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Season 5 Predictions

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Forum » General Discussion » Season 5 Predictions 4 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DV-8 » January 21, 2018 10:08am | Report
I'm sure most of us have seen the massive changes coming our way for Season 5. Safe to say, the game will be very different in some aspects.

I was wondering if anyone wanted to share their predictions for the new Season. For example, mine would be:

  • We will see a lot of god diversity in the Jungle role. With the new Blessings and items, Jungle could work well for not only Assassins, but also some Mages, Warriors, and even Guardians.

  • Warding will be a lot more difficult, but also more necessary. The new map design has opened up several avenues for gank opportunities for Junglers, which will make warding in the right spots important (if anyone wants to work on a Season 5 warding guide/chart I would be glad to help).

  • Split-pushing could be a more valid strategy than before. A larger Conquest map means that it takes enemies more time to rotate over to defend a lane.

I may update this list later, but in the mean time, I would be interested to hear some of your predictions.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » January 21, 2018 11:13am | Report
Hey DV-8,

Agreed with all of your first thoughts...

Here are some others:
  • Personally think Chalice of the Oracle will be used more than before. With the bigger map, warding will cover less, but especially with the fog, they'll be needed more to prevent ganking. The lowered price (from 400 to 300) is nice too. 300 = 6 regular wards, which is NOT a lot. I don't think it should be picked up at the start (probably Blessing + T1 shoes/boots + potions), but I think after 1st or 2nd back, it'll be a good time to get it.

    The big thing people say against it is that late game, you only drop 2 wards, and 1 will be a Sentry Ward, so the 2nd ward will be useless. I say, some of your wards may be countered/destroyed if they're spotted, and having a backup to drop while you're out will be helpful in those situations.

  • Talaria Boots / Travelers Shoes will be used by more than the Support. The passive speed boost leaving base is like Swift Wing, which some Solo-laners would pick up. Also with the larger jungle, rotations through the jungle will be important, and jungle clear (with lower health minions) will require less damage to clear. Well, we'll see if HR adjusts some of this before the official patch. Maybe we'll see a nerf to these items, but right now, they seem very valuable.

  • I'm predicting starts right now (I'll probably be wrong). ADC starts in Duo. Support starts there too, but depending on Support type, if they have good clear, they may venture into the near jungle here and there to do some nearby camps. Solo starts in Solo, duh. Jungle will start at Speed, but may see Mid start there just to help with clear, by using their clearing ability before immediately heading to lane.

    Secondary start possibilities for Support are starting in mid and venturing into the jungle between Mid and Duo immediately after first or second wave.

Also, here are some build proposals for Supports.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DV-8 » January 21, 2018 3:37pm | Report
I agree with your points as well.

For the aggressive/bruiser Support build, I'm interested to see if Pythagorem's Piece will get picked up any. I thought that it was viable in some situations in Season 4, and now with the +200 Mana being replaced by +200 Health, I feel it could be more appealing to Guardians who like to do damage and stay close to their teammates.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Duotem » January 21, 2018 5:04pm | Report
Guardian jungle has pretty much always been a viable strategy.

Talraia/Travelers are pretty much locked in for jungle imo


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