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"Support is one of the easiest role"

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Forum » General Discussion » "Support is one of the easiest role" 24 posts - page 1 of 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » February 6, 2015 7:01am | Report
So me and my brother had a little discussion about the role support (over all game modes), because he was *****ing his friend because he was doing bad at support again. I was listening from my room (he was mad so he was shouting) and he said that support was one of the easiest role.

So I walked over and said why he said that as support is one of the hardest (for me support and jungling is the hardest). And he was like: "you only need to ward, initiate team fights and tank damage."

The moment I started about and what about rotating (this is where the all game modes is in) he said that is something unimportant and is something for a jungler/roamer. He said this while playing siege. The mode where a rotation can get you the win. After this I just walked out because I didn't want to argue any further (mostly because he get's angrier by the minute when he is angry and can't get his will)

So I wanted to know your opinions and arguments to his statement.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Setolino » February 6, 2015 7:27am | Report
Support is ez to play against casuals. However it gets critical if you play competitive. People that never played on a certain level maybe wont understand this. But if you **** up you initiating, use a abilitie to early/late that most likely gonna get abused since you can be sure the other team knows how to play. And that means you ****ed up and your team dies for it. Or atleast the squishis because you are the wall between the enemy team and your carrys.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pizzarugi » February 6, 2015 9:56am | Report
Thats why I hate support, way too much responsibility. I prefer more simple roles, like assassins or mages, because their only job is to get kills and maybe push.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Diomedes232 » February 6, 2015 10:25am | Report
I honestly would say support is one of the hardest and most under appreciated roles, if you **** up most of the time it's not you who pays for it directly... Like settling said, it's one of the only roles I'm not good at because it's so hard. I would say adc is the easiest as you just try to survive and land auto attacks for the most part, followed buy solo as you just basically try to win lane and play your God to counter the other one in lane and then play the teamfights as whoever your God is, then jungle as you look for opportunities to jump in and either **** someone up or support lanes/ push towers. TheN mid as you have to both outplay your opponent survive constant ganks from every lane and then rotate appropriately. Compare those too support where you have to do like almost all those things at the same time while trying not to fall behind with no love from your teammates for doing anything right and yea playing support is pretty hard got to say


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GeouZu » February 6, 2015 12:29pm | Report
Well, I would tell him that he had never played with a good support. By watching streams/tournaments it can be seen how important support is. In casuals a good support can carry a game, not by getting kills but by letting the team mates get those kills. Easy example: Your Vulcan uses his ult on enemy Anubis. You are Athena. Anubis got out of the ult range but you just taunt him inside the range again... bam, kill secured.
It is pretty hard to play support, especially from behind. You should think fast and make best decisions possible (like whom to shield as Geb.) But when you do something that helps your team( secure a kill, save your team mate, secure objective) it is really rewarding and feels great.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Reverend Belial » February 6, 2015 2:42pm | Report
Support is easily the hardest role, especially in non-Conquest maps (I don't play Conquest, so I don't have enough experience to speak on that particular subject).

I am a support main. I play other roles from time to time, but I shine most when giving others a helping hand (ironically). To be a good support (or even a decent support), there are about as many things you HAVE to focus on as there are when flying a plane:
- You need to assess the enemy team and judge who is the biggest threat(s)
- You need to assess your team to see who is the weak link that needs to be protected
- You need to assess who is the clear carry/leader that should be assisted
- You need to judge who is in the most danger or who can be best helped by your intervention
- You need to make the tough calls of who to save, even the best support can only be in one place at a time and often there are multiple people in equal danger who are too spread out to help all at once
- You need to call when enemies need to be prevented from escaping, or when it's best to cut your losses and prevent more casualties

And really, at the end of the day, most teams will either ignore you or yell at you for having cooldowns and only controlling one character. Only once in a blue moon (or 3/5 games that I play Geb) will people actually appreciate all that you have done for your team.

Compare that to an ADC's list:

- You need to hold down m1
- You need everybody's kills, whether they like it or not

And when the match ends they will likely cheer you as a hero, because of the impressive 25/0/8 fed to you by your team.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Chiulin » February 6, 2015 5:35pm | Report
I'm not sure it's the hardest, as most of the roles have a lot of things to think about. I just think that it's a role most people don't want to play, because it doesn't make you look good. Which leaves you as the unappreciated guy who gets *****ed at because you placed a ward 1 pixel too far to the left. Which apparently caused your adc to die from sitting in the enemy tower too long.



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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HammaSmite » February 6, 2015 5:41pm | Report

- You need to assess the enemy team and judge who is the biggest threat(s)
- You need to assess your team to see who is the weak link that needs to be protected
- You need to assess who is the clear carry/leader that should be assisted

*clicks tongue* Didn't your teacher teach you NOT to use the same word over and over again? I am ashamed. *shakes head*
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by _angrytoast » February 6, 2015 5:41pm | Report
Support is hard because of rotations. Knowing when to rotate isn't as easy as it may seem (ie mid camps, going for the pick, invading, etc.), but a lot of it relies on shot calling. When playing at a higher level a bad engagement can lose you the game.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » February 7, 2015 1:58am | Report
yeah for me support is laso the hardest (I am better at jungling but that's mostly rotating and farming and support stays in lanes longer then a jungler)


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