable with is perfectly fine.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Jordenito » April 6, 2014 9:39pm | Report
It depends on the god/skills. For example, Chang'e's Moonlit Waltz is on normal casting, but since it's an invulnerability skill, and sometimes you need it as an "Oh ****!" life saver, I put it on instant cast.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Strikerjacob » April 8, 2014 2:41pm | Report
Thanks guys, I was just wondering cause all the pro streamers seem to use normal casting and I was wondering if it was the best way and I was doing it wrong.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ninja Trigger » April 8, 2014 3:02pm | Report
Shavul wrote:

I plan my skills. For example, with chang'e I have 1,2 and 3 on instant casting and my 4 on normal casting.

With Wukong, I have my 2 on instant and 1,3 and 4 on normal.

With athena, I have 2 on quick, 3 on instant and 1 and 4 on normal.

So, you see. It's about improving your performance. I keep normal casting if it's a skillshot or teleport or whatever, quick if I need to know the area I'm hitting and instant if I know where I'm hitting every time.

This is exactly how you should use Smart cast. I hated seeing people make blogs and guides over on Mobafire saying that turning SmartCast on would take you from bronze to gold overnight. It doesn't work that way.

The reason SmartCast helps is because you know how the spell works thus giving you that extra time. Smartcasting is to help you land combos and improve your casting time. You turn it on for certain abilities that you are comfortable with, not every ability it's called SmartCasting for a reason, not WinCasting

well at least it's called Smartcasting in league, and in Smite it's called QuickCasting, I think Smite chose a better name, because for way to long people in League thought it was the smart thing to do, and is wasn't. It lost a lot more games then it ever won, due to people not understanding it's concept, anyway I hope this long post helps (^_^")
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pentargonite » April 8, 2014 9:55pm | Report
With Athena I use instant on my 2 so I can get the 3-2-3 combo out quicker, but I'll give quick casting a try I guess :3


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Shavul » April 9, 2014 4:25am | Report
I have quick on athena's 2 because when I'm chasing I rather be positive I'm taunting them and not the air behind them. I know that the combo goes faster with instant, but quick does the trick.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Keari » April 9, 2014 5:50am | Report
I use quick for everything. It's just much more fluid on the gods I usually play, but on gods Im inexperienced with, it always backfires.


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