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Ultimate God Pack Giveaway - Comment Here!

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Forum » General Discussion » Ultimate God Pack Giveaway - Comment Here! 114 posts - page 2 of 12
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » January 31, 2018 6:58am | Report
I'm mostly excited about playing Anubis with the new lifesteal item :p

Also hello I am green :)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by b1ark » January 31, 2018 7:28am | Report
Excited to see the new meta develop! Hoping duo lane becomes a duo lane again like in previous seasons but we'll have to wait and see!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Cyberhawk94 » January 31, 2018 8:15am | Report
I love the reliance on evolving items, it lets you have so much more flexibility in your build without have every item be super expensive.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Tiger1king » January 31, 2018 8:51am | Report
I am most excited for the Typhon's Fang item and how it will be implemented into builds


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Aluseda » January 31, 2018 8:56am | Report
I am excited for the new jungle changes


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by LegitStraightUp » January 31, 2018 8:57am | Report
I'd hate to say it but I'm most excited about the Loki changes and what items he can now use to his advantage. He can finally be a more "valuable" pick for harder split pushing and ganking due to trans, crusher and the new tower buff. can't wait to see what happens with him


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by EnemaGod » January 31, 2018 9:05am | Report
Most excited about the new map and more specifically - the new jungle. I think HiRez did overall good job.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RipleyW » January 31, 2018 9:23am | Report
New map, new items to be honest I grew tired of Rod of Tahuti, now being nerfed I'll have to experiment with other builds to find the perfect bursty build for my Morrigan :D oh and new starter items, I think 25 ability bonus dmg is nice

There are so many things I'm excited about also Slavic Pantheon, because I'm coming from Slavi regions and I'm familiar with Slavic gods, not to mention new Arena design...I can't put all in here, I am so excited about everything in Season 5, from new Pantheons, from new gods, to new map designs and so much more :D

As for the new conquest map, I think it's one of the best maps in Smite ever, It feels like it really fits cartoon-ish theme, the fog, the chaos and order side, I'm pretty sure I won't miss old map haha, also because it's bigger, for the first time I feel scared when wandering alone in jungle because how big and wide it is, then I hear Loki's laugh and I'm deleted. This is probably the best season so far, I wouldn't know from before because like I said I started last year in february or somewhere after Cu Chulainn release :P but it is definitely better than season 4 imo

Also can't wait to see new Arena Map, from what I've seen I think it looks awesome, something like one side all nature, mountains and the other is more of like greek palace or something.

And what I would really love to see is change to both Clash and Joust Map! :)
I know it's probably too much, but I hope this year they return Domination or another really fun game mode because at the times both Siege and Clash are bit boring to play in, I know that Clash is boring to me is becasue I'm not really fond of Egyptian themed maps.

There are just so many things to look forward to, they even said they will overhaul entire UI and main menu, already seeing progress in 5.3 PTS, where they noticeably changed Level Profile UI, there is shown FP, Favor, Booster and gems, it's really neat.
And maybe we get some new items as well since there were a lot of nerfs and stuffs especially to magical items :( and I main Mages

One last thing is Season Ticket, I really like the idea to add seperate Ticket Store, last time we had Gentlemen Ymir and now Pool Party Jing Wei, At least we can get these skins now with FP points and so many more to come, new skin every new patch and I hope Morrigan Twisted Metal comes, because that's the one I'm missing, hehehe :P I need to have all her skins,
Like I mentioned I don't know how Season 3 was because I got Smite somewhere midway through season 4, but I'm hoping for the best in S5. Upcoming gods are must have, love having diverse choices and still have to get few gods to rank mastery where god pack would be usefull :P

PS: New Soul Gem is awesome, I mean it's passive it works well with Morrigan, I can delete squishies again mwahaha, I'm so cruel ^^


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Leprix » January 31, 2018 10:07am | Report
I'm excited about some mages not being so glass cannons in S5


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Theglitch10 » January 31, 2018 10:23am | Report
Im really excited to get the datamined ratatoskr skin and the demonic thanatos skin. They both look so awesome! I also would look forward for the voodoo and slav pantheons. I myself am a conquest main and i cant wait to play the new map art rework. I also want to try out the new items and blessings and see if they make a better preformance than the old starter items. I hope that this season will be MUCH better than the last one


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