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Ra Aggressive better than Ra Defensive

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Forum » General Discussion » Ra Aggressive better than Ra Defensive 3 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » November 10, 2013 1:30pm | Report
Am I the only one who thinks Ra is best played Aggressive than Defensive?
I am not saying you can't play defensive I'm just saying if you had to pick one or the other or lean to one side I feel that you bring out Ra's best quality when you play him Aggressive.

Once you get a defensive item or two you should be playing aggressive and not defensive in my opinion.

Ra has
- C.Beam which clears waves and does a pretty good amount of damage.
* If you play defensive you will almost never hit them with your beam being its very easy to dodge and slow.
* If you play aggressive Close Quarter Combat, you can almost always hit your beam
- SLOW, Ra has a slow that is probably one of the best slows in the game but the downside is you have to be close to get the full effect.
- If you play defensive you will not be using your slow much other than to get people off of you
- if you play aggressive then your slow will be used to land your beam and ult as well as secure kills for your team
* HEAL, Ra has a heal that does alot of damage ONLY if they stand in it for the full duration but if they don't it does a tiny bit of damage, but it heals you while it does damage.
- if you play defensive with it you will most likely throw it out and camp healing your minions, ect.
- If you play aggressive with it you will place your heal, slow the enemy, sit in your heal and beam them while healing.
* ULT BEAM, Ras ult does a big chunk of damage and has long range
- if you play defensive you can take a big chunk of damage but you won't be able to follow up if they live
- if you play aggressive you can slow them to hit them with ease and follow up since you are close to finish them off.

So basically.
Playing defensive has more cons just for your safety. You can't secure kills as well, your slow is useless, your heal will be used to zone instead and your kill potential is lower.

Playing aggressive you secure kills easier, will use more of your kit (slow) will be able to follow up with skill combos and land skills easier because of your slow.

Build :
- Max out cooldown is important because your ult is almost always up and can spam skills
- Breatplate for defense allowing you to get CD spam and living through lokis cheap bs
- FocusVoidstone for pen and magic defense to survive while healing
- MYSTICAL MARK is strong as ****, when your healing PUNISHES people who stand in your heal and get close to you, as well as making your slow hella strong since they take damage being near you.
- basically build him bruiser so he can survive while deal damage

Tactics while playing aggressive (what I choose to do)
#1 I place my heal down near where I plan on attacking at
#2 I run in with my slow and stand near my heal
#3 Follow up with C. Beam up in their face so they can't dodge it
From here they can't do much since you heal and do damage with mystical mark
They will run so you will just slow them because of your low CD you can do it again, then ult them and they die.

#1 TACTIC FOR RA and FOR YOUR TEAM (This is a must)
MOST Ra players will not do this and doing this makes RA such a great team member for your team.
- you have to grow balls and run in with your slow then run back out right as it goes off. You have to be a swift bastard and do this over and over to slow people without taking damage.

I made this thread because I see MOST ra's play defensive as hell and they are not using their kit to max potential. Ra Is a threat in close quarter combat people seem to mistake him as being squishy, but when built bruiser you can Play super aggressive and help your team out big time.

I usually get a **** TON of assist along with A **** TON of kills stolen but thats okay since usually you will get them low then your team will finish them off can't be too upset although its annoying.

What I am saying is, quit camping with Ra and start going ham with your kit, thats why you have your slow its not ment to be camped with, your beam is harder to hit camping, and your heal is worthless when you camp. This is not call of duty and ra is not ment to be a full time sniper just picking off kills. DO **** AND HELP YOUR TEAM BY GOING HAM, If they focus you its cool because you will heal up while your team merks them off one by one. And your passive lets you run away from it all.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » November 10, 2013 5:23pm | Report
Well, I play defensively as Ra but I don't see any problems with doing so. Saying only one playstyle is valid is both insulting and incredibly stupid.

Also, you seem to be thinking that playing defensively is hanging back all the time. This is incredibly incorrect. Playing defensively, for me at least, is reacting to enemy aggression, not staying back and sniping.

You're supposed to use your flash defensively, and you shouldn't charge with it except rarely. You use it to counter enemy charges or blind a carry/mage so you can buy time to attack or run away, and when used this way, they'll most likely be facing you. You can use it to chase and such, but that does not make use of the blind, since your enemy will not be facing you.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » November 10, 2013 6:13pm | Report
I play Ra as a defensive pusher. Ra doesn't have much kill potential since his beam and ult are both very delayed (the former due to speed, the latter due to the channel). Only very bad opponents will stick around, get chunked by poke, and then continue to play in a way that leaves them vulnerable for snipes.

So I heal my minion waves/myself, use my beam to instant clear waves, and then soak a little of harass to let my minions push up. This forces them under tower, and makes them lose CS. But I never go hard aggro, or they could either turn it around after my (rather long) CD's are down, or risk getting ganked by a Jungler from being so far up. I'm never father than half the lane, as the beam length is very long and can clear from a considerable distance. Ra is a support mage, not a burst mage, no matter how he's played; he provides decent damage, a decent snipe, but no insanely heavy burst like Release the Kraken or Death Gaze, so his heals are his biggest asset. Since the heals will be relatively consistent no matter how much or how little you dominate lane, I aim to deny my opponent by negating the ability of snowballing, and negating the ability to farm.

Obviously against opponents like Anubis or Ao Kuang, both who are equally good pushers, this is nigh impossible; in those circumstances, due to their lack of sustain, I attempt to bully them. Anubis is a pretty hard counter, however, as his insane burst will counter Ra's ability to heal, and his passive lifesteal bonus gives him sustain. Ao, however, is able to be bullied.


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