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Tier list of the People

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Forum » General Discussion » Tier list of the People 54 posts - page 1 of 6
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Talenhiem » September 29, 2013 8:27am | Report
There have been a lot of attempts in making a competitive tier list for the gods in Smite. But there have been two big problems with most of them.

The first is that it's based off that person's opinions and assumptions. To make a good tier list, people need to work together to make one. That's why I made this post; What I want you guys to do is to make a tier list that you think is the closest to the truth as possible, then post it here. Do not comment on anybody else's tier list, whether it's a compliment for their BB coding or asking why they have Vamana top tier. Just post, and leave. After a bit, I'll try to get some people together to average them all out, to try to get the most accurate tier list as of the last update.

The second thing is that everyone puts the gods in "most played" tiers, as if the amount of times they're picked shows how good they are. All the tier lists to be posted below will not have tier titles like "Hot picks and bans", but of how GOOD you think they are, like "Considered OP". Yes, this will cause some fluctuation, but that's why we're averaging them.

This will be bumped frequently - I want a LOT, to be as accurate as possible.

EDIT: As I think you guys need an incentive (no offence meant), everyone who turns in a non-troll, serious, good tier list shall recieve a commendation and a +Rep! (Yay!)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TormentedTurnip » September 29, 2013 9:04am | Report
If a god is consistently picked more often than another god, it is very likely that they are in a higher tier. Sure, that isn't necessarily the case, but it generally is, and should definitely be a variable included in the discussion.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to help considering Conquest makes up less than 15% of my games played.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » September 29, 2013 9:33am | Report
I also don't really agree with not being able to comment on others at all, as someone could troll or be 100% unexperienced and could place like, legitimately the WORST gods at the top. Part of community is the ability to constructively criticize. Otherwise this isn't a bad idea, but I feel the averaging part can be...complicated to do effectively, if not inherently flawed in its design. =/


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Talenhiem » September 29, 2013 9:44am | Report
Raventhor wrote:

I also don't really agree with not being able to comment on others at all, as someone could troll or be 100% unexperienced and could place like, legitimately the WORST gods at the top. Part of community is the ability to constructively criticize. Otherwise this isn't a bad idea, but I feel the averaging part can be...complicated to do effectively, if not inherently flawed in its design. =/

1.) I put up the no-commenting rule to keep this from becoming a rage thread, which I have seen too many of atm. If you guys think you can comment w/0 making a rage thread, go ahead. If not, better safe than sorry.

2.) A very decent concern, but usually those trolls don't put much thought into it. They *should* be able to be located, if not easily then eventually.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Talenhiem » September 29, 2013 12:37pm | Report

need to see some tier lists, guys...


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » September 29, 2013 3:25pm | Report
Thought I had done a tier list before, but after much research I realized the only tier list I provided was a specifically 'Assault Tier List' >.>
as such, I'll do a tier list for conquest in a little while


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Misbelief » September 29, 2013 4:47pm | Report
I'll attempt, *=may borderline lower #=borderline higher

Lowest Tier
Artemis, Vulcan, #Kali, Vamana,

Low tier
Anubis, #Cupid, Xbalanque, Arachne, #bastet

Medium Tier
Thanatos, Ao Kuang, #Hades, Athena, Chronos, *Ares, Hun Batz, Ra, Tyr, Zues, #Isis, *Ymir, Hell

High Tier
Apollo,#Guan Yu, He-Bo, Odin, Aphrodite, Chang'e, Loki, Zhong Kui, Freya, #Bakasura, *Hercules

Highest Tier
Thor, Anhur, Sobek, Bacchus, Posiedon, Agni, Fenrir, Neith, Nezha


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » September 29, 2013 5:08pm | Report
You put Xbalanque, Anubis, and Vamana below Bastet? Intersting. Also interesting is Ymir as possibly in low tier, considering his ridiculous ability to be a support tank.

But in general, not bad...pretty much in agreement otherwise.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Talenhiem » September 29, 2013 5:11pm | Report
One more note:

Try to get as many gods as you can into the list. You can still miss a lot, don't get me wrong, just as long as those were as many as you could remember.

I bring this up because the above tier list is leaving out Apollo and Athena, if I'm not mistaken. Good list nonetheless - no need to change it.

EDIT: I like the * and # idea. Other people should use it.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » September 29, 2013 5:25pm | Report
Talenhiem wrote:

One more note:

Try to get as many gods as you can into the list. You can still miss a lot, don't get me wrong, just as long as those were as many as you could remember.

I bring this up because the above tier list is leaving out Apollo and Athena, if I'm not mistaken. Good list nonetheless - no need to change it.

EDIT: I like the * and # idea. Other people should use it.

Apollo and Athena are in medium tier, if I see correctly. I believe there are all 42 gods.
EDIT: Athena is in medium, Apollo is in High


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