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Solo Lane

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Forum » General Discussion » Solo Lane 13 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by WPviking » December 22, 2013 5:30am | Report
Hello folks, i just started solo laning and i really enjoy it, i will be solo queueing in League soon, and i just want to get some things straight!
Here we go:
Q1: Wich god/s is viable in Leagues? wich god/s just doesnt work with some team combos?
Q2: is there gods that work with all team combos?
Q3: Your favorite solo god (Pysical and Magical) and why?
Q4: Does all gods in the solo lane, start with HoG, or is it situational, what you start off with?

If you got some more tips / tricks, just throw them at me and i will try them out!
That was pretty much it!
Hope you can help me out, CHEERS!



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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriwych » December 22, 2013 5:37am | Report
If you are looking to solo, and have an absolute blast doing it, I'd start learning Herc right away.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Dark Jaw » December 22, 2013 5:51am | Report
Q1: Anything, really. Of hunters and mages, to warriors.
Mages: Zhong Kui, Ao Kuang, Ra, etc.
Bruisers: Tyr, Sun Wukong and Hercules( Chaac might work).
Hunters: Neith, Apollo.

Q2: Sun Wukong is pretty team independent. Zhong Kui too.

Q3: Magical: Anubis/Ao Kuang. Anubis and Ao Kuang are pretty similar gameplay-wise, but Ao Kuang being more viable than Anubis. Just personal preference about Anubis.
Physical: Neith/Sun Wukong. Neith has the global presence, and she is also pretty easy to learn. Sun Wukong is ridiculously fun to play.

Q4: No. Mostly Warriors get HoG. A must-have for Solo is the Teleport Active. Hunters and Mages can clean waves with ease, therefore HoG is not needed.

If you have any doubt, watch the ''Ward Up!'' Podcast, covered by me and JararoNatsu. We discuss the news on solo laning, experiences, etc. SHAMELESS SELF-PROMOTION YAY

Dark Jaw

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by WPviking » December 22, 2013 6:16am | Report
Is really a viable solo laner? how would the duo lane work with the carry being solo?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » December 22, 2013 6:32am | Report
... You didn't say a spesific role. Im gonna guess you mean adc.

Well just get 2 adc's.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by WPviking » December 22, 2013 6:34am | Report
Sorry i meant the neith solo lane.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Dark Jaw » December 22, 2013 6:37am | Report
There is always the possibility of another Mage/Bruiser in the Duo Lane. Many people play Freya on Duo Lane( since she sucks on Middle). She can also solo.

Dark Jaw

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by MadDanny » December 22, 2013 6:44am | Report
Even if you plan on soloing, Your opponent might be a counter to you. Like say your a god with clearing skills that need you close while the other guy has safe long skills (Like Ao).

Or they have good skill synergy for up close combat (Like Zhong) while you mostly rely on your melee attacks.

Or they have stuns and knockups (Like Neith and Wukong) while you don't, you'll be unable to fight back.

Unless you have a pull or long range stun you can't get close enough to clear without taking damage or taking damage while not being able to bring that damage back quick enough. You should switch with someone on your team that can counter them if possible. If you don't have that kind of luxury then request some ganks from your jungler.

Even if you plan on being solo. You should always prepare for the worse. Play to win, not for yourself.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Phil725 » December 22, 2013 9:09am | Report
WPviking wrote:

Hello folks, i just started solo laning and i really enjoy it, i will be solo queueing in League soon, and i just want to get some things straight!
Here we go:
Q1: Wich god/s is viable in Leagues? wich god/s just doesnt work with some team combos?
Q2: is there gods that work with all team combos?
Q3: Your favorite solo god (Pysical and Magical) and why?
Q4: Does all gods in the solo lane, start with HoG, or is it situational, what you start off with?

If you got some more tips / tricks, just throw them at me and i will try them out!
That was pretty much it!
Hope you can help me out, CHEERS!


Q1: A lot of gods are viable in solo lane, but the ones who should be played there in ranked (especially by someone learning the role,) are Tyr, Guan Yu and Sun Wukong for bruisers, and Chang'e, He Bo and Zeus for mages. Others work like Herc, Vamana and Zhong Kui, but those are the top tier at the moment.

Q2: No one god fits into all team comps, but I will say that you're usually better off playing a bruiser in the solo lane than a mage. Going without a second tanky character is a really risky play from a team comp perspective, and it's not like you're jungler is going to pick up a bruiser to make up for you picking a squishy solo laner in solo queue. A bruiser ensures that your team will have a good form of initiation and some extra survivability once team fights start.

Q3: My favorite solo laners are Sun Wukong and He Bo. Sun Wukong is a ton of fun to play hyper aggressively. You get into someone's face and just beat them to death while they can't get away, and you're always a press of 4 and a bird away from getting out. He Bo is just crazy powerful, and it's nice to melt people.

Q4: Most solo laners start with HoG. It's the safest move for the laning phase for all of the bruisers, and even a lot of the mages. If you can get away without it (Tyr for example has good clear around level 5, so he doesn't necessarily need it,) you open up an active slot for later in the game, which is a huge deal. A Tyr with Blink >>> a Tyr with HoG. This is personal preference; if you feel like you're losing the laning phase more than you should, try leaning on HoG. If you can get to the late game strong reliably, try getting there while being able to pick up Blink or Purification Beads.

For random tips, Shielded Teleport!! It's a must have on every solo laner, absolutely no exception. If you're losing your lane, just rush rank 3, play safe, and refill health and mana every 60 seconds. You need it even if you're winning your lane though, there's just not as much urgency. It's just too strong at the moment.

Most builds in the solo lane start with a defensive item to counter the person you're against. If you're a bruiser against a bruiser, start with Mystical Mark, then build into boots and damage after that. Against a mage, start with Shield and go from there. For mages, Vampiric Shroud and Breastplate of Valor/ Void Stone first. Builds are always malleable once you know what you're doing, but defense first is the standard, safe way to go.

Above all, the solo lane is about match ups. Guan Yu destroys He Bo... but only if the Guan Yu plays super aggressive. Dash into him when he tries to clear the wave, cut him up with your 3, then dive him under tower with your ult and kill him. If you let him clear the wave, poke you and get back to tower, you're just letting a hyper carry get to late game. Tyr beats all bruisers except Guan Yu, people with a reliable stun to interrupt Taolu Assault beat Guan, Zeus beats anyone who relies on auto attacks to stack damage, and so on. There's really no way to go through every match up though, you just have to play and learn.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Phil725 » December 22, 2013 10:31am | Report
A couple other points; rotations are huge in the solo lane. Especially now with the teleport consumable taken out of the game, one bad rotation is going to cost you your tower. You have the ability to turn a fight or score a major objective if you use Shielded Teleport at the right time, but it could also cost you. Unless you're really sure of what you're doing, I'd advise you to just play it safe and stay in lane over trying to make a huge play.

This is a rule that all lanes need to obey, but NEVER ROTATE LATE! If the enemy solo laner pushed the wave and walked into the jungle to head mid, and you're not going to be there in time to fight, call enemy incoming/retreat and start pushing your wave hard. Same situation if you see them start to teleport and yours is on cooldown. I'd say the majority of games lost in the first 20 minutes are lost because people allow their opponent to rotate for free. If you can rotate with them and be there for the fight, do it. Otherwise, get your tower and keep pushing. Force them to leave the team fight or make it not worth them leaving the lane. If you ever clear a wave and go back to your tower while your lane opponent is missing/ganking, you may as well just do your team a favor and mash F6 to get the surrender vote done quicker.

An expansion on one of my earlier points, try to pay a lot of attention to team comp when picking your solo laner. If you have a physical support and an inconsistent mid like Ao Kuang, a mage is probably a good idea. If you have a Loki jungle and no one to really initiate, someone like Sun Wukong who can dive into the middle of the enemy team and wreak havoc is probably better. It's almost never ideal to pick an assassin or ADC for solo lane because those roles are better carried out elsewhere. If you prefer one side over the other, that has to factor in as well. Play something your comfortable with above playing to what the pure numbers say.


Remarkable (5)
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