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Unpopular opinions thread.

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Forum » General Discussion » Unpopular opinions thread. 114 posts - page 12 of 12
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DV-8 » March 16, 2022 7:54pm | Report
xmysterionz wrote:

I'm still thinking Cupid needs a rework (with a remodel). He is that kind of god affected mainly by the time. I mean, look recent Hunters as Cabidis and Danza, you don't ask what they do, you ask what they don't do because they have pretty much everything on their kits. Cupid feels to rely on pure damage and at max the AoE cripple from ulti (that was already nerfed) which can be very frustrating when boxing. If both of those Hunters I mentioned miss something they have a lot of things they can do to keep boxing, while with cupid if you miss your 1 you're either dead or lost your kill and that sucks. No need to mention your stun is predictable + the enemy knows if you will stun or not even before you fire your skill.
I think the thing that hurt Cupid more than anything else was the "Not Brawling" healing debuff. The way his healing ability is designed, it is more practical to use when out-of-combat, so his heal is almost always nerfed.

That being said, Danza and CardiB still don't have the same sustain that Cupid does. Cupid is better equipped to poke, out sustain, and only go in/box for a kill when he has an advantage. When he gets ahead he is actually quite strong.

In summary, I think he could use a buff, but I wouldn't say he is obsolete enough to require a rework. Especially not before some other gods who really need one...


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » March 21, 2023 9:47am | Report
xmysterionz wrote:

I'm still thinking Cupid needs a rework (with a remodel). He is that kind of god affected mainly by the time. I mean, look recent Hunters as Cabidis and Danza, you don't ask what they do, you ask what they don't do because they have pretty much everything on their kits. Cupid feels to rely on pure damage and at max the AoE cripple from ulti (that was already nerfed) which can be very frustrating when boxing. If both of those Hunters I mentioned miss something they have a lot of things they can do to keep boxing, while with cupid if you miss your 1 you're either dead or lost your kill and that sucks. No need to mention your stun is predictable + the enemy knows if you will stun or not even before you fire your skill.

Time passes but my opinion remains. A rework and remodel would be great. It's a shane the god of love have a mesme but not a taunt or something like that to force people come to "hug" or each other.

I just hope hirez see my rework concept and fix that


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » March 21, 2023 10:20am | Report
Another unpopular opinion, bastet second rework was better than this one.

That ulti with the 2 cats was nuts, much better than the feline fenrir now


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by taleberton » December 18, 2023 7:45am | Report
Smite is a completely balenced game with the worlds nicest playerbase! Hirez is the best compamy ever and is totally not satans foot hold on earth!
indigocard activate
roblox exploit


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