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The QQ Thread of Gods!

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Forum » General Discussion » The QQ Thread of Gods! 552 posts - page 52 of 56
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Duotem » February 15, 2017 2:26pm | Report
tigey2003 wrote:

I'm not trying to trash this website or offend anyone, but does anyone notice that like, over 50% of the guides are made by noobs? The whole website seems to be noobs! I mean, honestly the guides aren't bad, but if you're going to say its a S4 guide, MAKE IT A S4 GUIDE. Don't use S3 items! And don't give S3 tips! I honestly feel like some people are just copying older builds from S3 and saying they're S4. Not to mention that I've seen some of these builds get actually popular! Not going to name any guides, but...please...just...update them or say it's S3.

ps pls dont ban me for harrasment im supposed to be able to voice my opinion

1. Please provide me proof you aren't a noob. Also it's a public site that allows everyone to post and is based around discussion to improve and share information over time. If you think you are so much better than everyone else please create your own website where you can post the 100% best way to do everything. I'm sure it'll get a ton of traffic.

2. Not every item got changed so many builds are going to look similar to last season. with a few minor tweaks. That's how MOBA evolution works small changes over time end up moving the meta and standard builds along.

3. Builds can get popular because they're good or because they're fun it doesn't have to be both. Plus guides get additional views just from switching between build and comment tabs so you can't take the numbers at face value.

4. God tips won't change unless there's a fundamental rekit, think Nox reworks, or an item or new god provides a crazy new interaction so those are going to stay pretty similar season to season.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GameGeekFan » February 15, 2017 3:53pm | Report
Tigey saying what you have just said and ending with "im supposed to be able to voice my opinion" is can i Ending it like that does not look good on your part, though a bit understandable. Kind of.

As duo just said this is a public website, no one should be confused at some of the content of the guides. Anyone can create one, therefore including new and upcoming players.

"The whole website seems to be noobs." Fix that sentence please, cause that is not the case and not even remotely true. If anything most of the people on this site wish to LEARN. Our worst people are those that refuse feedback and stick to their guns aggressively without considering anything otherwise. SmiteFire is a guide maker website to help people grow. Calling the entire website noobs is a false statement.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » February 15, 2017 4:05pm | Report
I will drop this comment link I wrote in response to Tigey's comment on another guide:

In particular, leveling order for skills is one to look at more closely, and explained both by me and by Duotem here:

Everyone absolutely has a right to voice their opinion, as long as it doesn't break any rules of the forum/site. That said, there are a variety of different ways to display that opinion. Consideration to insulting a user base is probably a reasonable thing to think about, as having your voice heard and respected more usually comes from showing social grace, having an open mind, contributing positive and helpful advice, etc. Some are more adept at it than others. Some may not care one whit.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » May 9, 2017 2:00am | Report
So I finished my qualifier games this split a few days ago. And this split I had decided to actually tryhard and not troll. So I managed to go 9/1 in my first 10 games and ended up with just under 1800 elo.
Last season i went 5/5 and got placed in silver 2 with 1300 elo.

And now i got placed in silver 3.

IGN: Marki

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Is only pixels, why you haf to be mad?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Time2medicate » May 9, 2017 6:29pm | Report

So I finished my qualifier games this split a few days ago. And this split I had decided to actually tryhard and not troll. So I managed to go 9/1 in my first 10 games and ended up with just under 1800 elo.
Last season i went 5/5 and got placed in silver 2 with 1300 elo.

And now i got placed in silver 3.


Great job!! Kinda of a random comment on this thread lol. It did kinda of lighten the mood!!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » May 11, 2017 5:56am | Report
The stats were nice, but pretty salty about the fact that i still have to play silver games though.
One game you win 40-0 the next game you are on the receiving end of the manhandeling.
Hopefully i will get to my promo game soon 14/7 atm :-(
IGN: Marki

Jungle & Support main.

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Is only pixels, why you haf to be mad?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » July 26, 2017 12:59pm | Report
I will never get my 10 win streak :(

The ZK in the Ao Kuang game just raged at like 5 min because Khepri pushed his wave in mid when he was in spawn...
Then just ran around trolling from lane to lane, and my team F6d at 10 :(

The in lobby he said he was going to report everyone for harassment, when the only thing anyone said was "stop being a ****" (or something like that) after he said "You can stay in mid now, I will be jungle from now on"...
Oh well at least he will get a ban at some point :)
But I was so close to 10 wins and it would have been my promotion game as well :(

on a happy note though, I'm rank 32 Ne Zha now and at least I didn't lose a game with him because of the ZK :P
IGN: Marki

Jungle & Support main.

Casually tryharding ranked now and again.

Make fun of my bad plays on Twitch ;)
Is only pixels, why you haf to be mad?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » July 26, 2017 3:44pm | Report
Fun losing a 52 min long game -.-
IGN: Marki

Jungle & Support main.

Casually tryharding ranked now and again.

Make fun of my bad plays on Twitch ;)
Is only pixels, why you haf to be mad?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » July 27, 2017 9:10am | Report
even tho you lost it was it a good game afterwards. I sometimes play games that are also long that I don't mind losing in the end. could be because multiple reasons. most common is chill people instead of flamers.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Wayne3100 » July 27, 2017 11:36am | Report
In a similar fashion, I played a ~40 minute game today which I ended up winning, but I died 10 times because of bad map awareness / not properly dealing with the Serqet who was focusing me (as Neith, that is).

Think I'd honestly prefer losing while feeling like I played well x_x

Thanks to Janitsu for the signature!

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