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Stuck At Match Loading Screen Solution

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Forum » General Discussion » Stuck At Match Loading Screen Solution 11 posts - page 2 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Samo_Krose » May 19, 2014 9:01am | Report
MadDanny wrote:

I forgot to mention. What the proxy really does is give you a "Fake" IP. Hiding your real IP in the process. It must of gave you an IP that's close to Smite's server location. Alloying you to connect easily to the game. But consider my other solution. If to many devices are connected while your playing. Things will slow down. OR your just connected to a bad server. Try switching between NA, EU etc. If that doesn't work I guess you just live VERY far from both those servers for your internet to actually make a decent connection. So really a proxy is good for you.

i again disagree with u my friend, but possible!

again i have high speed internet that is 1
2- i tried everything u have mention nothing work, usa or EU

3- always when i play dota 2, i never played in Eu tho might EU is close to me than usa and never had a problem! - i'm in africa Senegal dakar

4- none of the above u mentioned is affecting my internet, the problem that u don't know is ( the connection at match loading screen lose so people stuck at match loading screen and something in there is going wrong,!

now let say what u r saying is right, there is loaded software's that is taking the speed of the internet not allowing the game to Enter ..

while when i hide or change my vpn ( which i use france ) and in that case i log in and stuck not at match loading screen what happen to the same internet that would be same software's are open and taking the internet speed! why it didn't stop me also from logging in?!

5- again i chose france and play in American server! u can see how far i guess even senegal is nearer to america than FrancE!!

6- last but not least something need to be fix according to IP's and that smite should check it,!,

7- all of my games i play online i go to american servers never have this issue but with smite !

:) but i appreciate ur assistant bro :) thanks for the info,


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