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What Gods should be ban in rank on console? and other rank questions.

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Forum » General Discussion » What Gods should be ban in rank on console? and other rank questions. 9 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RomanSilver » July 17, 2017 4:24pm | Report
I asking because some gods are a lot harder to play in console while others are super easy compare to the PC version from My experience.

What are the best gods and how do you counter them? No just from counter picking but from a build too?

For example people on console think Geb is **** or something but why? I don't see much from him on console while on PC I see him a lot.

Anything you guys want to add is welcome.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » July 17, 2017 4:50pm | Report
Hey Roman,

Well...I don't play ranked, so my response is dependent on the logic in my head, which may or may not be accurate =P

First, your question is waaaaaaaaaaay open-ended, as you're sort of asking about gods as a whole, and how you counter the better ones with builds...that could be a longer answer than even I would be willing to write!

Difficulty on Console vs PC:

This is why I choose specific gods to play on PS4...I'm decent (not good) on aiming left and right, but hate having to add the distance factor into that as well. It's why I choose Medusa instead of Artemis, for example.

At the same time, I think overall skill level comes into play regarding the ease of some gods in console. With aiming difficulty, some gods have better mobility to dodge, and some gods have really nice, AOE CC, like Ymir. On PC, people can almost immediately do a 180 and get the hell out of there, whereas on console, the analog turning is just slower, even with sensitivity turned up. So it's easier to catch some people on console, based on both control and skill.

Picking/Countering and Geb

Give a couple of god examples and we can give some specific answers...who in your experience is a commonly picked god on console, and in what role, that you'd like an example for?

And because that's the only response I have on that right now, let's also tackle your Geb question. Geb is a reactionary god with regard to his shield. In order to be effective with him, you're going to need to be quick with it to save teammates. You can be VERY quick on PC with mouse aiming...and you already know my thoughts on console. This is his absolute calling card. He has very little damage in his kit...just a knockup and stun, and that ult, although it sounds like it does a lot of damage, is mitigated...and because he doesn't have high damage, you're not going to build much pen. Knockup can be nice, but again...reaction...this time from an Awilix going to be ready to ult from it? Will others have time to take advantage with quick skill casting?

The other thing is mindset...on Console, it seems like there are more YOLO people. Of course, it's a problem on both platforms. People just usually prefer to deal damage rather than control the field and soak damage. People usually get more satisfaction from getting kills, and think that the kill means they're doing awesome, even if they deal like 5,000 damage the entire match. So Geb is out when it comes to kicking ***, at least for most. At least, that's my opinion of it.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Tlaloc1050 » July 17, 2017 8:52pm | Report
I always ban Awilix. If you pair her up with a team who can knock people up you're gonna have a hard time. Example: Awilix, Vulcan, Nike, Sylvanus, and Hou Yi. A good counter to her is Stone of Gaia or Phantom Veil before the new changes since it benefits the entire team.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RomanSilver » July 17, 2017 10:50pm | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

Hey Roman,

Well...I don't play ranked, so my response is dependent on the logic in my head, which may or may not be accurate =P

First, your question is waaaaaaaaaaay open-ended, as you're sort of asking about gods as a whole, and how you counter the better ones with builds...that could be a longer answer than even I would be willing to write!

Difficulty on Console vs PC:

This is why I choose specific gods to play on PS4...I'm decent (not good) on aiming left and right, but hate having to add the distance factor into that as well. It's why I choose Medusa instead of Artemis, for example.

At the same time, I think overall skill level comes into play regarding the ease of some gods in console. With aiming difficulty, some gods have better mobility to dodge, and some gods have really nice, AOE CC, like Ymir. On PC, people can almost immediately do a 180 and get the hell out of there, whereas on console, the analog turning is just slower, even with sensitivity turned up. So it's easier to catch some people on console, based on both control and skill.

Picking/Countering and Geb

Give a couple of god examples and we can give some specific answers...who in your experience is a commonly picked god on console, and in what role, that you'd like an example for?

And because that's the only response I have on that right now, let's also tackle your Geb question. Geb is a reactionary god with regard to his shield. In order to be effective with him, you're going to need to be quick with it to save teammates. You can be VERY quick on PC with mouse aiming...and you already know my thoughts on console. This is his absolute calling card. He has very little damage in his kit...just a knockup and stun, and that ult, although it sounds like it does a lot of damage, is mitigated...and because he doesn't have high damage, you're not going to build much pen. Knockup can be nice, but again...reaction...this time from an Awilix going to be ready to ult from it? Will others have time to take advantage with quick skill casting?

The other thing is mindset...on Console, it seems like there are more YOLO people. Of course, it's a problem on both platforms. People just usually prefer to deal damage rather than control the field and soak damage. People usually get more satisfaction from getting kills, and think that the kill means they're doing awesome, even if they deal like 5,000 damage the entire match. So Geb is out when it comes to kicking ***, at least for most. At least, that's my opinion of it.

These are the gods I cannot deal with if the players are good. It doesn't matter what role I play against them. If they are good I get eaten alive by them not matter what.

chronos I feel like he just walk up to me and kill me.
Janus. I not even sure why I die to this guy.
He bo. I feel like he always CC me and I not even sure how to build against him.
Vulcan pisses me off to no end. Feel like takes forever to kill him when he low on health.
Hades. I not sure what to do against him other than anti heal.
Nox. Example.I pick Bellona and she keep using her silence on me when I try using the hammer. Is not once but always.
Ymir. His passive is a problem that I not sure how deal with. Especially when I build support.
Ah punch. His dead bodies I do not know how to deal with it.

Do you know how to make Terra or Aphrodite not be ****? I try playing them but I feel like I lack too much damage or cannot take any damage a all. I feel like I get carry when I play them.


Posts: 18
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » July 18, 2017 1:01am | Report
So...mostly you're playing Mid-lane? Is this for ranked Joust or Conquest, or duel?

Some gods, you have to bait them and get them to commit before doing anything yourself. Nox for example...if you're Bellona (duel then?) you should just never use your hammer until she uses her silence...use anything else than that. Nothing you can really do. But yeah, guess we would need to know more on role and mode also, to understand who you might be picking or choosing as a counter-pick.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » July 18, 2017 2:39am | Report
I do not have much experience on console, but I would ban Merc, Odin?, Zeus?, Hades?
Idk to be honest, but the brain dead fatalis assassins seems strong.
IGN: Marki

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » July 18, 2017 2:55am | Report
Good and Must bans for PS4 Ranked Conquest (before mid season patch arrives):

Bellona, Osiris, Cernunnos, Susano, Ravana, Sol, Thoth, Fafnir, Ganesha, Terra, Hou Yi, Odin(counters bracer and gods who need phantom to escape his cage), Medusa, Sun Wukong, Hun Batz, Khepri, Geb (Not bad at all he is quite good but there are better picks). I would say The Morrigan but she is never picked (She is a good pick though if u can play her).

An example of counter picks would be Poseidon and Awilix if you are playing Thoth or Fenrir.

But if you need bans for a different game mode (im guessing Joust) please specify.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RomanSilver » July 24, 2017 10:05am | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

So...mostly you're playing Mid-lane? Is this for ranked Joust or Conquest, or duel?

Some gods, you have to bait them and get them to commit before doing anything yourself. Nox for example...if you're Bellona (duel then?) you should just never use your hammer until she uses her silence...use anything else than that. Nothing you can really do. But yeah, guess we would need to know more on role and mode also, to understand who you might be picking or choosing as a counter-pick.

Sorry for the late reply. Life happened.

I play mostly conquest but also today I started playing rank duel.

Umm got any idea how to deal with ISIS? Because I did so poorly against her that I banning her from now on <_< I was playing Scylla. She keep spamming her abilities while hitting for a million damage from the star of the match.


Posts: 18
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RomanSilver » July 24, 2017 10:07am | Report
Kriega1 wrote:

Good and Must bans for PS4 Ranked Conquest (before mid season patch arrives):

Bellona, Osiris, Cernunnos, Susano, Ravana, Sol, Thoth, Fafnir, Ganesha, Terra, Hou Yi, Odin(counters bracer and gods who need phantom to escape his cage), Medusa, Sun Wukong, Hun Batz, Khepri, Geb (Not bad at all he is quite good but there are better picks). I would say The Morrigan but she is never picked (She is a good pick though if u can play her).

An example of counter picks would be Poseidon and Awilix if you are playing Thoth or Fenrir.

But if you need bans for a different game mode (im guessing Joust) please specify.

Sorry for the reply being so late but life man.
Thanks but I also play mostly conquest and started playing duel today.


Posts: 18

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