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Team Mates make me want to quit smite

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Forum » General Discussion » Team Mates make me want to quit smite 47 posts - page 2 of 5
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » September 24, 2013 2:44pm | Report

When you imagine the threads I make just picture me looking like that hercules picture screaming!

Instead of hercules saying "Excuse me, do you have a sewing kit ready? That's a shame, cause I'm ripped!"

I will say "do you know where the toilet is because I'm pissed"


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Zerosaviour » September 24, 2013 6:06pm | Report
Just had a game, where I'm was Hun Batz.

Where we had a Hel and Xbalanque go left. A Ra in mid and Ymir in right. Don't know why both Hel and Xbal went together when we had a tank and Xbal refused to switch to Ymir. So I was like, fine, I'll have to babysit Ymir for the game.

Wrong. Hel and Xbal kept on getting killed by their lane enemies and yelling at me for not being there to gank. I'm like, can't you guys even hold against your lane enemies. Your not even being attacked by their jungler. So I try and rotate over and help them; yet then our solo Ymir gets taken out again by a solo kill. Then their yelling at me calling me a noob cause I am not there to keep them alive. Saying how Hun Batz sucks at jungling and that I'm a noob for playing him. We end up losing hard cause they just keep on feeding the other team. The Xbal and Ymir are like, god we hate playing with sucky noobs. We're so uber leet. If they were so uber leet, then they wouldn't be sucking so bad.

The next game was no better. I gave Thanatos a try in jungle. We had an AO Kuang mid, Artemis and Hercules left and Neith right. I barely got to farm cause Art and herc just kept on dying. I was too busying trying to save them and getting nothing for it. Then they complain that the enemy Arachne has free run of the jungle. Which I can't stop due to me having to help out everyone in lanes. I would love to give them buffs, but they actually need to survive longer than five seconds in lane for me to get over there and do it. We eventually surrendered. I was the highest on our team at lvl 16 while the Art and Herc were both 10.

I'm sorry. It's not my job to ****ing babysit the rest of the team. If you die in lane against your lane enemy; then it's your own damn fault. Not mine.

I eventually switched to Apollo and did what I do best. Kick *** and chew bubblegum. And I'm all out of bubblegum.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Spiriel » September 24, 2013 7:08pm | Report
Well, is tipical, i have to play 5 games to win 1. And ALLWAYS my team SUCKS, and i getting ganked by really really feed people. I think, its a "welcome to smite /lol/ moba games"


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Lrv7795 » September 24, 2013 8:01pm | Report
I feel your pain. I'm a magnet for games where I go 30-0 (exaggerating) and still lose.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by MadDanny » September 24, 2013 8:35pm | Report
Life isn't fair ICEN. It never is
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » September 24, 2013 9:09pm | Report
Literally not going to read what everyone posted, to keep myself unbiased, but to be fair - 4 people in right lane is not a problem. If you have literally their entire team gank you, using ults, it's worth dying for your team to use 0 ults and take a tower. That means not only do you end up positive in the trade, but you have ults for next teamfight.

Additionally, there wasn't really anything like, setting you THAT far apart. I mean you have a lot of damage but that's what you're made for as a mid-laner: Zhong Kui has nothing but multiple target nukes or multiple target dots. He's like Zeus or Freya: if you don't have top damage, you're doing something pretty drastically wrong.

Your structure damage is nice, but it's not like Chang'E and Neith did nothing, either.

But assuming you are the best on your team, so what? I'm gonna go ahead and assume this isn't ranked with a Thanatos, so if it's a normal, who cares? Smite has no decent bot system like LoL or HoN has (not sure if DOTA has it) so every. single. player. is in normals - from Lassiz to some kid who's 0-100. As such, it's 100% casual, and you can't blame someone for sucking. Just move on to the next game and have more fun :)

Good luck in future games though, bud!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Vaeldyn » September 24, 2013 10:26pm | Report
There are some incredible bad and unteachable players at lvl 30 and that's a fact.

I'm doing bad from now and then, mostly doing a decent job and sometimes even 7 0 30 (or sth) with a pure tank. (Which I think is good for me :o)
But there are people..
People who can't get a tower down with 3 people and no enemy!
People who can't kill a 10hp target cause it's within enemy towerrange and they could lose sth of their 100% health.
People who jungle, always gank mid, sometimes duo lane, but never help you in the solo lane, even if you lose badly.

But the algorithm will be changed with the upcoming hotfix, so I hope this will change!!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pizzarugi » September 24, 2013 11:07pm | Report
Vaeldyn wrote:

There are some incredible bad and unteachable players at lvl 30 and that's a fact.

I'm doing bad from now and then, mostly doing a decent job and sometimes even 7 0 30 (or sth) with a pure tank. (Which I think is good for me :o)
But there are people..
People who can't get a tower down with 3 people and no enemy!
People who can't kill a 10hp target cause it's within enemy towerrange and they could lose sth of their 100% health.
People who jungle, always gank mid, sometimes duo lane, but never help you in the solo lane, even if you lose badly.

But the algorithm will be changed with the upcoming hotfix, so I hope this will change!!

What algorithm? Please enlighten me.
IGN: Pizzarugi (Add me if you like joust, assault, siege or arena)
Total Diamonds: 9 (Latest: Ymir, Cabrakan, Bellona)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Vaeldyn » September 25, 2013 1:56am | Report
According to RazeMages announced "Ares Diamondsword" Patch in the "News" section the algorithm for teammates you will get will be changed. You could get a lvl 20 enemy with lvl 30 till now, but if I understood correctly they will change it.

I hope they will mage further adjustements and not letting the algorithm put me in a team with horrible players only I go 20 - 0 at one lucky match.

I do not quite understand how the algorithm works, but it`s the reason why you get ****ty teams and sometimes enemies although you are a good player.

Sorry for the bad english, I`m at work and can`t focus on a foreign language right now :D


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pizzarugi » September 25, 2013 3:13am | Report
What about the off chance you're a terrible player who managed to hit level 30 with hard work and determination? How will the algorithm work in their favor to keep them from joining matches with players of similar level, but far greater skill?
IGN: Pizzarugi (Add me if you like joust, assault, siege or arena)
Total Diamonds: 9 (Latest: Ymir, Cabrakan, Bellona)
Favorite Gods: Ah Muzen Cab, Bastet, Loki
Favorite Roles: Carry, Assassin
Least Favorite Roles: Tank

Looking to be great at laning as Ah Muzen Cab? Check out this guide! It was the runner up for best hunter guide in the season 2 contest.


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