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Tier list of the People

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Forum » General Discussion » Tier list of the People 54 posts - page 4 of 6
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Dark Jaw » October 4, 2013 12:35pm | Report
You know it'll die at some point, Tal. Like when Smite ends...

If someone decide to stick this, then yes, it'll ''never'' die.

Dark Jaw

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Talenhiem » October 4, 2013 1:01pm | Report
They shouldn't stick this thread... they should stick the thread that comes after this, when they're all averaged out into one. But until then, this needs to stay alive.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Fungamespl » November 6, 2013 9:46am | Report
Low Tier: Ares, Bastet

Medium Tier: Agni, Anubis, Aphrodite, Apollo, Athena, Hades, Hel, Kali, Tyr, Ymir, Thor

High Tier: Anhur, Ao Kuang, Arachne, Bakusura, Chang'e, Chronos, Cupid, Freya, Guan Yu, Isis, Loki, Ne Zha, Odin, Poseidon, Sobek, Thanatos, Vulcan, Zeus

Godtier: Artemis, Bacchus, Fenrir, He Bo, Hercules, Hun Batz, Neith, Ra, Vamana, Xbalanque

Dunno: Mercury (prob. High), Sun Wukong (prob. High to god), Zhong Kui (prob. mid to high) - didn't play them yet

Reason for Low Tier: extremely easy to counter their ultis


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » November 6, 2013 10:13am | Report
Fungamespl wrote:

Low Tier: Ares, Bastet

Medium Tier: Agni, Anubis, Aphrodite, Apollo, Athena, Hades, Hel, Kali, Tyr, Ymir, Thor

High Tier: Anhur, Ao Kuang, Arachne, Bakusura, Chang'e, Chronos, Cupid, Freya, Guan Yu, Isis, Loki, Ne Zha, Odin, Poseidon, Sobek, Thanatos, Vulcan, Zeus

Godtier: Artemis, Bacchus, Fenrir, He Bo, Hercules, Hun Batz, Neith, Ra, Vamana, Xbalanque

Dunno: Mercury (prob. High), Sun Wukong (prob. High to god), Zhong Kui (prob. mid to high) - didn't play them yet

Reason for Low Tier: extremely easy to counter their ultis

you are not that high of a level are you?
never forget dawngate and never forgive EA. Freia will hunt them for eternity.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Talenhiem » November 6, 2013 10:21am | Report
Fungamespl wrote:

Low Tier: Ares, Bastet

Medium Tier: Agni, Anubis, Aphrodite, Apollo, Athena, Hades, Hel, Kali, Tyr, Ymir, Thor

High Tier: Anhur, Ao Kuang, Arachne, Bakusura, Chang'e, Chronos, Cupid, Freya, Guan Yu, Isis, Loki, Ne Zha, Odin, Poseidon, Sobek, Thanatos, Vulcan, Zeus

Godtier: Artemis, Bacchus, Fenrir, He Bo, Hercules, Hun Batz, Neith, Ra, Vamana, Xbalanque

Dunno: Mercury (prob. High), Sun Wukong (prob. High to god), Zhong Kui (prob. mid to high) - didn't play them yet

Reason for Low Tier: extremely easy to counter their ultis


With Bastet's passive change, she's now mid/high-mid tier.

Agni, Apollo, Athena, and Thor are most definitely high-tier.

Vamana, Xbalanque, and Artemis in high-tier?



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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » November 6, 2013 11:09am | Report
that mid teir list was pretty funny I must say...


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Fungamespl » November 7, 2013 9:54am | Report
Talenhiem wrote:

With Bastet's passive change, she's now mid/high-mid tier.

I've explained - it's easy to counter her ulti.

After her passive rework she's really strong on the line but that's it. Unless she uses ulti in a teamfight, where people stack on eachother anyways, it's extremely easy to counter it with any jump etc. (which so many high tier characters have I cannot even count)

Talenhiem wrote:

Agni, Apollo, Athena, and Thor are most definitely high-tier.

Agni - I like him quite much and I play him a lot but I think he cannot deal a lot of damage early. He's a mid-high tier for me.

Apollo Right, I may be wrong here.

Athena Requires really good teamwork for her ulti to work well. Compared to some other guardians she has only 1 CC. Her damage isn't exceptional either, compared to Ymir or Bacchus.

Thor I find him very easy to counter with hard CCs, though I acknowledge his mobility. Mid tier for me, high at best.

Talenhiem wrote:

Vamana, Xbalanque, and Artemis in high-tier?

Vamana He's extremelly good against physical carries, ranged carries, high mobility. I dunno, but he should be at least mid or high tier. He's a god tier for me due to the passive, really.

You could argue on those things, but what I really don't understand why some people put Thor above him.

Xbalanque Global stun, mobility + avoidance, skills that aren't skillshots, so are easy to land? Also, very fast line clearning.

Artemis C'mon. After her recent changes on ulti (3 sec immunity to CCs) and her Assault (now also provides movement speed) she's very good.

All4Games wrote:

you are not that high of a level are you?

I'm 21. I'm not very "competetive player", mediocre at the best, and I didn't yet play ranked games. I do however know certain things about theorycrafting.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » November 7, 2013 10:48am | Report
Conquest Tier List:

Low: Arachne, Ares.

Middle-Low: Hades, Cupid, Vamana.

Middle: Anubis, Artemis, Bakasura, He Bo, Kali, Odin, Ra, Vulcan, Xbalanque.

Middle-High: Anhur, Ao Kuang, Bastet, Chang'e, Fenrir, Freya, Hun Batz, Loki, Odin, Ne Zha, Ra, Thor, Vulcan, Ymir, Zeus.

High: Agni, Aphrodite, Apollo, Athena, Bacchus, Chronos, Guan Yu, Hel, Hercules, Eset, Mercury, Ne Zha, Neith, Poseidon, Sun Wukong, Sobek, Thanatos, Tyr, Zhong Kui.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Talenhiem » November 7, 2013 12:01pm | Report
Fungamespl wrote:

I've explained - it's easy to counter her ulti.

After her passive rework she's really strong on the line but that's it. Unless she uses ulti in a teamfight, where people stack on eachother anyways, it's extremely easy to counter it with any jump etc. (which so many high tier characters have I cannot even count)

Agni - I like him quite much and I play him a lot but I think he cannot deal a lot of damage early. He's a mid-high tier for me.

Apollo Right, I may be wrong here.

Athena Requires really good teamwork for her ulti to work well. Compared to some other guardians she has only 1 CC. Her damage isn't exceptional either, compared to Ymir or Bacchus.

Thor I find him very easy to counter with hard CCs, though I acknowledge his mobility. Mid tier for me, high at best.

Vamana He's extremelly good against physical carries, ranged carries, high mobility. I dunno, but he should be at least mid or high tier. He's a god tier for me due to the passive, really.

You could argue on those things, but what I really don't understand why some people put Thor above him.

Xbalanque Global stun, mobility + avoidance, skills that aren't skillshots, so are easy to land? Also, very fast line clearning.

Artemis C'mon. After her recent changes on ulti (3 sec immunity to CCs) and her Assault (now also provides movement speed) she's very good.

I'm 21. I'm not very "competetive player", mediocre at the best, and I didn't yet play ranked games. I do however know certain things about theorycrafting.

Agni actually does have some good earlygame poke, believe it or not.

Athena does everything a tank needs to do, but she's balanced by the reliance on one ability.

Thor is a jungler that relies on the help of the laner to get kills, but if they do help, it's a guaranteed kill. The teamwork needed for him is a moot point in competitive games, for obvious reasons.

A good Bastet will wait for you to jump, then jump after you, then hit with her 3 and drop her cats. Her cats gain the same speed buffs as the god they're chasing, so items like Sprint are useless. HoG takes only half their health. The only hard counter are slows, like Ra's 2 - Bastet's cats are useless against gods who know how to use their slows.

Xbalanque - Global stun? most if not all players will stop moving before the end, so it's only used for it's semi-blind. His escape is his most damaging ability. He has no waveclear ability - atm, you need to 2+3, which follows to my next point. He is VERY mana hungry, even for a hunter. I agree that he is EXTREMELY fun, and I don't get mad if someone picks him, but he's not that high up in the tiers.

Artemis, in the right hands, is very powerful. She's down there because of the lack of escape and global ult. Yes, her Vengeful Assault gives movement speed, but it's more useful for chasing purposes than escaping - most jumps will catch up to her very quickly. Also fun, and can be extremely dangerous, but easily screwed. Atm, I would say she's mid-tiered.

Vamana is a laning assassin, who's built tanky enough that it doesn't work out - he's squishy, and he has a low damage output. I say, change his ult and passive, and add lifesteal to his 2, enough to lane. Then, I can see him being mid-high tier. But at what he's at right now, he's kinda ****.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SnubMachina » November 7, 2013 1:09pm | Report
Low tier: Cupid, ...Bastet..? (I don't know with her new passive)

Meh tier: Arachne, Artemis, Hades, Ares, Odin, Vulcan

Mid tier: Noobis, Ao Kaung Aphrodite, Bacchus, Bakasura, Hel, Kali, Loki, Ne Zha,Poseidon,Ra, Xbalanque.

High tier: Anhur, Apollo, Athena, Chang'e, The puppy, Freya, Guan YUUUUUUUUUUU, He bro, The Monkey, Isis, Mercury!, Sobker, The Other Monkey, Thanatos,Thor, Tyr, Geemir,Zeus.

A little OP: Agni, Chronos, Herc, Vamana?, Zhong Kui.

Neith tier: Neith

Remember this is just a tier list I am coming up with off the top of my head. It's subject to change. Also, I believe anyone can make a god into a high tier god if they learn their mechanics well enough. I believe Ares can be OP if played properly. (It's difficult though)


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