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Role Needing God, and Worst/Best God in Role (Poll+Discussion)

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Forum » General Discussion » Role Needing God, and Worst/Best God in Role (Poll+Discussion) 43 posts - page 1 of 5

Poll Question:

What Role needs a New God?
Carry (Physical, Ranged Carry)
Tank (Magical)
Tank (Physical)
Support (Non-Tank)
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » September 11, 2013 5:08pm | Report
Want to start a poll/discussion - What role needs a god the most? Additionally, if you choose to expand in the comments, what is currently the Best and Worst god in your desired role, to expand on what needs to be in the game, and what should be avoided.

I'll start: Carry (ADC, PPC, etc).
Reasoning: only 6 exist. Zhong Kui was originally supposed to be the next but he was changed in early development stages.

Best: Neith - a root, a heal, an escape, and a global ult, she has everything needed to be an asset in the laning phase, teamfights, or in solo fights. Nearly impossible to duel, as she can just backflip+root anyone who has the upper hand.

Worst: Artemis. Cupid is a close contender, but for such a hypercarry late game, she has no good CC outside her relatively easy to avoid ult (except possible the first person it hits), no solid escape, a root that's unreliable at best, no waveclear, and difficult to land harass.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by JararoNatsu » September 11, 2013 5:20pm | Report
This is difficult to say. I think there are a variety of roles that we could use more of, like ADC's, Assassins, and Physical tanks. We have plenty of mages and we have excellent magical tanks, but the suggestions I made are either lacking in number or quality.

I don't know what Thanatos will be but I think Mercury will be an assassin and Sun Wukong will obviously be a physical bruiser. I think we have too many mages at this point so really anything physical works for me.

Best ADC is obviously Neith. That woman is OP beyond all OP-ness. Best Physical Tank... maybe Vamana because of his Hel-Syndrome.

Worst: Obviously Artemis on ADC side. Worst physical tank is... well, that's difficult. There are three physical tanks and seven magical tanks.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HollowsEdge » September 11, 2013 7:29pm | Report
although i do agree that we need some new ad carries (need to break up the holy trinity of neith, apollo and anhur lol) id like to see them try something new.
something like for example a ranged physical bruiser or ranged physical tank!
or even go back and look into doing physical and magical hybrids again! because atm all goods are very similar in their types with how they are built even though some are clearly better than others.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » September 11, 2013 7:34pm | Report
How exactly do you have a ranged, physical tank? Tanks can't be ranged. Then they aren't on the frontlines taking damage. The closest you will have to a ranged tank is what ares currently is.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HollowsEdge » September 11, 2013 7:54pm | Report
its just an example of something different, i know it would be completely broken :P
but if i could make 1 i suppose i would make him very low damage and his abilities would be used for zoning an enemy maybe


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by JararoNatsu » September 11, 2013 8:02pm | Report
A ranged... physical tank? That's kind of counterproductive, because as Raventhor said a tank is meant to be taking hits, not hanging back.

I think a bruiser also kinda requires that they be melee. A ranged bruiser is, in a sense, an ADC.

Nevertheless, I can say that we definitely need more Physical Tanks, some ADC's, and some more Assassins. They have enough Mages for the moment and the Magical Tanks outweigh the number of Physical Tanks. Loki, Ne Zha, and technically Freya are pretty much the only TRUE Assassins, so more stabby-people are always nice.

As for the ADC's, there is an extremely obvious hierarchy of ADC's, so while I think that more ADC's and necessary I think that they also need to balance out the ADC's. Artemis needs some love and so does Cupid, and he's the God of Love! Anhur is fabulous, Neith is an OP ***** who has needed a nerf for months, and Apollo and Xbalanque are pretty balanced.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HollowsEdge » September 11, 2013 8:24pm | Report
yeh i do agree with you're points on ranged tanks lol

we defiantly need more adc's and assassins to break up the norm, and yes there are a lot of mage's atm (which sux cause its 1 of my worst roles :P)

id also like to see a god who doesn't use mana, i think there are a lot of unique possibilities with a mechanic like that!

I would welcome another look into phys/magic hybrids like i said earlier too. so much potential there, but balancing would be a nightmare!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by JararoNatsu » September 11, 2013 8:28pm | Report
I believe that Fenrir, in his early days, was supposed to be a mana-less God, relying on Combo Points instead. Those Combo Points turned into his Passive and he ended up having mana.

I would like a hybrid God, I really would. But if there will be one they should have both magical and physical contribution in their abilities, and not just magical like Freya had when she was hybrid.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HollowsEdge » September 11, 2013 8:40pm | Report
maybe something like they have say ability 1 and 3 do physical and 2 and 4 do magical?
or 1 does physical 2 does magical 3 is a damage-less support ability and ulti does both phys an magical?

soo many possibilities!!

but anywhome i think we are getting very close to derailing this thread :P


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » September 11, 2013 10:33pm | Report
Raventhor wrote:

How exactly do you have a ranged, physical tank? Tanks can't be ranged. Then they aren't on the frontlines taking damage. The closest you will have to a ranged tank is what ares currently is.

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