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Where is Elo H3ll And how do i get out

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Forum » General Discussion » Where is Elo H3ll And how do i get out 18 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Salehaza » September 3, 2015 6:44pm | Report
I have a history full of 20-4 ish type games where i can't find a team. I'm trying to duo que with a few friends... but the level of incompetency makes winning any single match a complete coinflip at this elo. Silver 3.

What is the best way to completely destroy and carry a team of otherwise terrible members?. I try to stay positive and avoid Bm'ing. Yet, you can only lose so many games in a row with ADC's/Mids under 20k damage at 40 minutes before you **** your pants.

Which gods are the biggest Hyper Carries?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Diomedes232 » September 3, 2015 6:52pm | Report
Chronos can absolutely run a game if you get momentum, Kali can technically out box anyone and has the highest potential but is a bit harder to get online. Those 2 are the top of the absolute can carry a game potential but Freya has very high damage output as well and is easy to play.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Salehaza » September 4, 2015 12:19am | Report
Im thinking of playing a little Medusa... easily fed.. Huge Damage. Great Ulti... Serqet in jungle is another easy fed god that can damage carry

idk. this is breaking my heart


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Zilby » September 4, 2015 12:32am | Report
I've been having success carrying with Bastet since she's not a top pick and is super easy to get you and your teammates fed early.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » September 4, 2015 1:10am | Report
first of Elo hell doesn't exist (however silver is in the middle of qualifier matches making a lot of just hit lvl 30 players with req amount of masteries get into your game) it's a believe a bad one.

For roles the best roles would be roles with high damage being mostly jungle, adc, mid.

Still carrying on your own is hard you should keep an eye out for rotating and stuff to help others win there lane. And at least you don't flame so that doesn't cost you team morale.

Still with duo queue you should be able to climb pretty well (if both are competent because if you are mid and your queue mate solo and he or you loses the lane it's harder)

Also a thing to look at is how is pushing going as in if you win a teamfight try to take a tower as this is also something what make a lot of teams lose (especially early/mid game power spike teams) as you can lose your momentum with it.

Also don't forget to look at yourself as sometimes a small mistake you made could have been one of the differences of winning and losing.

Also don't surrender too fast as sometimes your enemy gets cocky or makes a mistake which can turn a game around (this comes from someone who has played dota were sometimes you get snowballed hard on and then a mistake and still won (with a negative team score of at least 15 kills difference) so there is always a chance of a comeback)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » September 4, 2015 1:20am | Report
IMO just go kali jungle, farm farm farm farm farm until you get Qin's and Fatalis up build Obow for more teamfight DPS. And just play safe, NEVER die for a team mate, ward (ask other ppl to ward) make good calls (focus towers when you can).

Or play Bellona, frostbound and qin's and ichaival gg.

Ares support and just chain kids up in your basement. Or Herc.

Loki solo is pretty ez to carry with to. Or chronos as mentioned.

Freya adc or jungle is fairly easy to (I can't adc her for **** doe).

Merc is pretty easy in low elo games as well.

Or xbal adc.

Jungle is probably the easiest role to carry with, or support IMO (in low elo games).

But if you are good enough to be higher ranked than you are, you will get there over time. Like your team is 4 randoms the enemy team is 5. So you already got a better team on paper :p

Low elo games are all about not dying and just kill ppl when they **** up ;)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Zilby » September 4, 2015 1:25am | Report
The problem is ever GETTING Bellona in a ranked match :o
Smite Account: Zilby__________Steam Account: Zilby
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Salehaza » September 6, 2015 12:21pm | Report
Ok. Realistically. I think there is such a thing as elo hell. To carry games you have to play well above your elo. If your trying to get to 1200. you need to play like a 1500. From 300+ games played ive bounced between silver 4-1.. I jungle very well, so that has been my carry of choice. I decided to stop playing hun batz/thor because their damage output is middlish. But they require follow up and good team fight organization to be more effective than a high single target damage dealing jungler I.E serqet/kali/arachne/awilix/loki. and outside of their ulti's, they are largely ineffective. So in games when you can barely trust your mid laner to rotate with you to back camps and mids... Your better off getting one of these executing gods, and picking out their weakest members to farm.. serqet and kali get their CC back on a 12-15 secondish cooldown, giving them more opportunities to roam and farm more kills.

I've described the games to friends as a coin flip. Which team will get the biggest feeding lane.. In more competitive games. you won't see more then 2-4 kills in the first 5 minutes because people understand how to farm and don't get caught out of position as much. In Silver games... the game is most times decided by 10 minutes. When one team completely annihilates the other. occasionally the enemy team makes a huge error. gets picked once or twice. and the post pick gf/fg will balance out the gold difference.

One game i got 42k player damage on an ares. Completely destroying a qualifying duo lane.. The next game. My solo laner died 7 times by 10 minutes. to a ullr as a wukong.... coin flip

I want to improve my game as much as possible. Yet, with these ridiculously one sided matches, I'm not learning much. I check reddit, read guides, watch streams, understand rotations/actives/ when i have an advantage in a fight/ when to run/ which gods counter which.. I can play any roll. Although i could use some work in solo lane..

Plus if i don't get jungle, my next best roll is ADC. In low elo play. The ADC is the most insignificant member of the team, because the game is likely decided in mid and solo. So breaking even and just farming against the enemy, takes the game really out of your hands. Even if you outbox them, and aggressively outfarm them. If your mid/Jungle arent rotating as well as the enemy team because they are behind. You'll likely lose your lane to crazy 4 man tower diving rotations from hell, regardless of how well you ward/outplay the enemy.

Idk. just thoughts and heartbreak Q.Q


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » September 6, 2015 2:03pm | Report
I still see it as a believe as Elo hell is just blaming MM for everything (and mostly done by team flamers). Still the game is not always decided at 10 mins unless someone goes afking or just intentional feeding/trolls then it is. however as you said errors are still possible (and in silver It's more common then in diamond etc)

I don't know how communication is or the reactions (I do expect a harsh response though) but if someone is dying a lot as them (politly) if they can play more passively (making ganks easier).

if you plan on carrying your team the best pick is either jungle or mid as if the match goes bad the adc won't come online.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Salehaza » September 6, 2015 10:55pm | Report
I will admit i flame pretty hard. when i'm having a monster game or we pick a really good match-up. and the team feeds... it kills me... because the things i whine about are common sense in my mind.

Elo hell example from my games today... 14-5 on isis. duo que'd buddy went 14-4 on bellona still almost lost due to a feeder duo lane, but we carried em pretty hard... 21-5 on kali... team almost threw the game by repeatedly getting picked off/ focusing a wukong over ah puch and rama.. literally nobody else on the team went positive and i was buying 3k pots when they were still finishing last items, 11-6 on serqet(finally a great team, awesome communication.. i did awesome and didnt have to carry too hard.). +6-8 tp from each of those... 3 monster games and hard as heck work... canceled by 1 game -15 tp.

1 loss from a bad mid who is losing to janus/serq as Poseidon with me as bellona.. he must have never laned against a janus because he got hit by almost every unstable vortex/portal. Him being so poked out, we forfeited mid camps with a weak *** steal whirlpool attempt. Put us behind. Got a couple good ganks for Ullr ADC against Apollo, but he kept pushing too far into lane when mid was getting rekt, so serqet fed on him. also never bought beads against ares... no rotations from sylv to help with mids + being behind with a poor mid = gg Unfortunately. Bellona is a somewhat supporty jungler, along the lines of hun batz, until your full built with frostbound and qins sais. its a rough day trying to box a serqet or janus with no backup.. Poseidon also never crippled serqet. He just ran like hell from her. instead of clearing with his 1 and 2 and saving whirl pool for her being over extended(which she was repeatedly). I would have loved to stack the slow from shield bash/Kraken. But he was almost never at full hp/ and he didnt understand their range/kit, so he was super super passive and getting farmed... failing to understand skill shots and god kits is like bronze 3 **** in my mind. We should have had a very easy matchup

I have to coach people on where to go/what to do... if we win this fight or get a good gank on duo. were turning on gold, make sure you have sentries.... if we win here. pop this and that tower and then back fast. like... it's not simply killing the fluck out of everyone. its teaching them the game. Half the time they dont even listen. How many times have you had to scream into your mic at a split pushing ADC without a good escape? Rama with beads down. medusa, neith.. trying to split push towers when they're only getting picked.. Ive had to send my entire team to back up a split pushing hades rather than give a pick for free... people think carrying yourself out of elo hell is as simple as getting a ton of kills or being a good player... but its really complicated... You can kill everyone and go 20-0 every game but if the team isn't listening to "kill this flucking Phoenix" when its 4v1 with 15 seconds left on re-spawn and Janus ulti still up... eventually the enemy catches up... Or my favorite example of people not understanding god kits... A Sylvanis that tries to sentry ward FG when half his teams down and then realizes hes the slowest character in game with no escape when he gets thunder boned.

these are legit problems at my elo. People dont understand other gods kits. The strengths and weaknesses of their own kit... What actives counter which gods, Some people go a whole game and never get an active, they just start getting power pots... How to properly ban gods... its just autistic team deathmatch... That my friends... is elo hell. Carry the **** out of 3-5 games... and hopefully you never lose 1...

Its a ponzi scheme to get people to make a new account and re-buy the god pack so they can re-qualify xD


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