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[RMSEP13] First Review

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » [RMSEP13] First Review 25 posts - page 1 of 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RazeMage » September 20, 2013 3:41am | Report
Hi again guys.

Today, 20th of September, me and my judges will score your god ideas here

They will only give a brief score and how they think about it

From here, you are allowed to :
1. Submit god ideas IF you haven't
2. Tweak your god idea but no big change

You have 2 days to fix it. At 22th of September, the submission will be scored the second time and the top 5 will be chosen

The next info will be coming at 22th


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Swampmist1142 » September 20, 2013 1:11pm | Report
Here's mine:

Hydra: 6

Great damage, but his abilties seem to make his movement worse, witch can be a problem. Still, very strong

vidar: 5

As good as I find this, the early game problems are too much, even for an ADC. It'd be better as an assasin, really

Nemisis: 7

Great concept, and does the Nagical ADC well. Very Powerful indeed, even when compared to someone like, say, chronos or freya.

Pometheus: He's mine, I'll not be commenting on him. You guys can if you want, but I honestly believe that I could have done much better

Houyi (LordAvalen): 8

An amazing concept, a good kit, and I love the amount of CC and map control he would have. In my opinion, near-perfect for a carry.

Lord Rama: 9

This, though, is the probable best. A dash, a passive crit boost and active speed boost, a high damage, healer-beater skill-shot, and the ulti is just as well as our new friend Thanatos's, and even may be buffed based on his. Definetally my top contender as of now.

Shakpana: 7

another strong concept, although a little RNG for mst peoples tastes, and the 3 may need some balancing. The Ulti is good, but again may need some balancing.

Coyote: 6
Fairly strong, but the gold stealing is a little much and the 2 is just useless because it ends if you move.

Ullr: 5
I'm sorry, but what? Less minion targeting than Nez Ha, a defence boost and no basic attack buff of any kind? I'm sorry, but no. Needs seriosu rebalancing.

Houyi (Jararo): 8
Just as strong as the other Houyi, Jararou helps his case with lore and very good-sounding names. Probably my second place at this point, it's got everything it needs to be an ADC, and then some!

Charon: 6

I'm sorry Buddha, but this just isn't all that good. The abilties work strangely, he has problems with the whole "Double Powers" thing, and at this point he's not bringing much to the table. Others may or may not share my opinion, but he doesn't really seem to fit this months theme.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » September 20, 2013 2:28pm | Report
I will be doing this on a one by one basis, starting with Hydra.

Hydra: 7. I love the idea of a kog'maw-esque champion, but his dodge ability is confusingly placed. I like the idea of the heads, but I feel it's lost on me. His 2 and 3 have no effect from it, the 1 has only 5 damage per head, with 7 finally getting an effect, and his ult finally makes his heads worth it. But let's be serious, if he doesn't have a 2.0 KDA, he has only his base head, and is useless. This, combined with his lack of escape, makes Hydra prone to being camped early game, and useless late game. I'd suggest reworking his 3 into more of an escape, such as one like Caitlyn's from LoL - lobs a giant splotch of ooze while jumping backwards (a bigger version of Vulcan). Also rework his passive into more things while not making him overpowered
Creativity - 9
Utility - 4
Damage - 7
CC - 0
Laning - 5
Overall - 7


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » September 20, 2013 2:38pm | Report
Vidar: 5. I love the *idea* of this character, and the idea of doing more damage based on kills of the enemy is amazing - it makes him duel well with his opponent, not absolutely wreck the support, and provides the ability to catch back up in lane if he falls behind. However, he is more of a bruiser than anything else. He has an amazing ult - and I say this in a more negative way. He does 75 damage, times the kills of the enemy (max 20), plus 100% physical power. Now let's do some math. Assume you're charging the carry (Since for some reason this is not like Ne Zha, and you can actually change direction) - who has 20 kills. You have 500 physical power and your team has lost two members. This does 75 x 20 x 1.25 + 500 = 2,375 damage. Taking away the passive is still 2,000 damage. This one shots a carry. Instantly, no possibility of living, while you CAN change direction, and still have a ridiculous kit. You could build full tank-bruiser, even, and still do high 1800/1900 damage.

His stomp is melee, his ult is melee, his dodge is a speed increaser with immunity to CC, and his final ability is just an attack steroid. You have created a ranged bruiser, who is impossible to beat in lane at any phase of the game.

Suggestions: Rework the ult and the dash - make it a true dash similar to Apollo's instead of a straight up ridiculous speed increaser. No one should move that fast while still being able to auto attack - dashes are self-CCing, and in itself, balanced. Rework the scalings on the 1/4 PLEASE, it makes it ridiculous dangerous and broken. His passive is an interesting take but it is pretty useless in lane.

Creativity: 7
Damage: 10 (that is not a 10/10 good, that means he's absolutely broken) Rating - 6/10
Utility - 4
CC - 3
Escape - 4
Laning - 8
Overall - 5 - Too overpowered to function in current game


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » September 20, 2013 2:46pm | Report
Nemesis - the revenger? Odd name. 4. As far as I remember, magical carries cannot crit. They can also, more or less, only build Demonic Grip, Fatalis, and then random magic power items. This means your entry is not a carry, as past this she becomes a full mage, similar to Chronos or Freya. Additionally, her abilities having extra effects when they are 'revenged' makes no sense, as revenge is applied when she is killed. She has no escape, no CC outside of a minor slow, and is made to just do ridiculous amounts of damage early game. However, since she does 50% scaling instead of 100% attack damage scaling, she falls off hard late game when her attacks start doing only 1/2 of what the normal carry can do, much quicker, and much more efficiently.

Her ult is just a glorified Isis ult. As a matter of fact, I don't think it's different whatsoever, except it doesn't heal you, and has no base damage, so it can end up being 100% useless.
If you wish to keep this in the entry, I would consider a full rework to fit an AD, and include a reworked ult, and an escape ability. OH, and almost forgot, she has 0 waveclear unless she's right on top of the minions.

Creativity - 5
Damage - 8 early game, 4 late game
Utility - 5
CC - 1
Escape - 0
Laning - 6
Overall - 4


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » September 20, 2013 2:57pm | Report
Prometheus: 6. I think his passive is a tad overpowered, Start with a level 1 point in his crit steroid, and start with something like Rage as an early item, and you basically do 10% of someone's health + auto attack damage whenever you feel like it. His Thor-like escape is overpowered, as it activates even FASTER since there's no 'teleportation' waiting period. I don't like the amount of CC he has, either, as the chain that CC's them while being pulled, in addition to doing a ridiculously high amount of damage early game, is kind of stupid, when paired with his blind on top of it, into a lot of auto attacks. His ult should NEVER, EVER hit allies. Good god that is cause for trolling. You never EVER let attacks hit allies because all it does is welcome people who are willing to grief their team, or just be overall bad, to make their ALLIES pay for it. No please.

Overall, his 2 is too tank-like, make it instead of CCing the target while they clash together, just bring him to the target, and have ability to hit terrain. Think Nautilus from League of Legends - if he hits terrain, he pulls himself to it. Then remove the teleportation on blind, and you've still got a decent escape. Teleportation is overpowered on carries, much less anyone else - look at the grief Loki gets for using his ULTIMATE as a blink, much less a regular ability. His 2 does too much base damage, however, and not enough dot damage, contrary to the overpowered passive.

Creativity - 8
Damage - 7
Utility - 5 (Blink detracts from this - overpowered)
CC - 6 (Tone it down for a higher score)
Laning - 8 (Not too overpowered, but too synergetic with a jungler gank with Blind+Pull)
Overall - 6


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » September 20, 2013 3:09pm | Report
Houyi: 6. I really, really wanted to love the idea, but as I continued on he started becoming overpowered. Let me start, I love his passive. Similar to Apollo and Cupid, yet not too overdone. Perfect amount of harass, and utilization of it shows a good player from a bad. His 1 thought is very confusing. Is it just a really wide linear shot? If so, be careful it's not *too* easy to hit. His 2 is a ripoff of chronos, but done intelligently. However, I find 0 reason to use Rock when you can use Fire, same scaling, but with extra base damage on fire over time. I, believe it or not, find the stun TOO short on wind for micromanagement of his 2 to be worth it, while the knockback is great for cancelling abilities or getting away. His 3 is a decent speed boost, to chase or to flee, but it's just a glorified Slither, that lets assassins like Fenrir and Loki melt you - please don't use speed boosts as escapes. Finally, his ult is where I lost it - overpowered to hell. 10 instant auto attacks anywhere on the map? You're talking Neith here, but like, times 4. Mid lane is dead. Jungler is dead. Anyone you want is dead, and it effectively gives you 100% map vision since you see where they are to use it.

IMO, rework a tad bit on the 2, rework his escape, and good god choose a new ult, please. He's a horrible escaping carry that remains average, except for that god-awful broken ult.

Creativity - 6
Damage - 6 (You'd have gotten a 9 for the perfect balance, except for the ult)
Utility - 7
CC - 8 (Perfect mix of passive and choice on ice or wind on 2, if hard to micromanage)
Laning - 5 (Perfect laning phase, but horrible escape makes him a free kill)
Overall - 6, due solely to current ult and escape status.

TO MAKE IT CLEAR. A 10 on CC, Utility, Laning, Damage, etc does not mean they are the best at it. It means they are the best balanced at it, they have everything they need. Having 0 CC or 100 forms of CC will merit a 0, but finding the balance gives a 10. It's about balance, that gives rating.
On that note, I've reviewed half of these god ideas, now I shall take a momentary leave and review the final half, for you all to continue working on your ideas.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RazeMage » September 20, 2013 10:01pm | Report
Hi guys, now it's time for me to review

Before, btw, i just realize i have lovely judges <3 They are really good at judging. Thanks Guys

Here is the review

Hydra, The Lernaean Monstrosity by Dark Jaw :
8/10. I love how it works. Poisoning enemies . Though, you should consider the damage, some are kinda too weak early but too strong lately. Good

Vidar, God of Vengeance By MyGoldfish
6/10 It felt like he is more of a bruiser from his 3 and 4. The dash is pretty weird. Rework some of it and increase the bonus from 1 but reduce stack. Love the idea but more work will be good

Nemesis, Goddess of Revenge(Roman) by KaleaMenshaKhaine
4/10 sorry. I think the idea is good but i am having ADC contest which actually magical gods (which is creative) but not seems right

Prometheus, The Flame-Bringer by Swampmist1142
7/10. Like the idea, but for god sake, the passive is OP. Reduce the percentage. The 1 deals too little damage and should be able to be cancelled. Other, good enough

Houyi, The Divine Archer (Chinese) by LordAvalen
7/10 Passive, too weak. the 1 and 2 is good but increase the damage in 1 and reduce the cd on 1. The 3 may need more thing (attack speed or something). Ult too strong, just reduce the amount he could hit. The idea is good though

Lord Rama The seventh avatar of vishnu or The Demon King (Ravana) Hunter by shakz180
9/10 Love the idea <3. not much to add. tweak some might be good

Shakpana, the African god of Plauges and Insanity! by M4XiiMUS
8/10 A bit too strong in all things in damage and the 3 might be too good. I like the idea though

Coyote, the Starthief by Sellardohr
8/10, good, though the 2 might need some buff

Ullr, norse god of archery, hunting, and chase by SurvivorZombeh
7/10 Good idea, but the damage is so far from good. Increase it MUCH

Houyi, Archer of the Gods by JararoNatsu
9/10 Love it, very look like ADC

Charon, Ferryman of the Styx by HiFromBuddha
9/10 Another love, a lovely skill adc :D

That's it for now, see you later and good luck


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Swampmist1142 » September 21, 2013 5:24am | Report
see, thta's what I don't get: why is it OK for the Chharon to be a part-magical, part-physical ADC\Bruiser, but nemesis to not be when she has a massively boosted basic, and has a move that let's it crit? Anyway, thanks for the input guys, I suppose a re:work from me is on the way.


Remarkable (8)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HiFromBuddha » September 21, 2013 5:40am | Report

see, thta's what I don't get: why is it OK for the Chharon to be a part-magical, part-physical ADC\Bruiser, but nemesis to not be when she has a massively boosted basic, and has a move that let's it crit? Anyway, thanks for the input guys, I suppose a re:work from me is on the way.

Charon only has one very low scaling magical ability, and that's a utility spell. Considering how his only magical scaling is a 20% magical scaling on a low damage utility spell, there is pretty much no incentive to build magical on him as it is pretty much a waste. In reality, he's a short ranged adc bruiser that is meant to function in the jungle. As I have stated numerous times, his magical scalings are made to be low to show that physical is by far the best build.

I'd like you to just check out some league of legends champion designs. Champions such as Graves and Caitlyn have AP ratios on their utility abilities, but people still build them AD because it is a much better build.
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